April 13th, 2015

Professional Staff Leadership Team Meeting
April 13, 2015
2:00pm – 4:00pm
District Office – 5th Floor Conference Room
Attendees: Catherine Chimera, Charles Davis (lync), Susan Dunn, Jeff Hogan, Judy Jackson, Maryam
Khan (lync), Donna Kosloski, Mariann Swenson (lync), Angela Trujillo
Regular Business
o Council Reports
 Learning Leadership Council – Angela. Per minutes / summary. Discussed
schedule for next year, resubmit of work forms, and follow up of new online
 Executive Council – Donna / Susan. Per minutes / summary. Meeting consisted
of large group conversations with Dr. Shugart in attendance. The strategic
planning process was reviewed; consists of a steering committee of eight work
teams (names may change). There was 15-20 minutes of discussion; with many
questions, positive and negative. Even though the base design was good; the
work was not all defined yet.
PSLT noted that the team was involved, but most of those in the meeting were
faculty and professional. Dr. Shugart wanted the chart to be clear on the
connection with the community. As of July 1; Donna will not be past chair, she
will be a council representative.
PSLT Bylaws review needed
 http://valenciacollege.edu/pslt/bylaws.cfm
 Ideas for approaching the review (subcommittee?)
PSLT discussion: Is representation enough? Does it reflect campus size? Each of
the PSLT should review the bylaws individually; then discuss as a group. The
whole team should weigh in, write notes and discuss at next meeting. Hash
everything out and bring ideas together. Attendance will be important for this
discussion; and a draft may be ready for June meeting. There is no set deadline in
updating the bylaws; but would like to have it ready by the fall forum.
Chair Report
 Review of Spring Forum event. Most seemed to enjoy the event. Susan received
two very complimentary emails from attendees who had very positive feedback.
Session topics included: Jose, ergonomics, public safety, and new hiring system.
 June 8 Meeting (Lake Nona)
Transitions Planning Summer Academy. Transitions department cannot attend.
Propose alternate date? There is a June 8 meeting already scheduled with mostly
faculty; and will include 5-6 signature events.
PSLT referred back to Dr. Shugart’s chart from the Executive Council meeting.
Comments included that the chart is too busy; with some direct correlations;
while others are indirect. Dr. Shugart noted this issue; and received a lot of
feedback. There was also lack of definition, where some individuals /
departments need to see where they fit in. For example: Enrollment planning
could be part of student affairs. This issue came up during the meeting, too.
Co-Chair. PSLT needs to be thinking about it soon. Next year is Susan’s second,
and last year.
The budget will be available for next year’s events. There is $200.00 left over
from last year; since Valencia Foundation fiscal year ends March 31. Regarding
food: better too much than not enough. At the meetings; extra food was given to
the individuals who helped with setting up the event. Need to decide on a
quantity level; in year’s prior; the portions were skimpy. Tijuana Flats seemed to
be very popular; although hand sanitizer was heavily suggested for next time,
particularly when handling taco shells. Also discussed was the lack of ownership
in attending the events. To help; use qualtrics in detail (firmer count, food
selection, food ticket); or Event Brite. There was food leftover; and food and
drinks was brought back to the offices.
Vacant positions
 Osceola – Put out call again. Last nominee decided that she did not have
time to serve on the team. Another person, Mindy, was suggested as a
possible nominee.
 Lake Nona – only 4 people who are professional staff are on campus.
Perhaps copy Kathleen Plinske on email request; or maybe she has a
Either way, the candidate will have to go through the same process as
stated in bylaws. Can two campuses be combined; for example Osceola
and Lake Nona? Same issues may exist with Public Safety. What is the
formal definition of a campus? Does representation depend on the
number of professional staff? If so, District Office has a high percentage
of professional staff. FTE’s? How often do the campuses communicate?
Need to review bylaws.
Campus Reports
 How to get invited to campus operations team? West campus; Kathy Hauser led
the discussion for the campus operations team. There were roundtable
discussions and feedback from different departments / areas. Usually the
meeting are once per month.
 There have been several emergencies on various campuses: structural issues,
water main breaks, building evacuations, uninvited visitors.
 East campus: John Roueche, from National American University will visit on
May 27-28. The lunch room in building 4 (library) will close to make room for
an adjunct office. There is a break room in building 3; but an access card is
needed. Still have the lunch room in Building 5.
 District Office: Ryan Kasha began his position as the Title IX/EO Compliance
Officer. The room for nursing mothers are complete or almost complete on each
campus. Regarding the flex plan HR no longer processes claims, the claims are
now outsourced. Credit cards are used to debit the employees account
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Winter Park: Ted Ex, an outdoor event; was very successful. There were several
key note speakers: Stacey Johnson (Olympian), Jamie Ross (Iron Man), Kate
McGowan (Published book). There has also been painting and small renovations
around campus.
Planning for May 18th meeting
 Fall forum planning – occurs in late September / early October.
 Bring calendars
 Begin thinking about speakers
 Other PSLT Website Changers – tabled until bylaws are finished
 By laws review – bring two copies
Good of Order
 The issue of salary increases for professional staff was discussed. There was no
progression in talks of salary increases: force bylaws, system is broken, no
formal policies, in contrast - faculty has positively influenced and increased
compensation, last discussion was back in 2004-2005.
 When last discussed, the issue was not really addressed. Is professional staff
beating a dead horse?
 There may be potential for professional development increases. Start with
learning leadership to promote discussion; need appropriate forum for discussion.
The human resource advisory team meetings are very structured
 Consider total rewards package: paid time off (holiday, vacation, spring break,
Christmas, etc.) Insurance premium paid by the college. Pension; if employee
stays long enough then the employee will be vested in retirement plan.
 Pursue higher education: part of current job? Include as goal on PDP? Check
with human resources.
 Reminder of “Start Up Weekend”
 Food trucks on campus and new food vendor on campus.
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