The Program Learning Outcomes Assessment Rubric is designed to provide formative feedback to faculty members conducting program learning outcomes assessment and assessment planning. The rubric is intended to: Be a part of a faculty-driven, collegial program learning outcomes assessment process Provide formative feedback that will result in continuous improvement for program assessment, assessment planning, and the use of results Encourage self-assessment and meaningful conversations that lead to quality program learning outcomes assessment to promote student learning Identify best practices across disciplines and programs Give feedback and encouragement for programs at all experience levels Rubric Elements 1. Measureable Program Learning Outcomes 2. Appropriate Assessment Methods 3. Implementation and Analysis of Results 4. Use of Results - Actions to Improve Student Learning 5. Assessment Planning When to Use this Rubric: Need to refine this 1. Effective use of the rubric will require proper preparation and development. 2. The rubric should include a description of suggested uses and environments for use. 3. When possible, the rubric should create connections to existing resources. (Thesaurus of Verbs, Criteria for Measurable Learning Outcomes and others) 4. The content should reflect current institutional practices that lead to quality assessment plans as well as connections to programmatic accreditation as possible. Alignment Critical components – program learning outcomes, course learning outcomes, formative and summative assessment methods – work together to ensure students achieve the desired learning result. Look for the Alignment symbol to indicate criteria related to alignment. The Student Experience More here… Look for the Student Experience symbol to indicate criteria related to the student experience. Collaboration More here… Look for the Collaboration symbol to indicate criteria related to the collaboration. 1. Measureable Program Learning Outcomes Specific Criteria 1.1 Program learning outcomes have been developed and meet the criteria for measurable learning outcomes. 1.2 The list of outcomes is collaboratively authored, reasonable and focus on the most important knowledge, skills, and values of the program. Relevant related or disciplinary standards have been considered. Collaboration symbol 1.3 Program learning outcomes are clearly aligned to measureable course learning outcomes. Each course where program learning outcomes are addressed have been identified (curriculum map). Alignment symbol 1.4 Levels of performance, explicit criteria for assessing students’ mastery, and exemplars of student performance at varying levels have been identified for each program learning outcome. 1.5 Program learning outcomes are assessed formatively and summatively. Assessment data is used regularly to refine course and program learning outcomes. 1.6 Communication of program learning outcomes to students is intentional, on-going, and systematically reinforced throughout the program. The program provides for multiple opportunities for students to apply program learning outcomes to guide their own learning, and educational/career goals. Student Experience symbol 2. Appropriate Assessment Methods 2.1 Each assessment method has a clearly stated purpose and measures the stated program learning outcome(s). Alignment symbol 2.2 The assessment methods are linked to prior educational experiences in the program and are consistent with course activities and learning resources. Alignment symbol 2.3 The assessment methods are sequenced, appropriate to the content, and provide formative and summative results. Alignment symbol 2.4 The program uses common assessment methods and instruments that are designed to ensure a balance between (1) the need for a consistency within the program in order to ensure comparable student artifacts and (2) the need for reasonable flexibility in order to encourage faculty judgment in the design and delivery of learning activities. Collaboration symbol 2.5 Levels of performance, explicit criteria for assessing students’ mastery, and exemplars of student performance at varying levels have been identified. 2.6 The assessment methods aim to go beyond a description of student achievement to investigate the impact of instruction or conditions for learning. 2.7 The criteria for assessing mastery are clearly communicated to students. Students apply the assessment criteria for the purposes of self-assessment and are given opportunities to provide feedback on assessment methods and criteria (as appropriate.) Student Experience symbol 3. Implementation and Analysis of Results 3.1 The collection of student artifacts and evidence of student learning is well-planned and conducted systematically. The timing, student population, and method of collection are reasonable, appropriate to the program, and lead to reliable results. 3.2 Reviewers consistently apply criteria for assessing students’ mastery (inter-rater reliability). Steps to ensure inter-rater reliability are well-planned, on-going, and appropriate to the assessment method. Reviewers regularly engage in sufficient professional development opportunities. 3.3 Reviewers routinely find a high-level of reliability in the assessment method and instrument using a documented measure. 3.4 Faculty members routinely discuss results, in collaboration with pertinent colleagues, such as Student Affairs, colleagues in related disciplines, industry partners, and advisory board members, as appropriate to the program. Collaboration symbol 3.5 Faculty members take comparative data into account when interpreting results, such as 5-Year Program Review data and other indirect measures of student learning and performance. 3.6 All program faculty members receive annual assessment results and work as a group to analyze student artifacts and evidence of student learning. All program faculty, or those designated, discuss assessment results in depth, and build consensus to make specific conclusions about student learning. Collaboration symbol 4. Use of Results – Actions to Improve Student Learning 4.1 The plan to improve learning and/or assessment is specific and directly related to the faculty members’ collective conclusions about areas for improvement. Collaboration symbol 4.2 The improvement plan includes a clear description of assessment results, changes/improvements planned, timetable for implementation, necessary resources, essential faculty development opportunities, and identifies who is responsible for the action(s). 4.3 The planned changes/improvements are realistic, appropriate, and likely to improve student learning and/or assessment. 4.4 The plan for the next year’s cycle of assessment is well-developed and aligned with the Program Learning Outcomes Timeline. 5. Assessment Planning 5.1 The program has a fully-articulated, sustainable, multi-year Program Learning Outcomes Timeline that describes when and how each outcome will be assessed. The timeline is designed to accomplish the assessment of each program learning outcome and development of an improvement plan within the 5-Year Program Review cycle. 5.2 The plan is routinely examined and revised, as needed.