LEARNING EVIDENCE TEAM MINUTES Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Osceola Campus, 2-223

Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Osceola Campus, 2-223
Present: Linda Anthon, Andrew Alexander, Kira Bishop, Karen Borglum, Mike Bosley, Philip Bishop, Jackie DiMartino,
Suzette Dohany, Emily Hooker, Bill LeBlanc, Maryke Lee, Melissa Pedone, Louise Pitts, Ann Puyana, Cheryl Robinson,
Shawn Robinson, Allison Sloan, Roberta Vandermast
Regrets: Nick Bekas, Helen Clarke, Aida Diaz, Will Johnson, Pat Nellis, Barbara Shell,
Session Objectives: (1) Discuss a marketing plan for TVCA (2) Complete staffing for THINK project teams (3)
Progress reports (4) Discussion of Meeting Format
1. Marketing plan for TVCA
The LET has requested support from Marketing to design a suite of materials to promote the core competencies overall
and the emphasis we plan for THINK this year. Ideas were generated to pass on to marketing. Joan Andrek will attend
our next meeting to present a marketing proposal.
2. Staffing of THINK project teams: The three THINK work teams are as follows:
Information Clearinghouse/Website:
Judi, Karen, Bill, Louise, Jackie, Shawn, and Cheryl
Mike, Suzette, Barbara, Aida
THINK Rubric and Evidence:
Philip, Linda, Allison, Roberta, Pat, Emily, Melissa, Ann,
Nick, Maryke, Kira
3. Progress Reports:
Logo Team
Suzette Dohany has received a CD with the finished logo. An electronic copy will be forwarded to each team member via
e-mail for approval. Upon approval, the student will be paid for her work.
THINK Project Team
The THINK team has met twice. The goal of these meetings has been to arrive at a reasonably sized project that can be
successful within the timeframe of the project. The first task undertaken by the group will be to draft an institutional
THINK rubric that is holistic in nature. Six team members will attend an AAHE Assessment workshop with the goal of
developing this draft.
Information Clearinghouse/website
The information clearinghouse team has requested space and a template from OIT and is conducting research to locate
related materials currently available on Valencia's website as well as external THINK-related resources. The goal of this
team is to develop a searchable database the will link to other sites such as the Destinations website and AAHE.
4. Meeting Format
Given the time members will be committing to team work, it was decided that during the spring term, the first meeting of
the month will be dedicated to individual team meetings held at the 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Wednesday timeframe. Team
leaders will convene these meetings using Osceola 2-223 or a location of their choice. The last meeting in the month will
be the entire LET when progress on team projects will be reported as well as other matters relevant to the whole team.
Learning Day, September 27, 2005:
The next Learning Day will be part of a new Valencia sponsored conference, Valencia's Learning Conversations. It is
likely that members of the LET will be asked to give presentations about our work.
Consultant Opportunity:
Susan Hatfield will be available for dialog with LET members from 9:00am – 11:am as follows:
 Thursday, February 3, on the east campus, 4-212B to discuss the THINK project
 Friday, February 4, on the west campus, 1-130 to discuss the Learning Evidence Plan
Members are encouraged to attend as their schedules permit.
Next Sub-team Meeting (Your Attendance is EXPECTED)
Wednesday, February 9, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Osceola Campus, 2-223 or as determined by team
Next full LET Meeting
Wednesday, February 23, 2004, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm, Osceola Campus, 2-223
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