Draft Charge to the Voyager Systems Administration Group.
The Voyager System Administration module affects all aspects of the
Voyager database. Changes to elements of this very complex module may have unintended consequences that extend beyond the particular component in which the changes are made.
The Voyager Systems Administration Group is charged with reviewing, coordinating, implementing and communicating about proposed changes to the Voyager System Administration module. The Group is also charged with developing, maintaining, and recommending to the Collections and
Technical Services Council policies that affect proposed changes to the
System Administration module and solutions to problems that involve elements of the Voyager System Administration module. As appropriate, the
Group will consult with department heads, the other Councils and other groups, and other representatives of specific units affected by proposed changes.
Further, the Voyager Systems Administration Group will take the lead in managing anticipated changes resulting from upgrades to Voyager, forming task forces or implementation teams as appropriate.
The Voyager Systems Administration Group will consist of two representatives each from Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Circulation/Access
Services, and the Voyager System Administrator.
Proposed members:
Ling Wang (System Administrator)
Alex Bloss (Acquisitions Module)
Alfredia Smith (Acquisitions Module)
Joan Schuitema (Cataloging Module)
Warren Webb (Cataloging Module)
Sherry Gogo-Madsen (Circulation Module)
Joel Sanders (Circulation Module)