DRAFT E-Train Course Flow Chart 6-6-2001 (mhk) Library Website Tour General Overview of the UIC Library Library Locations Tour How Library Information is organized qUICsearch There will potentially be more of these. Web of Science Introduction to Indexes and Databases Choosing an Index PsychInfo ERIC PubMed Basic Searching UICCAT Introduction to Library Catalogs Advanced Searching Illinet Online WorldCat Understanding Library Resources Introduction to Maps and other Cartographic Materials And more of these. WebZ Introduction to Special Collections These will have units and lessons at some point. Introduction to Audio and Visual Materials Introduction to Government Documents Library Resources vs. The Internet Introduction to the Internet Basic Searching Advanced searching Developing a topic Search Strategies Social and Behavioral Sciences, Humanities, Biology, and Applied Sciences Keyword vs. Subject Searching Primary vs. Secondary Resources Doing Research I: Conducting a literature review Scholarly vs. Popular Health Sciences Evidence Based Medicine Finding full-text journal articles at UIC Authorship Bias Evaluation Date Doing Research II: Locating library resources Internet Resources How to find a periodical at UIC Reading citations Citing Resources Copyright and Plagiarism