Feedback from LLC

Undergraduate Research Feedback
from Small Group Discussions at Learning Leadership Council on 1/20/2016
We learned…
There is grant money for this.
We are considering multiple models; we haven’t zeroed in on any one specifically.
We have some of these ideas activated/implemented
There is inter-disciplinary interest – not just psych, science, and math.
What they want students to get out of UGR.
Being proposed as a strategic task.
All areas of the college are not aware of this plan.
Defining “research” is challenging but important to moving the work forward.
We need to be able to capture non-course-based experiences (such as research done outside of
a course) on transcripts.
We wonder…
What the model would look like and how to move from recommendations to implementation.
How consistent the model needs to be to move forward.
Funding and infrastructure.
Who would decide what research is?
How do we bridge our work with the university?
Can we build on the LSAMP model?
What constitutes a “UR Activity?”
How will faculty “engage” in UR?
How will faculty be compensated?
How will faculty/students be tracked? Assessed for success?
Campus or college specific?
How will credit be awarded and documented?
Have the UR team members talked with UCF about the proposal to seek their
What are the benefits to faculty?
How will this work if done as a co-curricular?
How to get a broad and inclusive definition.
How will this be different than Honors UGR?
Will there be consistency across the campuses?
If faculty are prepared for this level of work.
If this is where our resources are best used.
Will there be large numbers of students and faculty interested?
If credits will be awarded…
What percentage of faculty will participate in research experiences?
What are current interest levels for faculty?
Can honors and non-honors students work together on projects?
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We suggest…
Exploring regional/state-wide groups/colleges who have established successful research
programs to see what they are doing.
Including a broader term such as “inquiry” within the research definition.
Defining research more narrowly. The creation of new knowledge is the essential feature that
distinguishes research from simply inquiry or learning by doing.
Sharing the discussions that the team had on the models more publicly - possibly sharing the
essential features of undergraduate research in each discipline for each of the models.
Introducing this early on in a faculty members career at the College to see if they are interested.
Having broader faculty engagement at the front end of developing the definition and the model.
Extend the discussion of research to include a focus on information literacy.
Meeting dates/times be more diversified to allow for more faculty participation.
Distinguishing research from project-based learning.
Surveying students to see their interest level.
Shy away from something that involves ALL students.
That there be discussions on building a consistent model so that students across the college get
a similar experience.
Coordination with UCF early on.
More information on “Best Practice” models should be shared.
UR Convocation should be considered with a speaker and larger conversation on “What UR
should look like at Valencia” (to assist with awareness).
A coordinator; a champion of this work long term.
Doing an inventory of Undergraduate Research already being done at the college to ensure we
Finding areas that are ripe.
Using faculty experts to help develop novice faculty.
Better clarification on the charge and work products which include:
o To delineate how UGR differs between disciplines
o To study a proposed compensation model for faculty
o To develop the recognition process
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