Cancel classes only for the direst circumstances. Make every attempt to have
your class covered by a colleague or provide an alternate activity.
Use the book ordered for your course. Do not apologize for it and do not instruct
your students to disregard it.
Final exams must be given at the time and date published
(Policy 6Hx28:05-12)
You will need to turn in to the department a syllabus for each course you are
teaching—for each session.
Check your mailbox regularly—this is very important—this is how you will
receive communications.
Return your signed contract promptly and a copy of your syllabus.
Make sure all personnel/payroll information is complete or you will not receive a
Grades are due on the day indicated on the Important College Calendar Dates
page. Late grades are viewed by the College as a serious inconformity. Grades
must be delivered by the instructor in person unless separate arrangements are
made with the dean.
You must distribute Student Evaluation of Instruction forms to each of your
classes. The packets will be placed in your mailbox. Evaluations must be
conducted in class.
See your department office for a Change of Address form if you move.
Personnel/Payroll will not change their records without this form.
Let your dean or staff assistant know if you cancel a class.
You will need a faculty decal for your vehicle. These are available in the Security
Office, SSB-170.
Check with your dean to determine the need for keys.
In labs, you must distribute the “Lab Safety Rules and Agreement” forms, have
them signed by the students, and turn them in to the dean’s office.