Collections and Technical Services Council July 25, 2005 10:00 – 11:30 AM • LIB 1-360 Present: Bloss (convener), Bicknese, Hurd (recorder), Malinowsky, Pifalo (by phone) Items for Presentation to the Steering Committee on August 3 1. Voyager Systems Administrator Group The draft charge and proposed membership were reviewed. The group will be small and include staff who possess extensive knowledge of at least one Voyager module. Each module (Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Circulation) will be represented by two members. All members will be expected to understand the entire system well enough to be aware of the system-wide impact of changes made to a given module. 2. Science Library Transfer of Chemical Abstracts The Science Library has begun to implement the proposal discussed earlier for transfer of print Chemical Abstracts to the Warehouse. The volumes will be boxed and labeled in shelf order. Item records will not be created for volumes lacking them. The volumes will remain in boxes in the warehouse rather than being shelved on the compact shelving. The council recommends a review after two years to determine whether print volumes should be withdrawn. The current UICCAT records for CA will be suppressed and replaced with a single record that directs users to SciFinder Scholar. A draft of the proposed UICCAT record was discussed and revised. 3. Task Force on Elsevier Electronic-only Journals The task force will be charged with exploring the implications of a proposal to drop all print subscriptions to Elsevier journals in favor of electronic-only access. The task force will consider the impact of print cancellation on RML contracted services. RML obligations might result in a recommendation to exclude health sciences titles from the program. Proposed membership was identified; Malinowsky will chair with a report expected by the September 7 Steering Committee meeting. Items for Discussion and Analysis 1. Policy on Binding Journals with Electronic Access Discussion focused on the draft policy for Daley Library materials distributed earlier. Categories of journals considered were: print/eletronic journals with assured archival access for electronic versions print/electronic journals without guaranteed archival access for eversions print/electronic journals covered by consortial agreements. Discussion covered how materials might be shelved in the warehouse as well as the need for periodic review of print retention policies. The draft policy was approved by the Council and will be presented to the Steering Committee at its next meeting, August 3. 2. Ebrary implementation UIC Library is in the final stages of licensing a large collection of Ebrary electronic books that will include many titles in computer science and business. The license will likely be in place before fall semester begins. To facilitate access to the e-books the library will need to address: UICCAT records for items in the collection Need for WorldCat records? Promotion of Ebrary resources Interface customization Technical issues – installation of Ebrary Reader on library computers and elsewhere Council members decided that many of the activities involved in providing access to this set of resources could be handled by departments with council oversight and coordination. We choose not to create another task force at this time. We recommend priority be given to: adding records for Ebrary books to UICCAT installing Ebrary readers on library public workstations Initially we suggest using the interface “out of the box” with local customization to be considered later. 3. Statistical Categories in Voyager Voyager supports the addition of locally defined statistical categories that might be potentially useful in generating reports not currently available. In the past some interest has been expressed in exploring possibilities. Staffing shortages and the absence of expressed needs for additional data both argue against creation of a task force at this time; this issue will be revisted at a future date. Topics for Future Meetings Distributed Processing TECHWRKS JMH • 7/27/05