June 20th, 2014

Professional Staff Leadership
Team Meeting
June 9, 2014.
Meeting called to order at 2:03pm.
Winter Park campus -113
Donna Kosloski, Susan Dunn, Isabel Hagan, Mariann Swenson,
Jeff Hogan, Judy Jackson, Angela Trujillo, Adam Talbot (left
early) and Marty Campbell (left early).
[Absent: Johnny Aplin, Joe Nunes,and Scott Bokash]
Discussion Items:
Minutes Review
Minutes approved with minor misspelling correction.
Motion, Dunn; second Jackson.
Council Reports
No councils met in the past month.
Professional Staff Fall Forum
Chair Report
Valencia College
Susan Dunn provided an update on the venue availability
and dates: West campus is available both September 23rd
and October 27th and CJI is not available.
Based on other considerations (start of part-of-term,
student services black-out-dates among others) it was
decided to go with the September 23rd date.
In regards to the suggested topics, Adam Talbot
proposed to have people submit questions in advance to
help with the discussion. Susan thought that perhaps
using Qualtrics can help facilitate that.
Judy Jackson suggested having an overall “State of the
College Address” for the program.
In regards to the food, both Cabin Creek and Panera
were considered. There were some concerns about
Cabin Creek putting the food away too early and of
Panera possibly not having Gluten free food options.
Susan will call both to ask about such things and report
back to the group with the updates.
Susan also reported that she inquired to both CJI and
West about available dates for the Spring Development
Day and both CJI and West are available on January 28th
and February 4th.
Donna Kosloski went through the membership chart
provided. She congratulated Isabel Hagan on becoming
the new Chair Elect.
PSLT will call for nominations at the end of the month to
fill the current vacant positions. We currently have 1WPC,
1E, 1W. We will add one position for CJI. Judy Jackson
will be in the running for DO and Jeff will be in the running
for W both for another term. Mariann Swenson was
moved under the DO campus designation.
It looks like with the new Shared Governance that the
COC & CPC councils will no longer exist. Susan pulled
Post Office Box 3028
Orlando, FL 32802-3028
407 299 5000
the bylaws on the projector screen and the group had an
initial discussion of the potential changes that we may
have to make in order to reflect the College changes.
Both Sections 2&4 will be edited. In addition, we will look
at the number of representatives per campus and how
that has been determined.
Campus Reports
East- A lot of the language for the new incoming students will be
revised to help reflect the new admission requirements and also
the NSE.
Winter Park- The campus is exploring the possibility of bringing
Bike Share to the benefit of the students and staff that may use
DO- Everyone is all moved in!
West- The search for the Dean of Nursing was not successful.
Meeting adjourned at 3:25pm
Minutes submitted by: Isabel Hagan
Valencia College
Post Office Box 3028
Orlando, FL 32802-3028
407 299 5000