DRAFT Goal Team 2 Agenda Third Team Meeting – February 23, 2010 – 2:00 p.m. - CJI – 219 (If time targets are met, this agenda can be achieved in 2 hours and 40 minutes, including a 15-minute break.) Note - The goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page:http://www.valenciacc.edu/strategicplan/StrategicGoalTeams.cfm I. Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes) Randall Gordon, Convener, will ask all present to introduce themselves. II. Minutes of First Team Meeting (5 minutes) Randall Gordon will ask the team to review and suggest any edits to the minutes of the second team meeting. (See Attachment A for minutes.) III. Review of the Charge to the Goal Teams (5 minutes) – Susan Kelley Susan will review the charge to the goal teams, noting the parts of the charge to be addressed in this third team meeting. The team has addressed the third of the five questions: “What is currently happening at the college to get is there?” The questions to be addressed in this third meeting are: - Where do we want to go ultimately with goal two and its objectives? - What part of that can we bite off in the next three years? - What measures can we use to identify progress? - Will this list of major activities “move the needle?” If not, what is missing from the list? IV. Review of Updated Strategic Issues and Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects (30 minutes) (See Attachment B.) Since the team reviewed each issue and initiative in detail at its second meeting, in the interest of time the team members will be asked to note any missing information, and offer any comments they may wish to make on the additions made after the second meeting of the team. The updated report was sent via email to the entire team. The team will develop a plan to provide any additional updates and finalize its report prior to March 3. V. Recommending outcomes and measures: (1 hr and 45 minutes) In response to the questions noted in item III above, the team will use the attached forms to move toward a decision on a means of recommending how the college should measure or gauge progress toward the goal. This is expected to be finished at this meeting, or no later than March 3. The team may wish to divide into small groups, one for each of the five objectives, to accomplish this work, with a final review by the entire team before the recommendations are made final. (A break will take placed during this portion of the meeting at an appropriate time.) VI. Review of Next Steps and Plans for Big Meeting (10 minutes) Goal Team Outcomes Recommendation Goal 2: Learning Assured Implement optimal learning environments for students Integrate individual student effort with the learning process. Establish learning and learning support systems and techniques designed to reduce achievement gaps among groups of learners from diverse backgrounds. Objective 2.1: Learning Outcomes Develop, align, and review program learning outcomes to assure a cohesive curricular and cocurricular experience that enhances student learning. Long-Term Target: (Identify “where do we want to go, ultimately.”) Short Term Target 1: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 1: (Identify “How will we know?”) 2.1 - Short Term Target 2 – if needed: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 2: (Identify “How will we know?”) Will the current activities and plans at the college move the needle on this goal? Goal Team Outcomes Recommendation Goal 2: Learning Assured Implement optimal learning environments for students Integrate individual student effort with the learning process. Establish learning and learning support systems and techniques designed to reduce achievement gaps among groups of learners from diverse backgrounds. Objective 2.2: College-level Writing Increase the percentage of students writing at the college level. Long-Term Target: (Identify “where do we want to go, ultimately.”) Short Term Target 1: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 1: (Identify “How will we know?”) 2.2 - Short Term Target 2 – if needed: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 2: (Identify “How will we know?”) Will the current activities and plans at the college move the needle on this goal? Goal Team Outcomes Recommendation Goal 2: Learning Assured Implement optimal learning environments for students Integrate individual student effort with the learning process. Establish learning and learning support systems and techniques designed to reduce achievement gaps among groups of learners from diverse backgrounds. Objective 2.3: Completion of Mathematics Increase the percentage of students who complete the math sequence within two years. (Completion is define as successfully completing the highest level math course required for a program of study. The two-year measurement period begins upon entrance to the College.” Long-Term Target: (Identify “where do we want to go, ultimately.”) Short Term Target 1: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 1: (Identify “How will we know?”) 2.3 - Short Term Target 2 – if needed: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 2: (Identify “How will we know?”) Will the current activities and plans at the college move the needle on this goal? Goal Team Outcomes Recommendation Goal 2: Learning Assured Implement optimal learning environments for students Integrate individual student effort with the learning process. Establish learning and learning support systems and techniques designed to reduce achievement gaps among groups of learners from diverse backgrounds. Objective 2.4: Completion of 15 college credits Increase the percentage of students mandated into developmental courses who complete within three years the first 15 college level hours of their programs of study. (Developmental courses are defined to include MAT1033C.) Long-Term Target: (Identify “where do we want to go, ultimately.”) Short Term Target 1: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 1: (Identify “How will we know?”) 2.4 - Short Term Target 2 – if needed: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 2: (Identify “How will we know?”) Will the current activities and plans at the college move the needle on this goal? Goal Team Outcomes Recommendation Goal 2: Learning Assured Implement optimal learning environments for students Integrate individual student effort with the learning process. Establish learning and learning support systems and techniques designed to reduce achievement gaps among groups of learners from diverse backgrounds. Objective 2.5: Close achievement gaps Close achievement gaps among students from diverse backgrounds in completing six key courses, leading to increased persistence and program completion rates. (MAT 0012C, MAT0024C, MAT1033, ENC1101, POS 2041, MAC 1105) Long-Term Target: (Identify “where do we want to go, ultimately.”) Short Term Target 1: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 1: (Identify “How will we know?”) 2.5 - Short Term Target 2 – if needed: (Identify the “What can we bite off in the next three years?”) How will we accomplish this? (Current college programs aligned with this target contained in the goal team report on initiatives.) Suggested Measures 2: (Identify “How will we know?”) Will the current activities and plans at the college move the needle on this goal?