MINUTES Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Osceola Campus, 2-223

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Osceola Campus, 2-223
Present: Linda Anthon, Philip Bishop, Helen
Clarke, Jackie DiMartino, Emily Hooker, Maryke Lee, Melissa Pedone, Cheryl Robinson, David
Rogers, Roberta Vandermast
Regrets: Nick Bekas, Kira Bishop, Karen Borglum, Mike Bosley, Aida Diaz, Suzette Dohany, Will
Johnson, Pat Nellis, Louise Pitts, Shawn Robinson, Barbara Shell, Allison Sloan
Session objectives:
Establish Summer and Fall Meeting Schedules and Commitments for
Review Summer projects , Fall Plans and goals
Review LET Flashlight survey
Hear brief updates from LET work teams.
Move forward with TVCA marketing plan
Summer Meeting Schedule
Summer LET meetings will be held at the Winter Park Campus at 2:30 pm on the
following dates: May 25, June 29, and July 20. The LET will net meet in August.
Work groups will schedule their meetings on other Wednesdays at the location most
convenient for the members. Members indicated their availability to serve during the
Summer term as well as the upcoming academic year.
2005-06 Meeting Schedule
Summer A:
Summer B:
at 2:30 pm
West Campus
East Campus
Osceola Campus
Winter Park Campus
Marketing Ideas
The Marketing Department has been consulted regarding a plan to market the THINK
project to students and the College community. Joan Andrek was unable to attend our
meeting; however, members of the committee contributed ideas and it was decided that
we would move ahead with the Core Competency book marks in order to have them
ready for all.
Work Group Reports:
The Clearinghouse team has completed the first page of the THINK webography and the
site was shown. It was very well received!
The THINK group reported on their last meeting in which the rubric was applied to
student work and subsequently revised. The new version was distributed and will be
used at the workshop on May 13.
The Marketing group is following up with Joan Andrek to secure a marketing plan for the
THINK project.
LET Self-assessment Survey
Survey results were reviewed. Members were satisfied with the distribution of
membership and campus representation on the committee. It was suggested that we
add an AS degree representative and perhaps a provost. Members preferred 1 meeting
per month and a second meeting of work teams. Areas of effectiveness and potential
improvement were discussed. The need to improve our communication with the College
community was identified as the area needing the most improvement.
Goals for 2005-06
The following goals were adopted for the upcoming academic year:
Refine, test and publish an institutional level THINK rubric that can be used to improve
student learning at the program level and higher, and that can be used as a source from
which to derive discipline, course or individual Think rubrics.
Gather and evaluate student work for evidence of Think, using our institutional rubric, to
provide evidence of the inclusion of core competencies in the general education
Gather and evaluate direct and indirect evidence of students' ability to think. Interpret
and publish these findings college wide to spread awareness of achievements and
Sponsor the development of discipline and/or course level Think rubrics that will be used
to improve and evaluate students' work and to help bring coherence to the general
education curriculum.
Gather and publish assignments that highlight Think in order to promote best practices.
Populate, revise and refine our webography and searchable database about our core
competency, Think, and publicize this college wide.
Plan and hold a kick-off banquet and celebration banquet for Think to draw attention to
student, faculty and staff achievement centered around Think.
Improve the communication of our work to College in order to spread knowledge of our
work and to include more voices in this work.
Revise and expand our LET Action Plan to include the information currently captured in
our Assessment Inventory in order to make it clearer and more useful.
Form a work team for the competency Communicate and develop a plan to measure and
improve students' communication skills in course work, collegewide. The plan will
promote awareness of all the core competencies and bring coherence to the general
education program at the College.
THINK Workshop
Friday, May 13, 2005
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
East Campus 3-113
Next full LET Meeting
Wednesday, May 25, 2004, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Winter Park Campus, Room TBA