KURSPLAN för individuell läskurs med tematiskt innehåll English title Swedish title

KURSPLAN för individuell läskurs med tematiskt innehåll
Nämnden för forskning och utbildning på forskarnivå
LS 64-2013/xxxx
Utbildning på forskarnivå
English title
Swedish title
The syllabus was approved by HK X 2013-XX-XX.
The syllabus was established and installed by the vice dean 2013-XX-XX.
The purpose of the course is that…
Admission requirements
Admission to doctoral research training programme.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the doctoral student should be able to…
Formats for the assessment of student performance
The formal assessment of the course will be…
The criteria for the assessment will be communicated to the students in the beginning of the course
Content and working format
The course theme of is agreed by the course leader and the student.
Grading scale
Pass and Fail
Course literature and other teaching aids
The choice of literature is approved by the course leader. Som allmänna riktlinjer gäller att litteraturen
ska vara av vetenskaoplig karaktär och med ett omfång på circa 1500 sidor.
Course evaluation
The course will be completed with an individual course evaluation which will be based on the objectives
of the course.