DRAFT College Planning Council Agenda February 26, 2009 2:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Osceola Campus – Room 2-219B The meeting will last two hours and fifteen minutes if the time targets are met, including a 15-minute break. I. Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes) – Jane Wiese will convene the meeting. II. Action Item: Minutes of January 22, 2009 Meeting (5 minutes) – Susan Kelley (See Attachment A.) III. Report: 2009-10 Budget Update (15 minutes) – Keith Houck and Susan Kelley Keith will provide an update on the budget projections from the state. Susan will team with Keith to report on the possible impact of the federal stimulus funding. IV. Action Item: 2009-10 Budget Principles (10 minutes) – Keith Houck and Jane Wiese (See Attachment B) Keith and Jane will present a report on reactions received to the draft principles, any suggested edits, and ask the Council to approve a final draft for submission to the President. V. Report: Planning Process Update - (20 minutes) – Jane Wiese and Susan Kelley Jane Wiese and Susan Kelley will report on the work of the Data Task Force, the Big Meeting Planning Team, and the Senior Staff in preparing for the 2009 Big Meeting. The Big Meeting has been moved from March 20 to a summer date to be determined, enabling us to have greater knowledge of the state budget as we establish our targets for the strategic plan and as we consider any needed adjustments to the plan. BREAK – 15 minutes VI. The “Knowing-Doing Gap” – Learning Activity (60 minutes) (See Attachments C and D.) Recently, the Council amended the Institutional Effectiveness diagram to make explicit the execution of our plan (Attachment C). As we execute the plan, the literature tells us that many organizations fail to act on what they know, labeled as the “Knowing-Doing Gap” by two Stanford University professors, Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton, in their book published by the Harvard Business School Press in 2000. The Council is asked to read the attached summary of key points and excerpts from Pfeffer and Sutton’s book (Attachment D). We will break into small groups to discuss what Valencia can do to close “Knowing-Doing Gaps” that could inhibit our progress in executing our strategic plan. As the authors advise, knowing that “Knowing-Doing Gaps” exist is not enough; we have to do something about the gaps. VI. Next Meeting Date and Time (5 minutes) – Jane Wiese The Big Meeting originally scheduled on March 20 will be moved to a summer date. The March 20 reservation can be released on Council members’ calendars. The next Council meeting is April 23, 2009 at 2:30 p.m., West Campus, 6-202. This will be Jane Wiese’s last meeting as co-chair. In May, Amy Bosley will succeed her as faculty co-chair.