January 14, 2009
Members Present: Colin Archibald, Joe Bivins, Melody Boeringer, Karen Borglum (co-chair), Lynn
Capraun, Catherine Espenscheid, Yvonne Gonzalez, Katherine Harris, Anita Kovalsky, Joe Lynn Look,
Maiken Murphy, John Niss (co-chair), Storm Russo, Betty Wanielista, Rose Watson
Ex-Officio Present: Belen Caba, Jacqueline Cole, Kurt Ewen, Jared Graber, Cheryl Robinson, Edwin
Staff Present: Kim Adams (recording)
Guests Present:
Richard Gair, Michele McArdle, Leesa Sward
Review of Minutes – November 12, 2008
John Niss opened the meeting with a welcome, making note that there was a quorum present.
He then made a request to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2008 meeting. The
minutes were approved by consensus.
Discussion Items
General Education Options: Moving Forward - Discussion regarding the options put forth for
general education, faculty response, and next steps (Karen Borglum, Kurt Ewen, John Niss
John Niss opened up the discussion by telling the Committee that, per Dr. Walter, decisions
concerning General Education are a matter for the College Curriculum Committee. As such,
they will discuss, vote on, and present to the College Learning Council anything affecting
General Education.
Karen Borglum continued the discussion by reviewing recent events concerning General
Education. She said that recently she and John Niss (as representatives from the CCC), along
with Kurt Ewen, Michael Shugg, and Chanda Torres (representing the Learning Assessment
Committee – LAC) met to discuss moving forward with the general education piece, in spite of
the fact that no decision had been reached regarding which of the three options to choose.
This group looked at results/feedback from the November General Education Summit, State
requirements for curriculum alignment, as well as general education outcomes previously
developed by faculty. In addition, based on CLC discussions regarding developmental
education, there should be an alignment of course outcomes, college wide.
The work to be done will be divided into two main areas – current general education discipline
areas and disciplines interested in contributing to general education. The work will also be
divided into two phases – Curricular Mapping, to be done during the Spring Term and
Destinations, to be worked on over the Summer Term. The Destination work will involve up to
44 people who will focus on discipline specific assessment plans for general education learning
outcomes (and will include four members from student affairs). The Spring Term work will be
done by 24 faculty leaders – four from each of the gen ed disciplines plus reading and up to 18
faculty leaders from those discipline areas interested in contributing to gen ed.
The work to be done by the first group will largely be looking at how the curriculum currently
being taught relates to the established general education outcomes. Do the outcomes for
classes leading into major areas allow for a smooth transition, i.e., does one class flow smoothly
into the next? (curricular mapping). The second group will be a “speculative” group. They will
look at how the various disciplines contribute to gen ed outcomes.
Last Thursday (January 8), the plan was shared with the College Learning Council, who gave
permission for the work to move forward.
The question was asked if there is any means of assessing where we are now to see what
change may need to take place. Karen said that rubrics have been developed, there has been
holistic scoring of exit exams, skills competency tests, etc., but nothing has provided specific
data with regard to learning outcomes.
Karen also briefly discussed the newest version of Course Outline Builder (3.5), which has
general education outcomes embedded.
She said that by the Fall Term, work that was done by the Destinations team will begin to be
embedded into the disciplines. Some of the work done will be useable, while other work will
undoubtedly lead to further discussions.
At this point in the discussion, John Niss asked for the CCC’s consensus on moving forward.
Rose Watson asked if there is a plan for informing faculty of what will be decided upon today.
Karen said that the plan right now is to send two separate e-mails out : 1) an invitation from
deans to select faculty members who are ready to engage in discussions (i.e., discipline
coordinators and program directors); 2) a broad e-mail explaining the plan to all faculty.
A suggestion was made that the explanation for the full plan needs to be re-worded in order to
provide for clearer understanding for faculty. Two things were decided upon:
1.) The explanation for the plan moving forward will be re-worded, and the deans will give
feedback (prior to IAC). In addition, Faculty Council will be consulted for assistance in
explaining the plan to faculty;
2.) The re-worded plan will be forwarded to CCC for a consensus prior to moving forward.
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Consent Agenda – Course modifications or deletions involving minor editing of course
descriptions or level changes which do not impact other departments are eligible for placement
on the consent agenda. Any members of the committee may request to remove a proposal
from the consent agenda for the purpose of discussion.
The following courses have outlines in Course Outline Builder which may be viewed in ATLAS:
(Please note that the Office for Curriculum and Articulation has reviewed these outlines and
compared them with the existing courses, and have found there are no material differences.)
There are no Consent Agenda Items for review this month.
4. Regular Agenda
Before beginning discussion of the Regular Agenda, John requested moving 0809-051 to be
presented directly after 0809-007, since they are “like” proposals. This was agreed upon.
Due to the fact that there are now Principles and Procedures and Outcomes that have been
established for General Education courses, it was suggested that we may need to require
changes in some of the outlines for courses currently in general education and some courses
continued inclusion in General education may need to be justified.
Also, there should be a way of notifying faculty of general education curriculum changes – an email could be sent for notification.
0809-007 General Education Requirements for AA/AS/AAS Degree(s), CPM .......... Joe Bivins
Purpose: Addition of BOT 2800, Ethnobotany; BSC 2366, Neotropical Ecology; and PCB 2340,
Field Biology to the list of Science courses available to satisfy General Education requirements.
For AA Degree, course will be added to Area 4. Science; for the AS/AAS degrees, course will be
added to Area 3. Science or Mathematics; Effective Date: Fall 2009 (201010) (Catalog Markup
and Voter List Attached).
Joe Bivins said that he and Steve Myers (the original initiator of this proposal) had decided to
remove BSC 2366, Neotropical Ecology, from the list of Science courses to be considered for
general education in this proposal. With this in mind, a discussion ensued in which concerns
were expressed about the gen ed principle encompassing “breadth of knowledge,” as well as
the number of faculty members who would be qualified to teach these courses.
It was finally determined that the two remaining courses were general enough to provide for
the “breadth” statement, as well as enough faculty members willing and able to teach these
The proposal was approved, as amended above.
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0809-051 General Education Requirements for AA/AS/AAS Degree(s), CPM ...... Leesa Sward
Purpose: Request to add ZOO 1030, Intro. to Birdwatching; BSC 2062, Everglades Ecology; and
BSC 1061, Central Florida Habitats, to the A.A. degree requirements in the Catalog, Section A.,
Area 4. Science. For the A.S. degree, add to Area 3. Science or Mathematics; Effective Date:
Fall 2009 (201010) (Catalog Markup Attached)
A motion was made to consider each of the three courses separately, rather than as a group.
This motion was seconded, and approved with a show of hands.
Each course was discussed individually, and it was decided that none of the courses meet the
criteria for admission into General Education. Therefore, the proposal was not approved.
0809-047 LIT 2955 Holocaust Studies Trip Abroad, CCA .................................... Richard Gair
Purpose: This course will be a follow-up course for LIT 2174, Multimedia Literature and the
Holocaust; Catalog Course Description: This course is a companion course to LIT 2174 or LIT
2174H, “Multimedia Literature and the Holocaust.” Students who have completed the
classroom course LIT 2174 or 2174H will be eligible to take part in a Holocaust-related trip to
Poland and other sites of significance related to the Holocaust. The trip will be an extension of
the classroom content and be coordinated with the Study Abroad Office; Pre- and/or Corequisites: LIT 2174 or LIT 2174H; Credit/Class/Lab Hours: 3/3/0; Effective Date: Fall 2009
(201010) (Syllabus Attached)
This course was approved, with an amended effective date of Summer 2009 (200930).
0809-048 General Educations Requirements for AA/AS/AAS Degree(s), CPM .... Richard Gair
Purpose: Add LIT 2955, Holocaust Studies Trip Abroad, to the list of courses available to satisfy
general education requirements for the AA/AS/AAS degree(s). For the AA degree, course will
be added to Section A., Area 2(a), Humanities (non-Gordon Rule). For the AS degree, course will
be added to Area 2. Humanities; Effective Date: Fall 2009 (201010) (Catalog Markup
After discussion regarding the narrow focus of the course to be added, as well as the number
of faculty who would be involved in teaching it, the addition of LIT 2955 to General Education
was not approved.
0809-049 PEM 1121 Yoga, CCA .............................................................. Tammy Sabourin
Purpose: This course has been offered as PET 2930 for years. The State number for this course
is PEM 1121, Yoga; Catalog Course Description: Students will learn the fundamentals of a
complete yoga practice by studying postures, breathing exercises, history, and principles of the
yoga method. This course will provide yoga skills to assist in improving overall health and
wellness (Special Fee: $10.00); Pre- and/or Co-requisites: None; Credit/Class/Lab Hours:
2/2/0; Effective Date: Summer 2009 (200930) (Syllabus attached)
John asked for the Committee to approve the outline, since it was not put forth separately for
approval. The outline and the course addition were approved as submitted.
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0809-050 ETD 2731 Mechanical Drafting II, CCM
............................. Shannon Hellard
Purpose: Update the Catalog Course Description; Revised Catalog Course Description: This is a
continuation of the Mechanical Drawing I course with emphasis placed on precision, accurate
drawings, proper dimensioning schemes, and design processes. We will also focus on the basic
application and use of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) techniques as applied
by the latest ASME standard. This is a hands-on, interactive learning course using CAD software
to design and draft various components of an assembly. (Special Fee: $28.00); Effective Date:
Fall 2009 (201010) (Syllabus Attached)
This proposal was approved as submitted.
0809-052 Electronics Engineering Technology, A.S. Degree, CPM .................. Nasser Hedayat
Purpose: Add EET 1036C, Fundamentals of DC and AC Circuits, as an option. Students are
currently required to take EET 1015C, Fundamentals of DC Circuits (3 cr.) and EET 1025C,
Fundamentals of AC Circuits (3 cr.). This course would be a 6 credit option, replacing two
courses with one; Effective Date: Fall 2009 (201010) (Voter List and Catalog Markup
This proposal was approved as submitted.
0809-053 Basic Electronics Technology, Technical Cert., CPM ....................... Nasser Hedayat
Purpose: Include EET 1036C, Fundamentals of DC and AC circuits, as a 6 credit option.
Students are currently required to take EET 1015C, Fundamentals of DC Circuits (3 cr.) and EET
1025C, Fundamentals of AC Circuits (3 cr.). This course would be a 6 credit option, replacing
two courses with one; Effective Date: Fall 2009 (201010) (Voter List and Catalog Markup
This proposal was approved as submitted.
0809-054 Pre-Major: Art, Studio/Fine Art, A.A. Degree, CPM ........................ Karen Borglum
Purpose: To remove the line “A maximum of 2 PGY courses allowed,” to mirror requirements in
common prerequisite manual; Effective Date: Fall 2009 (201010) (Catalog Markup Attached)
This proposal was approved as submitted.
Pre-Majors: Education (Early Childhood) and Education (General Preparation),
A.A. Degrees, CPM ................................................................. Karen Borglum
Purpose: To remove the sentence “6 hours with an international or diversity focus is required:
POS or HUM prefix.” These hours are already within the General Education program and do not
need to be repeated. These 6 hours will become part of elective hours, instead; Effective Date:
Fall 2009 (201010) (Catalog Markup Attached)
This proposal was approved as submitted.
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0809-056 Pre-Major: Sociology, A.A. Degree, CPM ....................................... Karen Borglum
Purpose: To align the State common prerequisites of SYG 2000 and ANT 2000 to our pre-major.
Presently, we have “completion of lower level course with SYG prefix;” Effective Date: Fall
2009 (201010) (Catalog Markup Attached)
This proposal was approved as submitted.
5. Information Items
Paralegal Studies A.S. Degree Program – A paragraph explaining the difference between
the two specializations – Litigation and Transactional – will be inserted in the College
Catalog, as follows:
“Students will select either a Transactional or Litigation specialization. The Transactional
specialization provides additional course work relating to real estate and probate matters,
while the Litigation specialization provides additional course work relating to civil court
and bankruptcy proceedings.” (Catalog Markup Attached)
Field Review Changes - the State recently performed a Field Review for Education
courses. The change recommended is listed below, and has been approved by the
Change effective August 1, 2009
EDG 2701, Teaching Diverse Populations will become EDF 2085, Teaching Diverse
COB Workshop on College Learning Day – A workshop will be presented on College
Learning Day (February 20) for all Course Outline Builder (COB) users and anyone
interested in learning more about this tool. Participants will have the opportunity to
create an outline, send it for voting, and create credit course addition, modification, and
deletion forms.
The next meeting of the College Curriculum Committee is scheduled for February 11,
2009, and will be held on the West Campus, Room 6-202. Deadline for submission of
material for the February agenda is January 28, 2009. Please remember that this is
the Catalog deadline meeting; in order for your curriculum changes to appear in the
Fall 2009-10 Catalog, they must be approved at this meeting.
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