LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL BYLAWS (SIAC) ARTICLE I -- NAME AND ADDRESS Lincoln Elementary School 930 South Sirrine Mesa, Arizona 85210 ARTICLE II -- PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE The purpose of the Lincoln School Advisory Council (SIAC) is to serve an advisory capacity to the principal for the purpose of improving the quality of education at the school. It allows community members and staff to have a voice on issues, and also provides the opportunity to work together to determine the best and most effective way of allocating resources in order to deliver a sound educational program for Lincoln students and to make a good school even better. ARTICLE III -- BASIC POLICIES A. The Lincoln School Advisory Council shall operate within current Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mesa Public School District Policies and Procedures. B. The SIAC will focus on overall school improvement C. Membership in this organization shall be available without regard to race, color, creed, religion, or national origin D. SIAC will meet no less than six times per school year based on Governing Board Policy. ARTICLE IV -- MEMBERSHIP A. Membership: The School Advisory Council shall be comprised of at least five staff members, at least three-five parents/guardians and the principal for a total of 11 members. B. Staff membership would include: 4 certificated and 1 support staff member. The location, department, or grade level makes no difference in regard to membership. C. Members shall serve for one year. D. The SIAC can appoint members to the council in the event that a group is not well represented. ARTICLE V -- ELECTION OF MEMBERSHIP A. The Staff membership: Staff elections shall take place at the second staff meeting via self-nominations or nomination. B. The Parent Membership: The Parent Membership shall be elected at the first PTO meeting of the school year via self-nominations or nomination. C. Filling Vacancies: In the event that a vacancy occurs prior to the term expiring, the vacancy shall be publicized in the school newsletter and the staff newsletter asking for self nominations. The Council shall approve and appoint the new member. The new member shall serve until the end of the current year. ARTICLE VI -- ROLES OF THE MEMBERSHIP All members are considered equal. The SIAC will strive to make decisions by consensus. 1. The principal a. The principal shall act as the facilitator for the meetings. b. The principal shall advise the council on such topics as policies, regulations, standards, and objectives. c. The principal shall prepare the agenda using input from the council. d. The principal or designee shall communicate with the remaining council regarding meeting times, minutes, and other business for the council. e. The principal shall have veto power in the event there is a violation of Arizona Revised Statutes, Mesa Public School District Policies and Procedures or will not serve in the best interest of the school or students. 2. The Recorder: a. The recorder shall be a voluntary member of the council. The recorder may be a different person at each meeting and shall be determined at the council meeting. b. The recorder shall take notes of the meeting. The notes will be given to the principal who shall have them distributed to the members in a timely manner. ARTICLE VII -- MEETINGS A. Regular Meetings: 1. The Council shall hold a minimum of six meetings per year. 2. The Council shall determine at the first meeting of each year, what the schedule of meetings shall be for that year. This shall include meeting time, place and frequency. 3. At the first meeting of the year, the SIAC shall determine the yearly agenda or needs for the year. The SIAC shall recognize that other items may be added to the agenda as the year progresses. B. Quorums: 1. A quorum shall be five members. 2. If a quorum is not in attendance at a meeting and a decision must be made, the members shall consider: a. tabling the motion b. voting by proxy when absent members’ wishes are known by a member who is present or c. voting by phone call 3. The SIAC will strive to make decisions by consensus. ARTICLE IX -- RELATIONSHIP WITH PTO A. The Lincoln School Advisory Council and Parent Council are separate entities which shall support one another. Their goal is to benefit the children. ARTICLE X -- EVALUATION Some type of systematic evaluation process will be developed yearly by each SIAC to obtain feedback and comments from the school community