Welcome to the Communications Center Building 5, Room 155

Welcome to the
Communications Center
Building 5, Room 155
Operating Hours
Mondays – Thursdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Fridays 8 a.m. to Noon
Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Telephone: (407) 582-5454
We offer:
Writing Assistance
Grammar Reviews
Speech Video Lab
Reading Assistance
and MLA Assistance
EAP Language Lab
Essays & Research Papers
The Communications Center
is an academic environment where
students focus on their learning.
 Please
turn cell phones off or on “silent mode”
 No food and only capped drinks allowed
 Please no visitors or children.
Communications Center Staff
– Provide in-depth help for your courses.
– Offer individual help with your writing, reading,
grammar, or speaking skills.
Student Assistants
– Assistance with technology and Blackboard.
The Main Lab
Students login with their own VID number.
 Over 100 computers with interactive programs.
 Two printers, a scanner station, and two Apple
 Save all work to a USB/Flash Drive or Cloud.
 All
files saved to lab computers will be deleted
when the system is restarted.
Printer Usage
10 cents per page, black and white
 Color printing available at the library
 Print cards are available for purchase.
 Use your computer station number to print your work.
 If you have a technical problem or need assistance,
please ask for help at the front desk.
EAP/Foreign Languages Lab
Specialized equipment and headsets for listening to
and recording speech.
Instructors and staff in lab ready to assist you with
Azar, Aplia, Grammar and Beyond, or My English
English dictionaries
Speech/Video Room
Computer, television, and camera available to
record or practice speeches.
 You may book room for speech and/or to work
together as a group.
 Instructors and staff in lab
ready to assist you!
Main Writing Center Hours:
By appointment
Monday – Thursday: 8a.m. – 8p.m.
Friday: 9a.m. – Noon
Saturday: 9a.m. – 2p.m.
Mobile Writing Center
Available in the library on
the first floor; walk-in.
Help is available to all Valencia students
from all courses and disciplines college-wide.
Appointments are required.
1/day, 3/week
 30 minutes long (60 minutes for research papers)
 “no-show” appointments may be given to waiting students
after five minutes
Students with repeated no-shows will lose the use of the
Writing Center.
Come prepared!
 Bring a clean, printed copy of your work.
 Bring a copy of the assignment.
Instructors will:
 Identify and review problem areas.
 Offer one-on-one lessons on weak skills.
 Send a visit summary to your e-mail.
Instructors will NOT:
 Proofread or grade papers.
We are here to help you!
We are available to answer questions on software,
labs, and class assignments.
Computers and programs available 6 days a week.
Instructors and staff members with the knowledge to
work with you on achieving higher grades.
The Writing Center for in-depth and personal
guidance with essays, speeches, or homework.
Reference books, literature, and interactive labs to
assist you in maximizing your learning potential!