College Planning Council DRAFT Minutes July 28, 2011


College Planning Council

DRAFT Minutes

July 28, 2011

Winter Park Campus – Room 107

Council Members and Staff Present: Alys Arceneaux, Diane Dalrymple, Sherri Dixon,

Kurt Ewen, Jean Marie Führman, Bob Gessner, Dale Husbands, Sean Jennings, Helene

Loiselle, Noelia Maldonado, John McFarland, Ruth Prather, Jerry Reed, David Sutton, and

Joan Tiller.

Council Guests: Amy Bosley, Michelle McArdle, and Chara Young.

Council Members and Staff Absent: Regina Falconer, Keith Houck, Sonya Joseph, Jackie

Lasch, Rob McCaffrey, Jessica Morales, Joshua Murdock, Joyce Romano, and Bill White.

Welcome and Introductions

Co-chairs Joan Tiller and Jean Marie Führman welcomed Council members. A copy of the 2011-12 membership roster was provided to the Council. It was noted that two vacant positions still need to be filled - - including one professional staff member and one career staff member.

The Council also welcomed Diane Dalrymple as the Co-chair Elect for 2012-13. She will assume responsibilities as Co-chair on April 26, 2012.

Action Item: Minutes of April 28, 2011 Meeting

Co-chair Joan Tiller presented the minutes of the meeting of April 28, 2011, and the

Council approved the minutes by consensus.

Schedule of Meetings for 2011/12

Short Schedule: The Council received a copy of a short proposed schedule for 2011-

12. It was noted that a

“Strategic Conversations with Dr. Shugart”

would take place either on October 7 th or the 25 th . The date is O ctober 25, 2011 - - it has been confirmed with Dr. Shugart .

Annotated Schedule: After reviewing the annotated schedule with the Council, it was agreed to accept the schedule with the following changes to the schedule:

September 22, 2011: o The Governance Review Steering Committee will report on the results from the Governance Review Process.

November 10, 2011: o The Governance Review Steering Committee will provide final report of their review along with their recommendations. o Data resources will continue to be discussed and reviewed. o Strategic Indicators will be shared and discussed.

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2011/12 Budget Report

Sherri Dixon made a power point presentation on the 2011/12 Budget which has been approved (the presentation was distributed). Sherri’s presentation included the budget design principles which were reviewed. A copy of the budget can be located online at the following link:

Jean Marie Fuhrman will join Keith Houck as Co-chairs in meeting with the Financial

Budget Advisory Group (BFAG), and will report at the September CPC meeting.

Updates on Governance Review & Internal Communications

Governance Review: Michele McArdle, co-chair, provided an overview of the work performed by the Governance Review Steering Committee. The Committee has been meeting every other week to discuss further findings of their research on best practices. After adopting Design Principles to guide the review process, the

Committee believes that they will be wrapping up the “inquiry” phase of their research by early August. It is anticipated that a full report on their findings will be shared with the Council (CPC) and with small focus groups before being shared college wide. The “action” phase of the review is expected to begin by the end of the

2011 Fall Term.

Internal Communications: Amy Bosley from the Office of Organizational

Development unveiled the college’s new electronic communications system called

The Grove. This new interactive tool will replace the old Bulletin as the “go-to” source of information for all things important at the college. It is expected to launch on August 23, and a link will go out to all employees via email on a weekly basis. In addition to this, the college will later unveil a new bi-weekly e-tool specifically geared towards supervisors and managers.

Annual Reports 2010/11 from Goal Teams & Notes of Big Meeting June 2011

Big Meeting Table Notes : The Council received the annual notes from the Big

Meeting on June 2, 2011. The council members agreed that it would be helpful to review the notes prior to the next CPC meeting, therefore, one goal including the objectives will be emailed to the Planning Council members and staff each week for review. Everyone will be requested to provide feedback on their findings.

Big Meeting Evaluation Results : The evaluation results from the Big Meeting in

June 2011 were mostly positive. Participants indicated that Dr. Shugart’s presentation and the sharing of “noteworthy work” were highlights of the meeting.

Also, expressed as some of the best aspects of the meeting was the “opportunity for collaboration,” “sharing of ideas,” and “hearing from the Campus Presidents.” Some of the participants expressed the need for more preparation time prior to the Big


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The Council expressed their appreciation for Susan Kelley and recognized all the excellent work she has done with Strategic Planning.

Planning Council Goals for 2011/12

Strategic Plan: The Council recommended extending the Strategic Plan to 2015.

They discussed the benefits of extending the current Strategic Plan to allow more time for the Council to review how the campus-based plans will connect with the college’s Strategic Plan. Extending the deadline will also allow the plan to extend beyond the upcoming SACS review period. Joan Tiller will discuss the Council’s recommendation with Dr. Shugart. Dr. Shugart approved the Council’s recommendation to extend the Plan to 2015.

Strategic Goal Teams: The Council recommended extending an invitation for the

Goal Team members to continue to serve during 2011/12. Members discussed the benefits of inviting the Goal Team members from 2010-11 to continue to serve during

2011-12. Given the extensive work done by the 2010-11 teams, it was agreed that they would be best prepared to provide continual feedback during the progress of reaching and reporting on the goals of the Strategic Plan.

CPC Goals for 2011-12: A draft of the 2011-12 goals for the College Planning

Council was provided and discussed. Council members revised the goals to include:

 Jean Marie Führman will join Keith Houck as the new Budget and Financial

Advisory Group co-chair. The schedule reflects that the BFAG will provide a report to the September meeting of CPC

Kurt Ewen will provide information about the Office of Institutional

Effectiveness and Assessment. Kurt and the Institutional Research staff will work closely with the Strategic Goal Teams and CPC members in providing additional data that may be helpful and needed for the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan. Kurt offered to prepare a paper indicating the charge of work for Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment.

Big Meeting 2012 is tentatively scheduled for June 12, 2012.

Institutional Effectiveness

SACS: Kurt Ewen led the discussion on Valencia’s upcoming Eleventh reaffirmation with SACS. The college will move toward providing a Quality Enhancement Plan

(QEP) as part of the new requirements. The deadline for submitting the college’s compliance documents is 2013. An onsite visit is expected for 2014. It was agreed that the College Learning Council will take the primary lead on this project.

Strategic Indicators Report: Alys Arceneaux presented a plan to reduce the size of the current Strategic Indicators Report into smaller components. The new report will be easier to navigate, and will allow the user to pull campus-based data as opposed to only college wide data. This is currently a work in progress.

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Learning Activity – Thinkertoys

Jean Marie Führman led the Council in discussing the planned learning activities for

2011-12. These activities will center on learning new creative-thinking techniques that will assist the Council as we progress throughout the year. Each member received a copy of the book “Thinkertoys” by Michael Michalko.

Other Items:

Ruth Prather shared information and encouraged everyone to attend the SCUP conference to be held at Valencia on August 16.

Next Meeting Date and Time

The next Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 2011,

2:30 to 5:00 p.m. at Osceola Campus, in room 2-172. Members were asked to respond their attendance via their calendar invite in Outlook.

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