July, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012
3-4:30 pm, West HSB 211
Esther Amram (Student, Phi Theta Kappa VP of Service)
Zia Ansari (Student Development Advisor)
Rhonda Atkinson (Professor, Education)
Nick Bekas (Dean of Academic Affairs, West)
Karen Borglum (AVP, Curriculum and Articulation)
Valerie Burks (Honors Director)
Tanisha Carter (Director, Bridges to Success)
Suzette Dohany (Professor, Communications)
Deb Hall (Professor, Electronics)
Whitney James-Ordonez (United Way)
Catharine Penfold Navarro (Director, Student Success & Transfer Readiness, Service
Learning Advisory Board Co-Chair)
Christie Pickeral (Professor, EAP, Service Learning Advisory Board Co-Chair)
Robin Poole (Professor, Dental Hygiene)
Landon Shephard (Campus Dean of Learning Support, Osceola)
Chanda Torres (Director, Student Development)
Valencia Volunteers (Chanda Torres & Zia Ansari)
 Valencia Volunteers is a student organization
 Has an office and representative on each campus
 Participates in Presidential Volunteer Service Award
 Gives a cord to graduates with 100 hours
 Developed a food pantry
 Has valenciavolunteers.org where all forms can be found on-line
 Participated in 4 major events 1) Alabama Relief Drive 2) Alzheimers Walk, 3) Relay for
Life 4) Blood Drive Challenge
 In the future Valencia Volunteers hopes to track students into their careers, internships,
major placement etc.
 A Board will be created that will specialize in different areas
- Cathy or other member of Service Learning Advisory Board can speak to inform
them of service learning progress
 Partnerships with Service Learning
- Placement into organizations can be unified using the same data base of
agencies and organizations
Recording of community service hours can be done in Valencia Volunteers Office
Verifying of community service hours can be through Valencia Volunteers Office
Note: Add the step of notifying Zia of student hours to Faculty Development
Faculty can go to VV office to find agencies for class assignments
Service Learning Recognition (Cathy Penfold Navarro and Karen Borglum)
 Proposal approved by College Learning Council and Instructional Affairs Committee
(College-wide Deans)
 Changes in form to reflect consistency (see form)
Service Learning Integrated Courses (Cathy Penfold Navarro)
 Criteria for Service Learning Integrated Courses
 Form
- The word assessment was added to the pre-service and reflection activities
- New attribute letters will be updated once the new attribute is created in Banner
- SLCO 15 hours will be removed to reflect change in Banner
 Curriculum Plan
- “Unit Student Learning Outcome” is removed leaving performance indicators for
that box. Unit SLO removed from the next box.
- “Assessment of the Service Experience is removed from the Service Activity Box.
- After discussion, it was decided that the plan should be submitted each semester
to reflect any changes in outcomes or activities from one semester to the next.
- Deans will distribute the information regarding the process of applying for
 Needs to be another way to inform faculty also
 Outlook general message might be one way
 Welcome Back announcements is another way
 Suggestion was made to create an on-line tutorial for faculty who may
need assistance completing the Curriculum Plan
 Recommend but not require faculty to take the Faculty Development
course (Service Learning Across the Curriculum).
 Banner attribute
- The goal is for our students to receive recognition for the learning that occurs in
service learning.
- Another goal is for students to be able to identify service learning courses when
- Banner will be able to designate hours—there will be 4 attributes—for 5, 10, 20,
and 40 hours of service
- Adding the hours to the transcript will be manual
- A special designation will be added in Atlas—As much of the word “Service” will
appear as fits within the character limitation
- More details including the number of hours will be added in schedule notes on
the website for the class schedule.
- We will add a special link for Service Learning in the class schedule similar to
what Honors and LinC have.
SLS 2940 and SLS 2940H Service Learning
 Enrollment for Fall (Cathy Penfold Navarro)
- Currently have 10 students. More are expected to enroll
 SLS 2940H in the new Honors College (Valerie Burks)
- The Leadership Track on Osceola will have 2 sections. Class will meet face to
face periodically.
Co-curricular transcript (Christie Pickeral / Chanda Torres)
 There is a meeting next week. Two companies will present their options. Both have
software that will link into Banner.
 Co-curricular has to be separate because only academic courses can appear on the
academic transcript.
Upcoming Meetings
 Schedule meetings for Fall Semester
Tuesdays at 3:00 seems to be a good time.