October 25, 2007
Osceola Campus 2-219B
Council Members Present: Karen Blondeau, Suzette Dohany, Keith Houck, Susan Kelley, Joe Lynn
Look, Joyce Romano, Rose Watson, Chris Wettstein, Bill White
Council Members Absent: Jean Marie Fuhrman, Linda Hidek, Michele McArdle, Lana Powell, Ruth
Prather, George Rausch, Erica Reynoso, Michael Shugg, Linda Vance, Kaye Walter, George Witta
Council Staff Present: Jeff Cornett, Rita Moore
Guests: Karen Borglum, Kurt Ewen, Kay Garner
Welcome and Introductions
Co-Chair Suzette Dohany, convened the meeting and welcomed guest, Kay Garner from Osceola
Campus. She also introduced Karen Borglum and Kurt Ewen, who were present for the Learning
Action Item: Minutes of September 27, 2007, Meeting
Susan Kelley presented the minutes of the September 27, 2007 meeting.
Action: The Council approved by consensus the minutes of the September 27, 2007 meeting.
Learning Activity
Karen Borglum and Kurt Ewen discussed Attachment B, the VCC Instructional
Effectiveness System Program Review and Evaluation General Education and Program Reviews. All four
governing councils are taking part in this program review exercise. Members were asked to vote “Yes”,
“No”, or “Needs Further Study” to a number of questions regarding core requirements.
College Planning Council Minutes
October 25, 2007
Page Two
Report: Annual Financial Report and 2007-08 Budget
Keith Houck provided an overview of the state budget situation and plans to work collaboratively
to establish principles and make decisions this Fall, using a team that includes among its members those
who serve on the Budget and Financial Advisory Group. He also showed a PowerPoint presentation
comparing the FY06/07 budget with the FY07/08 budget. This presentation was also given to the Board
of Trustees earlier in the month. This comparison review will also be posted on the College’s website.
Keith gave an update on the legislative process in Tallahassee. The budget was still undecided
and the legislators were to meet again on Monday, October 29. Keith predicted that there may be a 6%
reduction in state funds for the College for 08/09.
Report: Planning Process Update
Suzette Dohany and Susan Kelley reported on the work of the four goals teams to write
measurable objectives and essays about each of the four goals. The vision, values and mission statements,
as well as the goals, were approved by the Board of Trustees on October 16. The four goals teams each
held a minimum of four meetings, with one team still scheduled to meet one more time on Monday,
October 29. Each team produced three measurable goals. An essay is being written for each goal. All of
this information will be reviewed and discussed at the Strategies, Goals and Objectives Task Force
meeting on Friday, October 26. That Task Force will finalize the draft objectives for collegewide
discussion in December and January.
Kurt Ewen then reported on the work of the Evaluation Task Force in developing a “data
dashboard” to assist in monitoring progress as we implement the plan, and a prototype of a system that
would enable departments, campuses, and divisions to link their plans to the College’s strategic plan.
College Planning Council Minutes
October 25, 2007
Page Three
VI. Council Learning Agenda for 2007-08
Susan explained that due to the reduction in the budget available for 07/08, there likely will not be
any Strategic Budget Initiatives (SBIs) for review by the Council, so the Council may not need to meet as
many times as originally planned. Because of this situation, Suzette will report on the status of the draft
list of learning activities for the year when she knows how many meetings will actually be held.
Next Meeting Date and Time
Suzette announced that the next Council meeting is scheduled for December 13, 2007, at 2:30 at
East Campus 3-113. It was explained that depending on the outcome of the budget actions in October and
November, the meeting may be cancelled while work is underway at the department and campus levels.
Members should continue to hold the date until a decision can be made. (Note: The meeting was
subsequently cancelled.)
Susan said that a final decision will be made about the date of the Council Holiday Party once
everyone indicates whether Monday, December 3, or Wednesday, December 5, is the preferred date. The
party will be at Susan’s home and past Council members will be invited to join current members.
In the event the Council does not meet in December, Suzette reminded everyone that the January
2008 meeting will be held on the 24th, at 2:30 p.m. at West Campus 6-202.
The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m