QUICCC Global Health Internships S umme r Pro je c ts 2014 A ppl i c ati o n Please completed the application on the folling pages to apply to participate in the QUICCC Global Health Internship. This complete application is due via email to Nicolle Marinec (stecn@umich.edu) by 5pm EST on Friday, December 13, 2013. Please insert your first initial and last name in the title of the application document. E.G. Nmarinec_QUICCC Internship Application 2014.doc. Please read the application carefully and respond to all applicable questions. Thank you! QUICCC Global Health Internship – 2014 Summer Projects Application DUE: Friday, December 13 @ 5pm EST Name: Email: Phone number: Current degree program: [ ] Public health: Epidemiology [ ] Public health: Biostatistics [ ] Public health: Health behavior health education [ ] Public health: Health administration [ ] Public health: Environmental health [ ] School of Information [ ] School of Medicine: Year: ______ [ ] School of Nursing [ ] School of Social work [ ] School of Public Policy [ ] Other: ___________________________ PROJECT A REA S & LEA D ERS HIP POS ITION S RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 1. Please attach a copy of your CV/resume and briefly highlight (3-5 sentences) your relevant experiences related to public health, research, community-based service delivery, and/or working with Latino communities. 2. Describe any relevant experience and previous leadership positions you have had. SHORT ANSWER_(200 words or less) 1. Why are you interested in being part of QUICCC’s Global health internship this summer? 2. What skills/knowledge/experience do you hope to gain from your participation in this project(s)? 3. What do you plan to contribute to this project and as a member of the team? What specific skills or qualities do you think would make you a good fit for this project? 4. What is your personal philosophy regarding global health activities? What principles or attitudes do you adhere to in approaching an international service learning experience? S PA N IS H B A CKGROU N D 1. Describe your background in Spanish language, e.g. are you a native speaker, how many semesters/years did you study Spanish in high school/college, have you done any self-study in Spanish or studied abroad? 2. How would you rate your ability to read, write and communicate verbally in Spanish? Native Spanish speaker ....................................... □ Yes □ No Reading [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Fluent Advanced Intermediate Beginner Willing to learn Writing [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Fluent Advanced Intermediate Beginner Willing to learn Speaking [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Fluent Advanced Intermediate Beginner Willing to learn Spanish Comprehension [ [ [ [ [ ] Fluent ] Advanced ] Intermediate ] Beginner ] Willing to learn Spanish