Student Affairs 1 Registration Action Plans 2009 Action Request Create an e-mail for students participating in NSO. Rationale Use Twitter or Facebook to follow Admissions steps; First step is Atlas New Student Role in Atlas Outcome Many questions after leaving NSO Keep students out of Answer Center line if there is another resource Quick response – plan is to create a quick answers guideline In the social network students can see answers to other questions so might answer their own Ability to monitor their progress themselves HS Transcript, FL Residency, etc. Only give students the information they need for enrolling Gradually add information to Atlas as student progresses through the funnel Camtasia Video for Financial Aid loans Online Application steps – have students complete a tutorial before/during application process Add locations to the Get Give students the opportunity to work through the steps from home May answer a majority of student questions Steps still need to be simplified Students using Osceola’s document to walk through application Students have the answers but need to know where to go for “a person” ????? Implementation Date and Primus Use the advising e-mail instead of creating a separate e-mail account NSO managers to assist in monitoring email during peak October 2009 NSO Managers; Sonya Joseph Check-off system in Atlas similar to FA would be preferable New technology in Atlas will allow students to check their application status online Lisa Stilke All agreed this would be a great way to help students move through enrollment process Sonya will call together a group to determine what the new role should include A PRS will be submitted to OIT once new role is more defined Group looked into FATV to determine if this was a better method of providing students the information Cost is high Will do in-house for now; suggestion to make the Camtasia video similar to You Tube with a person actually completing the form Summer 2009 Sonya Joseph Brad Honious/George Ruiz Lisa Stilke Jessica Morales Student Affairs 2 Registration Action Plans 2009 Answers responses – where to go for assistance College-wide procedure for NIS paperwork Extra Staff during Registration still needed Renee Simpson Students are not listing colleges and when we find out it causes a lot of issues Adding this language may deter folks who are trying to beat the system. This statement is already on the application N/A Every student should be checked for holds before leaving someone’s office; this pop up will remind staff to look for holds first. Similar to the “private information” pop up Will work with OIT to make this happen Will include (if possible) a notification in Atlas as well (Hold Channel listing student holds) Consider doing the same thing for students on probation Summer 2009 Sonya Joseph This will help EMC and line folks DOS will work with NSO managers to see if this is feasible May bring in Student Leaders from Atlas labs to assist in the Some campuses are unable to do this because of dedicated space; will attempt to secure classroom when classes end During peak, there are not enough computers for students Additional training for the Answer Center Spring 2009 DOS Too many students are leaving NSO and walking to the Answer Center for help EMC said a majority of their calls are NSO/registration related; some students are in line at the AC while calling Use the laptops to register students How do we know when a Lisa Stilke Will check on budget and begin recruiting process for Spring Registration Students need to register right after NSO Collect paperwork even if students are NIS; paperwork must be complete Create a trigger e-mail that notifies students when FL residency has been updated Pop up for SOAHOLD right after log in Check the NIS paperwork Alphabetize and categorize documents processing Phones Add “Failure to disclose…” verbiage on app for college transfers Get Answers needs to be a recognizable link on main page; students don’t know it is a link Do we collect it or not What do we do with it, i.e., how often to check How do we notify student when in the system? Student Affairs 3 Registration Action Plans 2009 student needs a referral to FA? EMC staff need additional access to Banner forms Include EMC staff in AC training Include EMC in campus managers meetings know when they can do a direct referral Need only view, no maintenance Can assist students more thoroughly Xtender, SHATAEQ, SHATRNS, SOAPCOL Can assist students more thoroughly Better understanding of college processes Builds a team approach Helpful during registration to know big picture and campus processes This worked very well on West Large, one-day events seem to be effective Help students all the way through registration process Add additional Freshman Orientation- type orientations during summer How to push prospects through the funnel Need to create new ways of moving students to application Change residency document so it is no so overwhelming Write document for the folks who have 2/3 common documents Refer students who do not meet the “standard” residency process and have separate document for them Need to put somewhere on the residency document that last names must match or must provide proof of relationship Inform students that Permanent Residency card is required (on Specialists will help There is no set reason to refer – case by case Request will be reviewed and training will be scheduled Caution is to not cross the line when giving information – especially over the phone Caution is to not cross the line when giving information – especially over the phone Will be discussed with AC Managers Attend SASI training Spring 2009 Renee Simpson Jessica Morales DOS to schedule managers meetings prior to registration each term LaToya and Derek will be involved in the meetings Spring 2009 DOS Unable to do this during peak – too many staff members off the floor Suggestion was for Transitions to organize and run it during August ???? Jessica Morales Jessica Morales MMR creating new residency document Will send out for review once it is created Lisa Stilke Student Affairs 4 Registration Action Plans 2009 Create a trigger for online application to notify students that Permanent Residency cared required once student checks “not born in U.S.” Bright Futures was not showing as authorized; it was in the system but no paying Send e-mail to students to let them know their account is paid Suspense Files for applications FTIC application; however, a college transcript is received…transcript not evaluated Create an online parent orientation Delete no matter what the number of students are in the pipeline to be deleted residency form and via e-mail Students are completing application, turning in residency documents, and then find out P.R. card is required Inform students ahead of time what is required Will look to see if this is possible in online application May have ability to do this on the residency form Lisa Stilke Brad Honious Students stand in line to verify their classes are paid for Not clear to them in Atlas E-mail should give them verification that they are paid and encourage them to buy their books E-mail should also refer students back to Atlas if there is a change to the schedule Steve Kaplan Need to match suspense files with records being processed Current process is if a transcript is received and the SAAADMS record indicates FITC, the transcript is filed This causes issues when students are waiting for transcripts to be evaluated Parents are requesting to come to NSO; sometimes there is no room for them This will allow them access to the information at any time Causes confusion when we say we’re deleting and don’t Currently creating new reports that capture students falling through this crack Lisa Stilke Renee to review When receiving transcripts, AC staff should check SGASTDN to determine FTIC or transfer Spring 2009 Renee Simpson Sonya will work with NSO group and possibly a UCF intern to create February 2009 Sonya Joseph Steve Kaplan Student Affairs 5 Registration Action Plans 2009 Business Office trained on SPACMNT “Say what we do and do what we say” If something “odd” happens with a student, this will help others understand what steps have been taken so they can inform student and/or direct them to the next step Examples: check was written on Home Equity account and didn’t go through ACH; student deleted but no one knew why; state employee was deleted from all classes because she had registered too early Steve Kaplan Steve Kaplan E-mail sent to students when TIP account is cancelled (FA pays) Students seemed confused when they receive notice their TIP was cancelled/paid off Driving directions and times on Atlas, registration tab Will work with George Ruiz and Jeff Danser to create a new channel in Registration Tab Will give specific directions and approximate times Spring 2009 Sonya Joseph Not sure if this is doable; will work with OIT Sonya Joseph Trigger e-mail when students register for classes on multiple campuses Students are not understanding the time it will take them to travel between classes Students don’t schedule enough time to drive, park, and walk; have to drop/withdraw from classes Students aren’t aware they’re registering on different campuses Students need to plan travel time Documents used for both FA and Admissions need to be requested and collected once Multiple trips for student Frustration for students Brad and Renee to resolve Training issue Brad Honious Renee Simpson Test scores should be taken off of official HS and College transcripts Blocks student from NSO sign up Student making an extra trip to bring in scores CPT, ACT, SAT will be taken off of HS and College transcripts and entered in SOATEST Students will not be charged retake fee – only charged if taking test a second time at Valencia If AC Specialists receive an official Spring 2009 Lisa Stilke AC Managers Student Affairs 6 Registration Action Plans 2009 transcripts, they will enter test scores as well Integrate FA into student tab/Business Office channel to show exactly what is owed Consistency in the information being given at Information Station Students confused as to how much FA their receiving and if their classes are paid for Students are still not finding the information on their own Forms distributed Length of processing times (i.e., 3 – 5 days for app, 30 days for transcript, etc.) Deadlines Brad Honious Chanda will work with student leader team to create a basic training plan with information Spring 2009