MATH PATHWAYS Your math pathway is determined by your specific major within the Meta-Major. See a counselor or advisor for a recommendation. FOR ARTS/HUMANITIES/COMMUNICATIONS/DESIGN AND EDUCATION IT IS RECOMMENDED TO MEET WITH A COUNSELOR OR ADVISOR REGARDING YOUR DEGREE PLAN PATHWAY. Liberal Arts Pathway • SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES • HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH SCIENCES Algebra Pathway • BUSINESS • SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATH PUBLIC SAFETY • INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURING, AND CONSTRUCTION MAT 0018C MAT 0018C MAT 0022C Dev. Math I or higher placement or coursework Dev. Math I or higher placement or coursework Dev. Math Combined MAT 0018C OR Dev. Math I MAT 0028C STA 1001C MGF 1106 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning Col. Math Dev. Math II This course is elective credit and does not satisfy the Gordon Rule Math Requirement MAT 1033C Int. Alg. MGF 1107 Math for Lib. Arts STA 2023 This course is elective credit and does not satisfy the Gordon Rule Math Requirement Stat. Methods MAC 1105 Col. Alg. MGF 1107 Math for Lib. Arts OR MGF 1106 BUSINESS STEM Col. Math MAC 2233 MAC 1114 Calc. Bus./Soc. Sci. Col. Trig. AND AND STA 2023 MAC 1140 Sta. Methods. Pre. Calc. Alg. MAC 2311 Calc/An Geom I MAC 2312 Calc/An Geom II MAC 2313 Calc/An Geom III MAP 2302 Dif Equations ©2014 Valencia College | 13MSC142 M E TA - M A J O R S Statistics Pathway