College Planning Council Agenda DRAFT Minutes September 24, 2009 Osceola Campus – 2-219B Council members and staff present: Joe Bivins, Amy Bosley, Jeff Cornett, Linda Downing, John Edwards, Kurt Ewen, Jean Marie Führman, Ed Frame, Mary Ann Gagen Yolanda Gonzalez, Keith Houck, Dale Husbands, Susan Kelley, Helene Loiselle, Lisa Macon, Carole Nevels, Joe Nunes, Joyce Romano, Bill White Council members and staff absent: Karen Blondeau, Jared Graber, Sonya Joseph, Jackie Lasch, John Niss, Ruth Prather, Pedro Rivera, Kaye Walter Guest Present: Michael Shugg Welcome and Introductions Co-chair Amy Bosley welcomed the members. Action Item: Minutes of July 23, 2009 Meeting Co-chair Susan Kelley presented the minutes of the meeting of July 23, 2009, and the Council approved the minutes by consensus. Report and Action Item: Council Goals for 2009-10 Amy Bosley and Susan Kelley reported on feedback from Dr, Shugart to the draft goals for 2009-10 that the Council developed in July. The Council approved the goals by consensus. (See attached.) Report and Action Item: Learning Agenda for 2009-10 Amy Bosley reported on her consultation with CPC members who represent the faculty, professional, and career councils to plan the Council’s Learning Agenda for the year, based on the work we hope to accomplish. She proposed a plan to organize learning activities around key issues facing higher education, as suggested by the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP). She asked for all Council members’ input into the draft Learning Agenda, and the members approved the plan by consensus. (See attached.) Budget and Financial Advisory Group (BFAG) Report Keith Houck and Amy Bosley reported on the meeting of the Budget and Financial Advisory Group (BFAG) held on September 9, 2009, and shared the plan of work proposed by the Group for 2009-10. The plan was approved by consensus. (See attached.) CPC Minutes, September 24, 2009 Page 1 Report: Planning Update Strategic Planning Susan Kelley reported on plans to issues a collegewide call for volunteers to form the Goal Teams in Fall 2009, and to convene a joint meeting of the Goal Team members to launch the work planned for the year, as detailed in the goals of the CPC for 2009-10. Report: Proposed Planning Software Kurt Ewen and Jeff Cornett shared information about a new software tool under consideration for use in unit planning as part of the Institutional Effectiveness process. The tool, called Weave Online, could replace the online tool that has been under development internally. They described how the tool might be useful to the Goal Teams in preparing reports on strategic goals and objectives, and how it can be used to make information about progress on our strategic plan readily available college-wide, adding to the transparency of the plan’s execution and our evaluation. The Council agreed that the tool could be of significant assistance, and asked that, if purchased, it be configured to give broad access to plans that relate to the strategic goals and objectives. Council Learning Activity: Collaboration Michael Shugg and Amy Bosley lead the Council in a discussion of collaboration. Michael shared what has been learned in the conversations about collaboration that he and President Shugart have held around the college, and Amy focused the discussion on how we collaborate around planning issues and decisions. 2009-10 Meeting Schedule Amy called the Council’s attention to the meeting schedule, noting that the next meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2009, on the West Campus, 6-202, at 2:30 p.m. She also noted that the joint meeting of the Strategic Goals teams will take place in late October or early November, in order to launch their work that will take place during the November – March time period, aimed at preparing recommendations for consideration at the annual Big Meeting on the Strategic Plan, to be held on March 19, 2010. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. CPC Minutes, September 24, 2009 Page 2 Attachment: CPC Goals 2009-10 – FINAL – Approved September 24, 2009 Reflecting the discussion held at the July 23, 2009 CPC meeting and review with Dr. Shugart Budget The Council, in collaboration with the Finance Office and the Budget and Financial Advisory Group (to be convened by the CPC’s Faculty Co-chair and the VP for Administrative Services), will: - design and implement collaborative processes to review and/or revise budget principles and priorities, and to create the budget for 2010-11. Specifically in 2009-10, address: o how the principles are working for us and whether they should be adjusted to deal with the uncertain financial situation and the infusion of “one time only” federal stimulus dollars; o how priorities will be set for limited and/or “one time only” resources; o how the budget ties to the enrollment plan; and o how the budget is learning-centered, and how do we know? (The BFAG will plan and convene a “Medium-sized” meeting in the Fall to do this work, making sure to include representatives of the deans and other key budget managers, timed to precede budget decisions for 2010-11.) - monitor the implementation of the annual operating budget in 2009-10 to ensure alignment with the Strategic Plan. The BFAG will develop a “spin-free” document in the fall that explains how the 2009-10 budget is learning-centered and implements our principles, and the CPC will receive the statement in draft form and serve as the final editorial body before presenting it to the President, and with his approval, to the College. (Note: the charge of the Budget and Financial Advisory Group is attached.) Strategic Planning The Council, in collaboration with the Offices of Assessment and Institutional Research, the Data Task Force, and the Big Meeting Task Force, as appropriate, will: - appoint Goal Teams for each of the four Strategic Goals that will meet throughout the year to monitor progress, collect and interpret data, monitor related Strategic Issues named in the strategic plan, foster discussion of essays for each Goal, and prepare an annual report to the CPC and College; - ensure that a CPC Data Team coordinates the gathering of all baseline and target data needed to measure progress toward the strategic goals/objectives, working collaboratively with the Goal Teams and the CPC Minutes, September 24, 2009 Page 3 Office of Institutional Research, as called for in the Evaluation Plan section of the Strategic Plan; - ensure that a CPC Data Team gathers qualitative and quantitative data for 2008-10 and archives it for use in developing an updated Situational/Needs Analysis in 2010 and ultimately for refreshing the Strategic Plan in Spring 2011; - working through the Goal and Data Teams, and in collaboration with major college initiatives such as the Achieving the Dream, Developmental Education Initiative, and Foundations of Excellent, design and/or help to sponsor strategic conversations regarding what the data are revealing to have changed and what the implications of those changes are for the College and for the Strategic Plan; - design and hold a Big Meeting in Spring 2010, with the assistance of the existing Big Meeting planning team, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, and the leaders of the four strategic goals teams. The Big Meeting will review progress toward goals and objectives, consider data regarding results and emerging needs, and recommend any changes the group deems appropriate to the strategic plan. The meeting will yield important feedback about how we will use what we have learned to improve performance, as a part of the Institutional Effectiveness Cycle. The Big Meeting will be tentatively scheduled for March 2010, involving up to 150 faculty, staff, and administrators, with no more than half being administrators. Faculty will be named by the Faculty Council. Council Operations The Council will: - develop and pursue a learning agenda aimed at assisting it in carrying out its charge, and deepening its understanding of the four strategic goals, the strategic issues, financial and budget issues, and Institutional Effectiveness. - demonstrate a mindful approach to environmental stewardship, for example by minimizing travel and use of paper as it conducts its business. - communicate regularly and effectively with the College as a whole regarding its work, thus helping to build trust within the organization. CPC Minutes, September 24, 2009 Page 4 CHARGE of the Budget and Financial Advisory Group (BFAG) (as last amended in 2006): 1. Design and implement a college-wide process for gathering input and feedback that will be used in the development of budget goals, principles, and priorities and the development of the annual budget; 2. Review processes that guide decisions having budgetary implications at the request of the College Planning Council; 3. Research, at the request of the College Planning Council, issues that impact the annual college budget; 4. Review annually and revise as needed the Strategic Budget Initiative Process; 5. Review annually and revise as needed the Research and Development for Innovations Processes; 6. Hold an annual orientation session for members of the Strategic budget Initiatives Review Group prior to SBI proposal submission review and ranking process. CPC Minutes, September 24, 2009 Page 5 Attachment: CPC Learning Activities 2009-10 Approved by CPC September 24, 2009 In reviewing the Strategic Plan and the SCUP Observations, several questions or statements were indentified that the CPC agreed it would like to discuss. The discussion will model the SCUP information and may provide an “observation” and “thoughts” (from a senior administrator) at each meeting. Participants will be asked to discuss the question/observation and related thoughts with their constituent groups and share feedback, questions, etc. at the CPC meeting. Schedule of questions/observations: For discussion at the September meeting: How do we define and practice collaboration? How should we communicate in a collaborative college? –from “plan-related issues” This relates to the work we will be doing in the fall to tell the story of the 09-10 budget and to set principles and priorities for the 10-11 budget. For discussion at the November meeting: “Impact of recession on governance. The governance and administration of the academy is likely to continue being stressed by the economy and shifting demographics.” – from SCUP Observations. This will help prepare us for a timely understanding of issues that must be addressed in the 10-11 budget, and of issues that may be limiting factors in achieving our strategic goals and objectives. For discussion at the January meeting: “Impact of budget cuts: Students feel the pinch. Students are the ones most likely to feel the pinch of the recession; from application to enrollment to graduation, everything has changed.” – from SCUP Observations. This will help is to think about our principles as they relate to students and to consider data on the current student experience at Valencia. For discussion at the February meeting: “Creating Ways to Boost Revenues and Cut Costs. It’s becoming more probable that postsecondary education will be forced to make fundamental changes in its cost structure. How will cost affect delivery of the traditional community college mission?” – from SCUP observations This can help us to think about what aspects of our costs and revenues Valencia can control. While the cost of an education at Valencia is for the most part set by the legislature, we do have some control over total costs, including text books. We also take steps to control administrative costs, through green practices for example. We also seek to create revenues that reduce the cost to students by adding to scholarship funds, and we have several non-state revenue strategies, ranging from cell phone tower licenses to conferencing to Valencia Enterprises. CPC Minutes, September 24, 2009 Page 6 For discussion at the April meeting: How is our commitment to valuing diversity honored through the work envisioned by this (Strategic) plan? – from “plan-related issues” This should follow the Big Meeting and annual review of progress toward the plan by the Goal Teams, and it would help us to look at results through the diversity lens. This discussion will not be limited or focused solely on racial diversity but will include all types of differences that students experience. CPC Minutes, September 24, 2009 Page 7 Attachment: 2009-10 Plan of Work for the BFAG BFAG 200910 Meeting Date September 10, 2009 Time Location 12 - 2 East, TBD DRAFT Projected Agenda Items – July 20, 2009 - - October 15, 2009 2–4 West, TBD - - Review proposed meeting and work products schedule for 09-10 Receive report on 09-10 budget Review budget planning principles Discuss the extent to which the 09-10 budget advances learning and reflects established budget planning principles Draft statement to college about the 09-10 budget (due 9/24/09) EXPANDED BFAG MEETING Review feedback received from college about 09-10 budget statement Receive update on anticipated 10-11 budget issues Receive report on enrollment management plan for 10-11 Review 09-10 budget planning principles and suggest edits/changes for 10-11 Draft plan for communicating budget planning principles to college/Forum planning November, 2009 TBD All - BFAG members co-host budget forums on each campus to discuss budget planning principles and priorities December 10, 2009 2–4 East, TBD - Finalize 2010-2011 budget planning principles and priorities (may be done electronically) CPC Minutes, September 24, 2009 Page 8