2015-2016 Classroom Handbook

First Grade
Ms. Kang
Room 3
Dear Parents and
I would like to welcome you and your child to my classroom. I am looking
forward to an adventurous year! We will be learning, exploring, experiencing, and
sharing many new things together this year. Our classroom motto for the year is,
“We learn and we grow.” My expectations for the students are that they
cooperate, work hard, be respectful, and do their best. My expectations for the
parents are that we work together as a team and make sure your child’s needs are
met every day.
In this handbook you should find the answers to most of your questions. If
you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to email
ahkang@mpsaz.org, call (480)-472-8903, or write me a note. I am looking forward
to sharing an exciting year with you!
Ms. Kang
Suggested Items to Send to School with your Child
a backpack or school bag to carry paper and projects from school to home
a large box of Kleenex to share (greatly appreciated!)
blue or black expo markers
two extra pencils
a glue stick
a water bottle may be brought – until a problem occurs
Due to lack of space in student desks, I ask that the thicker “Trapper Keeper” style notebooks
and pencil boxes are not brought to school. Pencil sharpeners are NOT allowed.
I supply folders, notebooks, crayons, and a pencil/supply tray in every desk.
Also, be sure to mark your child’s name on everything that is brought to school (lunch boxes,
jackets, backpacks, etc.)
Classroom Information
Birthdays are special days for students. If you would like, you may send a treat
for the class on your child’s birthday. Packaged cupcakes, cookies, or
individually wrapped treats work the best. I have students with peanut allergies
so please make sure the treats have NO NUTS. Summer birthdays can be
celebrated on half birthdays or at the end of the year.
Homework will be sent home in a homework folder on each Friday. All work
must be completed neatly and written in pencil only. All pages must be turned
in at that time and returned inside the folder. Weekly reading fluency is part of
their homework; it is not stapled since each student gets one at their reading
level. Homework is due on or before the following Thursday to receive a
sticker. For more information, look inside the homework folder.
It is very important that any money that your child brings to school is in an envelope or Ziploc
bag and must be labeled with the following: child’s name, room number, what the money is
for (lunch, book order, etc.)
Please dress your child in appropriate clothes so that they will be comfortable for
physical activity. Gym shoes and nonrestrictive garments are recommended for
safety reasons. Please check the schedule in this handbook for PE days.
School Lunches
Students may buy their lunch or bring a sack lunch. If your child purchases
lunch, please send their money in a sealed envelope with their name and
room number on it. Lunches can be purchased for the week or for any
amount of time. For those students who bring a lunch, please label their
lunch box or sack.
If you feel your child needs a healthy snack before lunch, you must supply one for them.
Please make sure snacks do not nuts in them. Recess is at 10:00 am and they will have their
snack at that time. We eat lunch at 11:10 am.
Water Bottles
Your child is allowed to bring a water bottle to school. Please make sure the water bottle is
labeled and sealed to help prevent spills. Water bottles stay on a shelf to prevent spills on
school supplies.
The only toys that are allowed to be played with at school are jump ropes and playground
balls. This prevents problems such as toys getting lost, stolen, or broken. If your child wants
to share a special toys or stuffed animal on their “show and share” day, the toy MUST remain
in your child’s backpack before and after “show and share”.
The weekly reading test and spelling test are given on Friday. Math tests are
given whenever we finish a math chapter.
Weekly Reports
A weekly report will be sent home every Friday. I place it inside the homework
folder. Please sign it and return it with your child on the following Monday.
There are times when I don’t send a weekly report (i.e. short weeks, parent
teacher conference week, testing week, etc.) However, I will always send a note
letting you know there are no weekly reports.
Discipline Plan
Classroom Rules: Always Be The Best You Can Be!!
1. Listen when your teacher is talking.
2. Follow directions quickly.
3. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
4. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
5. Make smart choices!
Ms. Kang’s Behavior Plan
At the beginning of each day, all children start on the Ready to Learn part of the chart. As the
day progresses, the students can either move up or down the behavior chart. Students who
perform exceptionally well can move up the chart to earn more stickers for that day. Students
who don’t follow rules move down the chart. All students will always be given a verbal
warning or reminder before they move down the chart. When students fill up their behavior
incentive chart, they will turn it in to receive a “piece” to help their plant grow. There is a
behavior board where students are able to see and track their growth in behavior as they earn
and watch the growth of their plant. Students may also be rewarded with other incentives to
keep them motivated to learn. You will be informed on the “weekly report” what your child’s
behavior was for the week. Below is the behavior chart with the rewards or consequences
that are given for that day.
Outstanding Job! – Earn 3 stickers
Great Day! – Earn 2 stickers
Ready to Learn – Earn 1 sticker
Think About It - Lose 5 minutes of recess
Make Better Choices - Lose 10 minutes of recess
Parent Contact - A call home and NO recess
Specials Schedule
Monday – Music (1:10 -1:40 pm)
Tuesday – P.E. (1:10 – 1:40 pm)
Wednesday – Media (1:10 -1:40 pm)
Thursday – P.E. (1:10 – 1:40 pm)
Friday – Computers (11:45 – 12:15 pm)
Recess – (10:00 – 10:15 am)
Lunch – (11:10 – 11:45 am)