.. .. .. .. . PHYSICS LAB REPORT NAME PARTNERS NAME July 2, 2016 TITLE: TYPE YOUR TITLE HERE PURPOSE: TYPE YOUR PURPOSE HERE HYPOTHESIS: TYPE YOUR HYPOTHESIS HERE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN DIAGRAM I.V. TYPE IN YOUR INDEPENDENT VARIABLE HERE (UNITS) IV #1 IV #2 IV #3 IV #4 IV #5 IV #6 IV #7 IV #8 # Trials # Trials # Trials # Trials # Trials # Trials # Trials # Trials D.V. : C: TYPE IN YOUR DEPENDENT VARIABLE HERE (UNITS) LIST CONSTANT VARIABLES HERE Page 1 PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 Page 2 DATA TABLE IV 1 IV 2 IV 3 IV 4 IV 5 IV 6 IV 7 IV 8 TRIAL 1 TRIAL 2 TRIAL 3 TRIAL 4 TRIAL 5 AVERAGE CALCULAT ED VALUES (IF NEEDED) Page 3 GRAPHS PASTE ALL GRAPHS… BOTH NON LINEAR AND LINEAR (MAKE A SEPARATE GRAPH ANALYSIS FOR EACH GRAPH) PASTE ALL GRAPHS HERE GRAPH ANALYSIS THIS MUST BE ON THE SAME PAGE AS YOUR GRAPH! Write your analysis for your graph here. (Directly below the graph) It should include a statement of the mathematical relationship, value and units and meaning of the slope for linear graphs, value and units and meaning of the y-intercept for linear graphs, the mathematical model for linear graphs, 5% rule check on the y-intercept for linear graphs. CONCLUSION Write your conclusion here… Make sure to include the mathematical relationship between the variables, the mathematical model with proper numerical values, significant figures, and units, the meaning of the slope of the linear graph, and the meaning of the y-intercept. Include references to any data and graphs that helped you reach the conclusion. If there are errors other than normal systematic error caused by instrumentation, describe what those errors were and how they affected the data… be specific on errors. Simply stating human error is not specific and is unacceptable Page 4