SCHEDULE 3 AMENDMENT APPLICATION FORM – PERSONNEL This form, requesting approval for changes to Schedule 3 of an existing licence, must be completed and forwarded to the EPA’s Office of Radiological Protection. Changes may include the inclusion/removal of an RPA, RPO, or other personnel. Licence No: _ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Licensee Name: _ _______________________________________________________________________ Please state the name of the individual/corporate body you wish to have included on the licence: Please indicate their position: RPA RPO/Deputy RPO Other: If requesting approval for the appointment of an RPA or Corporate RPA from the EPAs’ Register: Please attach evidence such as an email or letter from the RPA confirming the appointment. If requesting approval for the appointment of an RPO: Please outline their position within the organisation, and provide details of their qualifications and training in radiation protection: If requesting the removal of an individual/corporate body named on the schedule, please state the name of the individual/corporate body you wish to have removed from the licence __________________________________________________________________________________________ Office Use Only Administration Date P/W Rec: ________ Date P/W Checked: ___________ P/W Correct: Y/N Initials: _____ Inspectorate P/W Approved: Y/N Initials: _____ Notes: Page 1 of 2 I hereby apply for a Schedule 3 amendment to the above licence. I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the particulars given above are true. Signed: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Name (print or type): ____________________________________________________________________________ Position: Date: ______________________________________ This Amendment Application Form must be signed by the Managing Director/Chief Executive, Hospital Manager (or equivalent member of senior management), Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) or Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) nominated by the licensee submitting the Application. In the case of a licence issued in the name of an individual person the form must be signed by that person. On completion, this Amendment Application Form should be sent to: Radiation Protection Regulation Environmental Protection Agency Office of Radiological Protection 3 Clonskeagh Square Dublin 14 Telephone: Fax: Website: (01) 2680100 (01) 2680199 Note: The form and any supporting documents may be scanned as a pdf and sent by email to Version: August 2014 Page 2 of 2