Amendment #1 RFQ #01-14Energy Services Companies This addendum is issued in accordance of the instructions in the Request for Qualification as listed below: If any person contemplating submitting a proposal for the proposed contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications, or other proposed contract documents, or finds discrepancies in, or omissions from the specifications, they are instructed to contact Kim Simonds, Buyer, at (760) 795-6755, to request an interpretation or correction thereof. The District may require that such request be in writing, in which case the person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation or correction of the proposed documents will be made by Addendum duly issued by the Buyer, and a copy of such Addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving a set of such documents. The District will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretation of the proposed documents. Q. Page 8, Item 2.d, states - Before submitting a proposal, respondents shall carefully read the specifications and the forms of other documents. They shall fully inform themselves as to all existing conditions and limitations, and shall include in the proposal a sum to cover the cost of all items included in the contract. No allowance will be made because of lack of such examination or knowledge. We understand this to be a qualification and we did not see a requested pricing component in the RFQ package. Could you clarify the intent of this section? A. This term is included in the District’s standard General Instructions. For the purpose of this Request for Qualification there is no cost associated. Q. We would like to clarify what specifically you are looking for when asking for “credentials”. Are you asking for licenses/certifications, awards, etc. It is our assumption that experience would be customer based and credentials would be based on our personnel qualified to do energy services type work. Any further guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. A. Credentials are any licenses, certificates or designations that may be held by your firm. Q. Could you please provide a Scope of Services? A. There is no Scope of Service. This Request for Qualification is being used to develop a pool of qualified vendors. Projects will be considered on an individual basis amongst the qualified firms. Q. What is the budget for this contract? A. This is not an individual contract. This Request for Qualification is being used to develop a pool of qualified vendors. Projects will be considered on an individual basis amongst the qualified firms. Q. What is the duration of this contract? A. This is not a contract. This Request for Qualification is being used to develop a pool of qualified vendors. Projects will be considered on an individual basis amongst the qualified firms. Q. Can you please provide any information on any planned or future energy projects? A. The District does not have any specifications on potential projects. The District is issuing this Request for Qualification to develop a pool of qualified vendors. Projects will be considered on an individual basis amongst the qualified firms. Q. Is there any accompanying documjetns indicating your goals or expectations? A. No. Specific projects, goals and expectations will be considered based upon individual projects. Q. I have read the RFQ and there does not appear to ge any requirement for renewalbe energy such as Solar Electricity (Photovoltaic). Is that correct. A. Yes, that is correct. RFQ #01-14 Energy Services Companies Page 1 Q. We are writing to ask a question about the above referenced RFQ and the use of the term Energy Services Companies. Can you please confirm that you are looking for professional services firms that are capable of doing the services you describe and not ESCO type companies that will offer financing and construction for these types of projects. A. The District is not limiting the pool. Our goal is to develop a pool of vendors that covers all areas. Q. RFQ Page 18, 4. How many school district projects has your firm completed in the past 5 years? Is that to include both K-12 and Community College Projects? A. Yes. Q. On the following questions in the RFQ the scoring seems to be reversed, please clarify, they include: 11. Does your firm maintain the insurance requirements as listed below? (Yes = 0 pts., No = 10 pts.) 13. Has your firm completed projects for any California Community College? (Yes = 0 pts., No = 5 pts.) 14. Has your firm completed projects for any other California Public Agency? (Yes = 0 pts., No = 5 pts.) A. Please see the attached corrected Qualification Form for the corrected points allocation. Q. a. Experience related to Community College Districts administration including a list of specific projects the firm has completed in the past five years. (Rate - Maximum 4 pts. / Minimum 0 pts.) Is MCCD looking for project experience where the provider performed projects in the administration buildings of a community college district? A. For clarification purposes, please delete the word administration. The statement will now read: a. Experience related to Community College Districts, including a list of specific projects the firm has completed in the past five years. Q. Is there a page limit on the response? A. The District requests that responses please be no longer than 30 pages. Q. Is there a maximum number of ESCO’s that the District intends to have in their pool of qualified contractors? If yes, how many will be selected? A. No. Q. Page 8, section 2 Submittals (d). Is this portion referring to follow-on work rather than the proposal for the RFQ? Otherwise, what is the “sum to cover the cost of all items included in the contract” referring to? A. This term is included in the District’s standard General Instructions. For the purpose of this Request for Qualification there is no cost associated. Q. Page 15 Description of Firm, Section D. Experience related to sustainable construction and/or energy efficiency standards. Is it possible for the District to be more specific on what is intended here? IT is assumed that this refers to Title 24 and projects related to LEED Certifications and possible Energy Star. We can provide examples of projects that meet these criteria. Are there any other specific items that are being requested? A. The District is interested in the three specified types of projects in this question, as well as any additional types of sustainable projects that may have been done. Q. Page 11, General Provisions -11 LATE FEES states “Late deliveries or service performance in excess of twenty (20) calendar days shall be assessed late delivery charge. This late charge shall be assessed at 2.5% per calendar day of the total dollar value (before tax) of the late delivered goods or services”. This statement appears to be more specific to material procurement for pencils and office furniture rather than for large, complex, turn key projects that may last RFQ #01-14 Energy Services Companies Page 2 12 or more months, such as a central plant rebuild. Please confirm that this will be applied to all intended project work. A. This is a part of the Districts standard General Provisions and for the purposes of this qualification there will be no Late Fees. Q. Page 15 Description of Firm. In sections A, C and E, there is reference made to “Credentials”. Is it possible for the District to be more specific on what is being requested? Do “Credentials” mean certifications and licenses? If yes, many of these are at the individual rather than company level. Should we state the number of staff we have with credentials such as LEED, CEM, LC, etc? If this is intended to be Company Level, should this be accreditations, awards, or industry-wide recognitions? Please advise. A. Credentials are any licenses, certificates or designations that may be held by your firm. The Credentials of individual staff is acceptable. Q. The General Conditions Section has many provisions cited but it is not all-inclusive regarding Terms and Conditions (T’s & C’s) for a final award of contract for specific work activities. It is assumed that the ESCO’s will have the ability to negotiate final (T’s & C’s) with the District upon award of Contract for specific work. Please clarify. A. The intent of this Request for Qualifications is to develop a pool of qualified vendors. Individual projects will be considered on an individual basis and RFP’s and/or Bids will be issued as projects are determined. Q. Page 11, General Provisions -13 Indemnification. The provisions of this state that the ESCO’s shall indemnify and hold the District harmless, it is not mutual in its provisions. Will this provision be negotiable upon award of Contract? Please advise. A. This provision is a requirement for District. Q. Page 15 Description of Firm. There appear to be some contradictions in the questions on the Forms attached for Signature. Page 20 Section 3 – Insurance/Bonding Criteria. Are the numbers for Yes and No reversed? It is assumed having the insurance result in the 10 points, not the reverse. Page 21 Section 4 – Performance. 13. Completed Projects for CA Community Colleges. Are the numbers for Yes and No reversed? It is assumed having the experience should result in the 5 points, not the reverse? Page 21 Section 4 – Performance. 14. Completed Projects for CA Public Agencies. Are the numbers for Yes and No reversed? It is assumed having the experience should result in the 5 points, not the reverse? Please advise. A. A. Please see the attached corrected Qualification Form for the corrected points allocation. Q. Qualification Criteria 1. Description of Firm a. Credentials related to energy efficiency analysis and life cycle cost analysis. Could you provide an example of acceptable credentials? We would like further clarification on what credentials are desired. c. Credentials related to sustainable construction and/or energy efficiency standards (e.g. Coalition for High Performance Schools and Leadership in energy Environmental Design.) What other credentials are desired? e. Credentials for mechanical systems and central plant design and engineering. Could you provide an example of acceptable credentials? We would like further clarification on what credentials are desired. A. The District is looking for any licenses, certificates or designations that may be held by your firm. Q. Section 5- Description of Firm Points Matrix. Are the points awarded for project experience based on a certain quantity or subjective quality? A. Subjective quality. RFQ #01-14 Energy Services Companies Page 3