June 11th, 2012

PSLT Meeting
June 11, 2012
1. Approval of minutes of 5/4/12: approved as read.
2. Chair report:
a. Liz Jusino and Donna Kosloski met with Dr. Stone to update him on our activities for the year,
new PSLT positions we hope to fill (nominations), events, committees in which we're
participating, etc.
b. They went over policies and benefits:
c. Dr. Stone did not want to discuss the bereavement policy and said this issue will not be
d. They are working on the Grievance Policy.
i. Liz & Julie Balassa are on the Dispute Resolution team headed by Amy Bosley.
ii. Dr. Stone will discuss progress of this team with Amy.
iii. Team is discussing Design Principles now, have identified 5 key themes.
iv. Dr. Stone will get back to us once he speaks with Amy.
e. SPD policies are not finalized.
i. Dr. Stone will ask Amy to follow up and he will let us know before it goes public.
ii. Donna to follow through in her next meeting with Dr. Stone.
Winter Park Professional staff question about $35 fee for reactivation after 2 years: Dr Stone will
discuss this with Joyce Romano and will get back to us.
g. Liz talked with Dr. Stone again about job security status, sticky subject.
i. Liz tried to convey insecurity on campus especially when people disappear and we do
not know what happened to them.
ii. Liz asked whether it can be communicated via the Grove that the employee moved on,
no specifics like that the employee was fired or other details, just a moving on section.
iii. Dr. Stone was not comfortable with that, said that if people are doing their jobs they
should not feel insecure or have a problem; people don't get fired on the spot without
working through their supervisor.
iv. Liz told him she thought it important that he know how staff are feeling.
v. Liz reported that this seems to be a moot point and that Dr. Stone did not want us to
bring this issue forward any longer.
vi. Donna added that Dr. Stone firmly said he did not want to pursue this for legal reasons.
vii. Liz says Dr. Stone said separations are listed in the HR agenda attached to the Board of
Trustees agenda.
viii. Liz reminded the PSLT that we have never asked why someone left; we just want to
assuage fears of staff.
ix. Jerry Reed reminded PSLT that meeting between PSLT and Organizational
Development/HR focused on “Would I know?” and “When would I know?” (if contract is
not renewed). Answer was that we would know 30+ days in advance and that there
would be no surprises.
x. Dr. Stone said he knows how Professional staff is feeling; it is not a surprise to him.
xi. Dr. Stone also said he briefs Dr. Shugart on each case and works with Bill Mullowney
and employee’s supervisor to make sure all documentation is correct. If it is not, he does
not proceed with non-renewal of contract.
xii. Liz-suggested we communicate change of culture to staff, stress that if the employee is
doing the job, there are no negative reports, the PDP is going well, the employee should
not have fear of non-renewal.
h. PDP redesign team.
i. Donna and Jeff Hogan are on the team.
ii. Jeff Hogan said they were to meet every 90 days.
iii. Discussion ensued that PDP has not been uniformly administered college-wide.
iv. Information was shared that the Board of Trustees approved that every employee will
have an annual evaluation.
Donna asked how we as a leadership team can build confidence and trust in ourselves and the
PDP process even though it is in redesign.
i. Employees should actively solicit feedback from their supervisor using the PDP tool as a
ii. Have trust in the HR process.
iii. If employee is not on a PIP and the supervisor has not said that improvements should be
made, employee should be fine.
iv. Hopefully the tool will be redesigned on performance and not only development.
v. Hopes to work collaboratively with this group to lead professional staff to have trust in
the system.
Liz reported that HR is-looking at all HR policies e.g. leave policy because of recent changes in
i. They want to make sure policies are consistent and compliant.
ii. We will hear of changes down the pike as they review each policy.
3. PSLT open positions:
a. West: Charles Fox, Jeff Hogan, Kevin Matis
b. COC: Joe Nunes
c. WPC Isabel Rivera
d. Johnny will resubmit his bid for EC PSLT representative
e. No nominations yet for Downtown center and chair elect
Must fill Chair elect position
i. Donna suggested recruiting nominations from existing team.
ii. Liz suggested tapping current and past PSLT membership - Joe Sarrubbo? Liz will ask
him whether he's interested.
g. Liz asks whether we should combine CJI and downtown center.
h. Continuing ed still has its own rep. Will reconsider next year at this time.
Mariann Swenson points out there will still be professional staff at CJI.
Re. chair elect, it was decided to ask Joe Sarrubbo, Alicia, Sonya Boles Melvin, Melanie Price.
Donna suggested to ask them whether they are interested and get supervisor approval before
we nominate them.
k. Discussion ensued about downtown center PSLT rep. Suggestions were Donna Marino,
Barbara Shell, Chanda Torres.
Liz-puts names forward for a vote:
i. Jeff Hogan and Charles Fox - West
ii. Isabel Rivera Munoz Winter Park
iii. Johnny Aplin – East
iv. Kevin Matis CPC
v. Joe Nunes COC
m. Heidi Shugg says Lake Nona is included with Osceola for now as it is not large enough yet,
Heidi is also Lake Nona PSLT representative.
4. Council reports:
a. Alicia not present
b. CPC-Josh
i. tomorrow is Big Meeting
ii. Jerry sent out minutes of last meeting - Keith Houck reported on budget.
iii. They are making up a list of who is invited to the Big Meeting (all PSLT, select faculty,
administrators - they try to have representatives from every category of employee.
iv. Josh says each campus president will cover their campus plan and will get more
feedback on drafts.
c. Dispute Resolution Team
i. 6 themes (Liz listed them),
ii. Using Little Book of Conflict Resolution as guide.
iii. Last meeting will be June 14.
d. PDP redesign
i. Passed a policy that evaluation is mandatory.
ii. However, PDP needs to be readdressed because it is not a consistent measure and is
not doing everything it is supposed to.
iii. Five more meetings left.
iv. Jeff got a lot of feedback on the PDP process that he will take to the meeting, feedback
was mostly negative. They realize the PDP is “broken” and needs to be fixed.
v. Donna explained the PDP redesign phases: 1st phase is investigation, how people feel
about it.
vi. Jeff shared some of the feedback. He said he did not hear anyone say it has been a
good process:
1. PDP is inconsistent
2. not doing anything positive
3. people feel micromanaged
4. objectives are written by boss
5. demoralizing
6. nothing to do with my job or job description
7. objectives are hard to understand and write.
vii. Todd reiterated that his experience has been positive, helping team building, much
better than before, he had to lead everything before and now is appointing team leaders,
have looked at job descriptions and listed everything they're doing, combining job
viii. Todd also said we are losing some values, that some departments are sliding and are
forgetting students are #1 (e.g. textbook affordability that adheres to state statutes
instead of focusing on academic freedom).
ix. It was pointed out that PDP applies to everyone except faculty.
5. Donna expressed concern that PSLT is not getting reports from all councils, said that if a representative
cannot attend the PSLT meeting the rep should send the report regardless.
a. Do we want our bylaws to have teeth or let it slide?
b. Discussion on enforcing bylaws centered around:
i. How we would fill the void if we ended term of representatives who miss too many
ii. That sometimes people are given a task at the last minute and cannot attend the
iii. Liz pointed out that work-related or vacation absences are not counted.
iv. Donna says we should address repeated behavior. We have heavy workloads so
attendance is bound to be an issue, but at least send a report.
v. Donna suggested we consider using GoTOMeeting.
1. Others said it is not confidential
2. Department does not appreciate if staff is participating in a meeting when
supposed to be working.
3. Most rooms are not set up for it.
vi. A motion made by Julie that every person who reports on council meetings be in
attendance at each meeting or send a report was approved unanimously.
vii. Some people cannot always attend depending on travel budget and supervisor
viii. Julie and Donna said the PSLT should have a discussion on bylaws, fairness.
ix. Jerry suggested the president or president elect should speak with representatives who
are frequently absent.
x. Donna-wants us to adhere to bylaws as much as possible. We will be flexible until a
representative has missed 3 meetings without notice, has not at least done the work, or
has not sent in a report. Donna wants to make sure we don't think that behavior is
acceptable or being rewarded.
xi. Jerry said he does not send out the minutes as we have access to those, sends out his
xii. Donna said notes are important as it is important that we know how issues and decisions
would affect us.
xiii. Some people made suggestions of teleconferencing options.
6. Donna explains meeting schedule
a. 2nd Monday of the month
b. rotate campuses
c. West next time
d. Will send out individual appointments. If accept, will be on calendar, can't forget.
e. Will try to book for 1st 6 months.
7. Next meeting:
a. July 9, block on calendar.
b. Looks like the 2:00-4:00 format works, will keep that consistent.
c. December meeting will be at Donna's house, will cook, lives close to West.
d. Normally have not met in August and January.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie K Balassa