2009 – 2010 Perkins Basic Grant Goal Each school will be assigned one 2009 – 2010 Perkins goal. As part of your CTE stipend for next year, you will be responsible in writing an objective and measurable outcome to meet that goal. If you intend on receiving this stipend for next year, please return the attached sheet to your program specialist by May 15th. You may choose to work on this goal by yourself or with your CTE department. Each teacher will be required to: Create an objective – The What Create a measurable outcome – The How Create an evaluation method – The Proof Develop a budget/if needed Turn in mid-year narrative (a summary of what has been accomplished) Turn in final narrative (a summary of how you met the goal) Turn in supporting documentation of how you or your team met the goal Optional presentation of goal at end-of-year meeting If you or your team would like work on this project during the summer, there is some funding available to pay you for your time. This would be at the current curriculum rate. Please see your program specialist after May 1 for more information. 2009- 2010 CTE Basic Grant Goal Schools: Dobson High School, Hendrix, Rhodes, Powell Goal 3: Skill Attainment Improve academic and technical skills of Career and Technical Education students through integration of academics with Career and Technical Education programs [§134(b)(3)(B)]. Teach Career and Technical Education students the same rigorous and challenging academic standards, per ESEA of 1965, as all other students, and encourage CTE students to enroll in rigorous courses [§134(b)(3)(D)(E)] [§135(b)(1)]. SAMPLE BG OBJECTIVES: Objective: Career and Technical Education teachers will work with academic teachers to integrate Arizona’s Academic Standards into CTE curriculum. Measurable Outcome: Integrated curriculum and team teaching schedules. Performance Measures 1S1 and 1S2 scores will meet/exceed the State Adjusted Levels of Performance. Evaluation Method: Curriculum product, teacher evaluations, Performance Measures 1S1 and 1S2 scores. Objective: Career and Technical Education teachers will include workbased learning experiences for students that focus on the use of academic skills in the workplace. Measurable Outcome: Identified workplace academic skills (duties and tasks) for all CTE programs that have a work-based learning experience. Student academic attainment will meet/exceed the State Adjusted Levels of Performance resulting from identified workplace academic skills. Evaluation Method: Complete lesson plans that include academic skills used in the workplace (listing duties and tasks that promote acquisition of academic skills in work-based learning). Job task/duty sheets for workbased experiences. Performance measure scores. Application- Goal 3: Skill Attainment Please fill out the following information and return to your specialist by May 15th. Name: _______________________________________ School : ________________________________________ I will be working in a team to meet this goal I will be working with ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I will NOT be working in a team to meet this goal State the Objective for this goal. State the Measurable Outcomes for this objective. State the Evaluation Method for this objective. Please check the appropriate box if Perkins funds will be needed to meet this goal. Instruction Support Services Support Services Capital Outlay None of the above 2009- 2010 CTE Basic Grant Goal Schools: Mesa High, Mesa Jr., Taylor GOAL 4: PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT - Based upon the State Program of Study models, eligible recipient must begin planning to participate in at least one Program of Study as described in §122(c)(1)(A), §134(b)(3)(A) and §135(b)(1). Develop, improve, expand technology in Career and Technical Education programs [§135(b)(4)(7)]. Sample objective for establishing a CTSO. Objective: By November 1, 2009 ___________ High School will establish __________ [Insert name of CTSO] which has a charter, a membership roster, written constitution and by-laws and developed a program of work. Measurable Outcome: The CTSO has filed an application for charter, created a membership list, established a written constitution and by-laws and completed a program of work, all of which have been submitted to the state association. Evaluation Method: Copies of CTSO charter, membership roster, program of work, constitution and by-laws on file with the State CTSO Advisor. Sample objective for advanced CTSOs. Objective: Integrate competitive event criteria into curriculum by using program standards/CTSO crosswalks. Measurable Outcome: The program curriculum will include standards met by using CTSO crosswalk. Evaluation Method: Lesson plans include activities using CTSO guidelines and rubrics. Application- Goal 4 – Program Improvement Please fill out the following information and return to your specialist by May 15th. Name: _______________________________________ School : ________________________________________ I will be working in a team to meet this goal I will be working with ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I will NOT be working in a team to meet this goal State the Objective for this goal. State the Measurable Outcomes for this objective. State the Evaluation Method for this objective. Please check the appropriate box if Perkins funds will be needed to meet this goal. Instruction Support Services Support Services Capital Outlay None of the above 2009- 2010 CTE Basic Grant Goal Schools: Mt. View, Poston, Stapley GOAL 5: INVOLVE STAKEHOLDERS - Strengthen collaboration with stakeholders, especially those from business and industry, as well as inform and involve parents, students, academic and CTE teachers, faculty, administrators, career guidance, and academic counselors, representatives of Tech Prep consortia, administrators, representatives of business and industry, labor organizations, representatives of special populations and other interested individuals in the development, implementation, and evaluation of Career and Technical Education programs, including programs of study SAMPLE BG OBJECTIVES Objective: Teachers will participate in business and industry-related professional development activities to improve CTE programs. Measurable Outcome: By [date], CTE teachers will participate in at least one business and industry-related professional development activity to improve their CTE program. As a result of their efforts, business contact(s) will do at least two of the following: •Join and attend the [district name] CTE Advisory Board; •Recruit for the [district name] CTE Advisory Board; •Review Course and Curriculum for Relevance to Industry; •Offer a paid or unpaid internship or job shadow experience; •Provide resource contributions (e.g., scholarships, donate material/equipment/software, collect industry literature for students) Evaluation Method: Advisory committee documentation, revised curriculum, internship records, student work/assignment portfolios, business and industry activity portfolios that improve CTE programs. Objective: District Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) students and the Local Director will develop promotional materials and conduct a marketing campaign to promote the District CTE offerings to all stakeholders including parents, the local school board, and community/neighborhood. These materials will also be used at student orientations (eighth grade recruiting, new student orientation, etc.). Measurable Outcome: Promotional materials and marketing plan. Evaluation Method: Review of promotional materials and CTE Advisory Committee Minutes demonstrating increased stakeholder support (curriculum adaptations, donated capital equipment, occupational guest speakers or instructors). Application- Goal 5- Involve Stakeholders Please fill out the following information and return to your specialist by May 15th. Name: _______________________________________ School : ________________________________________ I will be working in a team to meet this goal I will be working with ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I will NOT be working in a team to meet this goal State the Objective for this goal. State the Measurable Outcomes for this objective. State the Evaluation Method for this objective. Please check the appropriate box if Perkins funds will be needed to meet this goal. Instruction Support Services Support Services Capital Outlay None of the above 2009- 2010 CTE Basic Grant Goal Schools: Red Mountain, Fremont, Shepard GOAL 6: ACCESS/PROGRESS/SUCCESS FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS Prevent discrimination against special populations. [§134(b)(9)] Identify and adopt strategies to overcome barriers to access/success for special populations. [§134(b)(8)(A)] Provide programs designed to enable special populations to meet state/local adjusted levels of performance [§134(b)(8)(B)]. Provide activities to prepare special populations for selfsufficiency [§134(b)(8)(C) and [§135(b)(9)]. SAMPLE BG OBJECTIVES Objective: Provide tutoring to special populations students in need of remediation and assistance to master academic performance objectives and CTE standards so their attainment rates are at or near the same rate as non-special populations students. Measurable Outcome: Special populations students' attainment will be within +/- 5% of the non-special populations student attainment. Evaluation Method: Comparison of success rates for students who receive services and those students who do not receive services. Objective: The District will insure special education students are enrolled in CTE courses and programs that are aligned with their IEP postsecondary goals and transition plans. Measurable Outcome: Enrollment and attainment of IEP students will meet/exceed the State Adjusted Levels of Performance. Evaluation Method: Enrollment and attainment data for special populations students. Application- GOAL 6: ACCESS/PROGRESS/SUCCESS FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS Please fill out the following information and return to your specialist by May 15th. Name: _______________________________________ School : ________________________________________ I will be working in a team to meet this goal I will be working with ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I will NOT be working in a team to meet this goal State the Objective for this goal. State the Measurable Outcomes for this objective. State the Evaluation Method for this objective. Please check the appropriate box if Perkins funds will be needed to meet this goal. Instruction Support Services Support Services Capital Outlay None of the above 2009- 2010 CTE Basic Grant Goal Schools: Skyline, Brimhall, Smith GOAL 7: NONTRADITIONAL TRAINING - Describe how funds will be used to promote preparation for nontraditional fields [§134(b)(10)]. SAMPLE BG OBJECTIVES: Objective: Students will participate in activities to upgrade their knowledge of nontraditional careers. Measurable Outcome: All Career and Technical Education students will have participated in the training; enrollment in nontraditional training programs will increase annually. Evaluation Method: Review of MIS enrollment reports for comparison to overall Career and Technical Education student population in traditional versus nontraditional training from previous year. Objective: District staff will identify businesses that support nontraditional CTE students with training and placement opportunities. Develop one partnership per CTE nontraditional program to offer student experience in nontraditional roles. Measurable Outcome: District will establish nontraditional business partnerships to employ all nontraditional students with positive training and placement opportunities by January 1st. Evaluation Method: Business partnership agreements, validated placement data, Performance Measures results. Application- GOAL 7: NONTRADITIONAL TRAINING Please fill out the following information and return to your specialist by May 15th. Name: _______________________________________ School : ________________________________________ I will be working in a team to meet this goal I will be working with ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I will NOT be working in a team to meet this goal State the Objective for this goal. State the Measurable Outcomes for this objective. State the Evaluation Method for this objective. Please check the appropriate box if Perkins funds will be needed to meet this goal. Instruction Support Services Support Services Capital Outlay None of the above Schools: Westwood, Carson, Kino GOAL 8: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Provide comprehensive professional development (including initial teacher preparation) for career and technical education, academic, guidance, and administrative personnel, including training for integration of rigorous academic standards with relevant CTE [§134(b)(4)] [§135(b)(5)]. SAMPLE BG OBJECTIVES: example curriculum mapping Objective: District CTE staff acting as a planning team will develop a professional development* plan to identify district needs and set goals in at least two areas that would include: upgrade knowledge of program areas, integration of academic and CTE standards, CTE and academic instructional strategies, technology-based instruction and/or counseling strategies. Measurable Outcome: All of the participants (using selected models such as training, improvement/development process, observation, etc.) will map curriculum, integrate academic content and/or identify the AIMS content for their program/s. Evaluation Method: Workshop attendance records, curriculum maps, cross-walk standards and measurement criteria and/or programs aligned with the AIMS standards. GOAL 8: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Please fill out the following information and return to your specialist by May 15th. Name: _______________________________________ School : ________________________________________ I will be working in a team to meet this goal I will be working with ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I will NOT be working in a team to meet this goal State the Objective for this goal. State the Measurable Outcomes for this objective. State the Evaluation Method for this objective. Please check the appropriate box if Perkins funds will be needed to meet this goal. Instruction Support Services Support Services Capital Outlay None of the above