Implementing a radon measurement programme in social housing National Radon Forum

Implementing a radon
measurement programme in
social housing
David Fenton
Radon Advice Section
National Radon Forum
19th November 2009
What am I going to talk about?
• Review our experience with Cork County Council
in 2008 which fed into the Guide
• Review RPII guidance on radon in social housing
published this year.
• Give some examples of how the RPII can support
Local Authorities in their work on radon.
RPII Guidance to Local Authorities
- Cork County Council
• In July 2008 CCC completed radon
measurements in 599 houses in north
• Number requiring remediation : 121 (20%).
Of these 26 (4%) were very high - that is
above 800 Bq/m3
RPII Guidance to Local Authorities
- Cork County Council
• CCC, HSE and RPII collaborated to assess, fix
• What exactly was done?
Radon and Cork County Council –
What was done?
• Each tenant was notified of the radon results.
• A tailored radon fact sheet was developed and
sent to each affected tenant. (CCC, RPII, HSE).
this included information on the risks to health as well
as contact points within in CCC, RPII and HSE where
specific information was available
Radon and Cork County Council –
What was done?
• Elected members were notified of the readings.
• Local GPs were advised of results. (HSE)
• Smoking cessation advice was issued – because
of the snergy between smoking and radon. (HSE)
• Public meetings were organised and local media
were engaged. (CCC, RPII).
Radon and Cork County Council –
What was done?
• Priorities were decided regarding the houses
warranting immediate remediation. (CCC, RPII)
• All homes above the Reference Level were
remediated (CCC, remediation contractor)
• Remediated homes re-measured to confirm low
radon concentrations (CCC and measurement
Radon and Cork County Council –
What was done?
• The above work was carried out in the northern
division of CCC – which predominantly comprises
areas known to be High Radon Areas
• CCC decided to measure all it social housing
through the county as it is the only way of
confidently assessing the radon risk to individual
• This was completed during 2009 in some 2500
homes in the county
RPII Guidance on radon
programmes in social housing
• It was important to capture the knowledge and
experience gained in working with CCC in 2008
to help other Local Authorities dealing with radon
• For this reason RPII in consultation with CCC
produced the Guidance notes
• These were issued to all local authorities in July
2009 and published on RPII website
RPII Guidance on radon
measurements in social housing
• What is radon
• Building regulations
• Developing a radon measurement programme
• Radon measurement – who does it
• The radon result and scheduling remediation
• Communicating the result
• Radon remediation and re-test
Developing a radon measurement
• The aim of the programme should be to over time
measure all homes.
• Implementation team should be established
• If high levels are found there is likely to be public
or media interest – advise
communications/media officer of Local Authority
• Monitor progress of the programme to predict
when results are available
The radon measurements
where to start?
• Homes built pre 1998 in High Radon Areas.
• Begin measurements in a small number of
homes in many estates? Or in all homes in a
small number of estates?
• The latter approach gives a much better picture
of the risk in an area. Detector placement and
retrieval may also be more economical.
• However other local factors may suggest the
The radon measurements
who can do it?
• Measurements must be made in a bedroom and
living room over a 3 month period, averaged
seasonally adjusted. This result is compared to
the Reference Level. (RPII protocol)
• RPII lists companies on its website who offer a
radon measurement service using approved
radon detectors
Radon measurements local
• To measure radon in workplaces the detectors
must be sourced from an approved service. (SI No
125 of 2000).
• There are no equivalent rules for radon
measurement in homes
• Local Authorities are both employers and
landlords so is there anything in particular they
need to know?
Radon detectors
approved and validated
• Most radon detectors used in this country are
either Irish, Swedish or from the UK
• Sweden and Ireland requires radon measurement
in workplaces to be done using detectors
approved to ISO 17025.
• UK do not have a legal requirement for detectors
to be approved instead the UKHPA operate a
validation scheme
What does this mean for radon
measurements in Ireland?
• Approved detectors can be used in homes or
workplaces in Ireland
• Validated detectors can be used in homes only
• RPII is unaware of any difference in performance
between validated or approved detectors
• The RPII recommend that only detectors that are
approved or validated be used to measure radon
in homes.
The results and scheduling
• Prioritisation of remediation depends on how the
result compares with the Reference Level of 200
-Less than 200 Bq/m3 – no further action needed
-Between 200 Bq/m3 and 800 Bq/m3 remediate as soon
as practicable
-Greater than 800 Bq/m3 immediate remediation is
Communicating the results
This is key to the successful delivery of the programme
• Tenants - radon results
- information on the risks to health
- scheduling of remediation works
- smoking cessation advice
• Elected Members
– summary of results
- proposed follow up actions
• Media
- press release
- Information sheet giving summary statistics of the
Communicating the results
• Private householders
– former tenants
– others living locally
• Maybe a need for public meetings or information
Radon remediation
• Remediation work is relatively straightforward
– No need to vacate the house or re-house the tenants
during remediation work
• RPII can advise on the need for remediation but
cannot advise of the choice of remediation
– DEHLG and private contractors
Are Local Authorities reacting to
• Budget cut backs have hit Local Authorities
• Our message is that LA should continue with a
measurement programme even if it is a scaled
down programme ran over a longer period
• Many LA are still doing work on radon
The work done by Cork County Council
• The discovery of very high radon levels in homes
north Cork was a very important outcome of the
radon measurement efforts by CCC.
• People were unknowingly living with dangerous
levels of a cancer causing gas
• By finding and reducing these very high radon
levels lives will have been saved over the long
Radon and other local authorities
Radon in Ireland
•Radon will not go away and will
continue to pose a risk in houses
(Social and Private)
•This risk must be managed and there
is a need for continual local
Radon and Local Authorities
• The RPII is available to offer support to
Local Authorities in their work on radon.
This includes:
– Presentations at local public meetings
– Compilation and dissemination of local radon statistics
(for example in private homes, schools etc.)
– Radon information – pamphlets, brochures etc.
– Support in media briefings etc.
What did I talk about?
• Review our experience with Cork County Council
in 2008 which fed into the Guide
• Review RPII guidance on radon in social housing
published this year.
• Give some examples of how the RPII can support
Local Authorities in their work on radon.
Thank you for your attention