LET Minutes Wed., Sept. 12, 2005 West Campus, 9-123 Present:

LET Minutes
Wed., Sept. 12, 2005
West Campus, 9-123
Present: Linda Anthon, Nick Bekas, Philip Bishop, Melody Boeringer-Hartnup, Mike
Bosley, Jenny Britton, Judi Delisle, Aida Diaz, Suzette Dohany, Kurt Ewen, Emily
Hooker, Celine Kavalec-Miller, Maryke Lee, Patrick Nellis, Mary Pepe, Melissa Pedone,
Julie Phelps, Ann Puyana, Allison, Sloan, Roberta Vandermast, Sharon Wyly
Regrets: Kira Bishop, Helen Clarke, Cheryl Robinson, Louise Pitts
The following items were agreed upon at the conclusion of the meeting.
 Emily will revise the 2005-2006 LET goals and send them out to the LET for
 The training of the holistic scoring team(s) will move forward as we continue to work
out details of both gathering evidence and types of analyses that we desire.
 We will request Kaye Walter to send out an email to all faculty asking them to
consider participating in the Year of Think by submitting student work. This email
will be followed with more detailed information directly from the LET. (The more
detailed info is still in development and will be sent out to LET members for
comment before sending to all faculty.)
 All LET members should promote the November 10 and 11 Think rubric workshops
in their department and program meetings. Roberta will send an announcement to The
Prep for meeting with Kaye Walter
 CLO Kaye Walter will attend our next LET meeting. A list of questions and
discussion topics was generated. Emily will meet with Kaye in advance to cover
as much of the list as possible to allow Kaye to give us her responses and opinions
in the next LET meeting.
Revision of Goals
The 2005-2006 LET goals were discussed. The following suggestions were made
by LET members.
 Remove specific references to the SLP as this document is under revision.
 The philosophy of assessment should be revisited in 2008 when we will begin the
TVCA assessment cycle again.
 Collapse Think goals under one goal with action items.
 Create Communicate goal similar to Think with one goal and action items.
Emily will revise the goals and send them out to the LET for comment.
Work Team Reports
 The Gathering Evidence Team recommended a five-step approach to
recruiting faculty to submit student work from the present time into early
spring. LET members discussed the types of analyses we might want to
complete on the work that is collected and how we might feedback the
results to the institution. The work team will meet to address the
comments and suggestions.
The Planning for Communicate Team has not yet met.
The Holistic Scoring Workshop Team has scheduled two rubric
workshops for November 10 and 11. Thursday, November 10 will be on
East Campus from 2-4pm in room 8-211. Friday, November 11 will be on
West Campus from 2-4pm in room 9-121. There will be a follow-up
workshop during the spring pre-planning days in January. The team needs
help in selecting anchor papers for training purposes.
The Marketing Team is working to advertise and promote LET events.
They will also partner with Roberta on the newsletter.
The clearinghouse will be unveiled in our November meeting.
Roberta provided the team with a rough draft of the newsletter. LET
planning documents will be used to get information for future
publications. The newsletter will be sent out electronically and in hard
copy. Roberta suggested the newsletter should be included in the
Marketing Team planning and they agreed.
Other News
 There are two LET consultants coming this fall. Susan Hatfield will discuss
the LET assessment project on Friday, October 21 from 10am-12pm on East
Campus, room 8-105D. Chuck Walker will have a general assessment
conversation with LET members from 2-4pm on East Campus, room 8-105D.
Contact Celine Kavalec-Miller if you have questions about either consultant.
 There are potential problems with the THINK screensaver. LET members
should check open computer labs on their campuses and report any problems
to Emily Hooker. Classrooms that don’t have THINK posters should be
reported to Mike Bosley.
 Updates of LET work should be communicated regularly to the faculty
Next LET Meeting*
Wed., Nov. 9, 2005
West Campus, 6-202
*Work teams should create their own meeting schedule.