

Subscription Management Beta Instructions

Table of Contents

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2

Getting Started .................................................................................................. 2

ERM Data Management Page........................................................................... 2

Provider, Database and Journal Level Subscription Information ................... 3

Administration Tab ......................................................................................... 3

Licensing Tab ................................................................................................ 4

Contact Manager ............................................................................................... 5

View/Edit Resource Contact .......................................................................... 6

Add Resource Contact ................................................................................... 7

Report Manager ................................................................................................ 8

View/Edit a Report ......................................................................................... 9

Add a Report ................................................................................................ 10

Menu Manager ................................................................................................ 10

Dictionary of Terms: ........................................................................................ 12


Subscription Management gives you control of tracking subscription information through Serials

Solutions ERM product. The modules in Subscription Management allow you to

Record administrative information about a subscription.

Add and track contacts for resources.

Add and track reports for resources.

Easily customize option menus to your needs.

Getting Started

In order to navigate to Subscription Management sections of ERM, log into your Client Center, choose your library, if necessary, and proceed to the Edit Library tab. Click on the “Data

Management ” button just under your library’s name.

Fig 1: Edit Library Page Data Management Button

ERM Data Management Page

The ERM Data Management page is your starting place for all of your data functionality in the

Client Center and ERM. You will notice that the Data Management page has additional options and information. In addition to previous functionality, you can

Link to the Contact Manager.

Link to the Report Manager.

Link to the Menu Manager.

Add a report to a database.

Add a report to a provider.

Quickly preview Acquired and Renew dates.

Link directly to the Contact Manager,

Report Manager or Menu Manager

Quickly preview acquisition and renewal dates of your resources.

Add a report to a database or a provider.

Fig 2: ERM Data Management Page

Provider, Database and Journal Level Subscription Information

From the ERM Data Management page, you can click on a database or provider by clicking on the name of the resource or get to a journal title list for a database by clicking on the titles number. This path should be familiar to you already. At all three levels, you can now customize your resource and also add subscription information.

Fig 3: Resource Tabs

General tab allows you to customize your resource, including all present functionality.

Administration tab allows you to add administrative subscription information to your resource.

Licensing allows you to add license information to your resource.

Administration Tab

The Administration tab gives you the ability to add subscription information as well as add contacts and reports to the resource. From this tab, you can

Edit all administration fields.

Link to the Contact Manager to view contacts for this resource.

Link to add a contact to this resource.

Link to the Report Manager to view reports for this resource.

Link to add a report to this resource.

Click “Edit” to add or alter fields on this page.

 Click “View Contacts” to view any contacts for this resource in the Contact Manager. This is only available for providers and databases.

 Click “Add Contact” to add a contact for this resource. This is only available for providers and databases.

 Click “View Reports” to view any reports for this resource in the Report Manager.

 Click “Add Report” to add a report to this resource.

Fig 4: Administration Tab

Licensing Tab

Presently the Licensing tab allows you to add license URL information. This tab ’s functionality will be expanded with the License Management module. On this page you can add and edit license information.

Click “Edit” to add or alter fields on this page.

Fig 4: Licensing Tab

Contact Manager

The Contact Manager allows you to search for, add and connect contacts to providers and databases. You can get to the Contact Manager, either from the Data Management Homepage or directly from a resource’s Administration tab. On the Contact Manager Page, you can

View all of your contacts or limit your view by resource.

Link to viewing a contact.

Link to adding a contact.

Edit a contact.

Delete a contact.

Click “Add Contact” to add a contact.

You can see all of your contacts or narrow your view to only contacts for certain providers or databases.

A list of all contacts that meet your search criteria. Click the name to view details.

Email the contact directly from the

Contact Manager.

Click “Edit” to edit the contact.

Click “Delete” to delete the contact from your list.

Fig 5: Contact Manager

View/Edit Resource Contact

The View/Edit Resource Contact page allows you to view the contact details of a particular contact. You can get to this page by clicking directly on a contact’s name from the Contact

Manager. If you click on “Edit” on the Contact Manager page, you will be directly taken to the edit mode of this page. On this page you can

View details about a contact.

View resources to which this contact is connected.

Edit information about a contact.

Edit the resources to which this contact is connected.

Click “Edit” to add or alter contact information about this contact.

Contact types and roles are customizable to your needs on the

Menu Manager.

Click “Edit” to alter the resources to which this contact is connected.

Fig 6: View/Edit Contact Page

If you wish to edit the resources to which a contact is connected, you will see the following interface.

Check the appropriate database(s) or provider(s) to which this contact is connected and press “Save Changes.”

Fig 7: Edit Contact Resources

Add Resource Contact

You can either add a contact from the Contact Manager page, or you can add a contact from a provider’s or database’s administration page. If you do so from the administration page, a connection to that provider or database is automatically created. If you add a contact from the

Contact Manager, you will be able to add the resource after you save the contact. On this page you can

Add information about a contact

The options in Type and Roles are customizable on the

Menu Manager.

Once you add and save changes to a new contact, you will see the

View/Edit Contact page with the option to add a resource.

Fig 8: Add Resource Contact Page

Report Manager

The Report Manager allows you to find, add and edit reports for providers, databases and journals. A report can be defined as can be a statement you wish connect to a resource, such as an incident or breach. Reports can be time-based and updated with appended notes that contain ownership statements. In addition, you can customize the types of reports to your library’s needs. You can access the Report Manager either from the Data Management Homepage or directly from a resource’s Administration tab. On the Report Manager Page, you can

View all of your reports or restrict your search.

Click to view to a report detail.

Edit a report.

Delete a report.

You can restrict your report search by provider, database, journal reports only, report types or status.

You can sort your results by any of the hyperlinked column headings.

Click on the date to view the report in detail.

Click “Edit” to edit a report.

Click “Delete” to delete a report.

Fig 9: Report Manager

View/Edit a Report

When you click on a date to see the detail of a report, you have the ability to view the report, its history and any notes added to the report. On the View/Edit Report Page, you can

View details about a report.

Edit details about a report.

Add a note to a report.

Edit or delete a note for a report.

Fig 10: View/Edit Report Page

Click “Edit” to edit the report.

You can add notes to a report to keep track of the status of an issue.

You can edit notes or delete them completely. Last Edited details will be tracked automatically.

Add a Report

Reports can be added to a provider, database or journal. In order to add a report, go the

Administration tab of the resource and click “Add Report.”

Fig 11: Add Report Link on the Administration Tab

On this page, you can add a report. The report is automatically connected to the resource.

These menus are customizable on the Menu Manager.

Once you have added the report details, click “Save Changes” to save.

Fig 12: Add Report Page.

Menu Manager

The Menu Manager gives you the power to customize the options found in your menus in

Subscription Management pages, including menus on Reports and Contacts. You can get to the

Menu Manager from the ERM Data Management page.

Fig 13: Menu Manager Link on the ERM Data Management Page

On this page you can

Add, delete and edit menu options for Resource Report Types.

Add, delete and edit menu options for Resource Report Statuses.

Add, delete and edit menu options for Contact Types.

Add, delete and edit menu options for Contact Roles.

C lick “Edit” next to the menu you wish to customize.

This list represents the current option names and order for this menu.

Fig 14: Menu Manager

When you click on “Edit” you will see the following interface for that menu:

Click “Add New” to add a menu option.

Alter this text to change the option name.

To alter the position of a menu option, click the dropdown and choose the desired position number.

Add a name and position to a new menu option.

Once you have finished making changes, click

“Save Changes.” You will see changes in your menus immediately.

You can delete a menu option. If the option is currently being used, an alert will indicate this to you.

Fig 15: Menu Manager Edit Menu Mode

Dictionary of Terms:

Contact: a person or organization connected to a certain resource.

Contact Manager : allows you to search for, view detail, add, and edit contacts for a database or provider.

ERM Subscription Management : allows you to control information about your resources.

Menu Manager : gives you the power to customize menus found in the modules of ERM

Subscription Management.

Report: A user-defined and potentially on-going detailed note connected to a resource.

Report Manager : you to search for, view detail, add, and edit reports for a provider, database or journal.
