Part-time Faculty engagement final report draft 1

Initiative: Part-Time Faculty Engagement
1 History
Part-time faculty have been an important part of Valencia since the College was founded in 1967 and
have served hundreds of thousands of students who pass through Valencia’s hallways. Our part-time
faculty are paid on a “per course” basis and currently, can teach up to (4) three-credit hour sections
in a given term. Because our students are as likely to learn with a part-time faculty member as they
are a full-time faculty member, the College has invested in part-time faculty development for
decades with the intention of ensuring that part-time faculty are excellent teachers, able to
exemplify the Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator. To further support/incent part-time
faculty to participate in teaching/learning development, the College implemented the Associate
Faculty program in which part-time faculty can earn an increase in pay (per credit hour) when they
reach development milestones. In addition to teaching/learning development, many part-time
faculty participate in department and campus-based orientation activities and some departments
have formal mentorship programs established to support part-time faculty.
2 Data
1. Current participation in faculty development programs
2. Part-time faculty compensation comparisons
3. Valencia faculty job descriptions
4. Trends in full-time faculty hiring, part-time faculty head count, trends over time
3 Working Theory
Positive student learning outcomes result when supported, engaged part-time faculty and Valencia
College are mutually invested in each other.
Some research supporting the theory:
Darling-Hammond, L. Powerful Teacher Education: Lessons from Exemplary Programs. (2006).
San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 21.
2. Darling-Hammond, L. Teacher Quality and Student Achievement: A Review of State Policy
Evidence. (2000). Education Policy Analysis Archives. 8(1). 31.
4 Strategic Vision
Valencia College is an engaged, collegial community of diverse professionals dedicated to the best
possible student learning outcomes.
5 Goal 1.
Part-time faculty compensation will be reviewed and aligned to professional development and
curricular/co-curricular responsibilities.
Objective #1: By August 2016, evaluate part-time faculty compensation at open access
institutions similar to Valencia.
Objective #2: By August 2017, based on the evaluation of part-time faculty compensation at
open access institutions and other market data, create a plan to adjust part-time faculty
compensation as necessary (and as finances allow) to lead the market.
Objective #3: By December 2016, evaluation criteria for teaching experience, additional
responsibilities, educational credentials, and professional development will be determined.
Objective #4: By December 2017, a summative instrument to determine level of
compensation based on the established evaluation criteria will be developed and
6 Goal 2.
Part-time faculty will be developed both in the essential competencies of a Valencia educator and
their respective teaching discipline.
Objective #1: Evaluate current programs and practices related to professional development
experiences within the Essential Competencies and discipline-specific competencies.
Objective #2: Conduct a thorough program review of the Associate Faculty Certificate that
includes (1) a review of existing purpose and program outcomes and (2) an exploration of other
professional development opportunities including discipline specific professional development
from external sources.
Objective #3: Redesign the Associate Faculty Certificate Program to reflect outcomes/findings of
the program review.
Objective #4: Explore options for providing reimbursement for part-time faculty participation at
conferences and workshops.
Task #1: Create a mechanism to review, evaluate, and prioritize requests for
Task #2: Create a pool of funds in the collegewide staff and program
development budget to support the new reimbursement program.
7 Goal 3.
Valencia will create a new orientation, engagement, and evaluation process for new part-time
Objective #1: Identify best practices in new faculty orientation programs and part-time faculty
engagement and conduct a review of existing college, campus, department and discipline
Objective #2: Design a New Faculty Experience that is collegewide, campus and discipline
specific, and that appropriately compensates faculty for participation.
Objective #3: Identify best practices in part-time faculty evaluation and design/implement a
system for evaluation which includes classroom observation and overall performance review.
Objective #4: Identify best practices in part-time faculty mentoring and discipline-specific
communities of practice. Create and implement programs to support formal mentoring,
discipline-specific communities of practice, and implement appropriate training on the roles and
responsibilities of program participants.
8 Goal 4.
Part-time faculty will have enhanced opportunities for impact on student learning.
Objective #1: Develop strategies to assess interest in and effectiveness of part-time faculty
participation in student engagement hours.
Objective #2: Investigate strategies to connect part-time faculty and students outside the