
MiraCosta Community College District
Request for Qualifications / Request for Proposals
RFQ / RFP #03-13
Proposition EE Program Management
Submissions must be received on or before:
2:00 PM Thursday, November 1, 2012
Any Request for Qualification / Request for Proposal received after the time and date stated above
shall not be considered for award.
***A Pre-proposal Meeting will be held on October 19, 2012***
For any questions or clarifications relating to this RFQ / RFP, please contact:
Kim Simonds
MiraCosta Community College District
1 Barnard Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
Phone: 760-795-6755
Fax: 760-795-6795
Email: ksimonds@miracosta.edu
Table of Contents
RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Calendar of Events ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope of Work..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Submission Format ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Submittal Information & Evaluation Process ........................................................................................... 11
Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Respondent Qualification Certification ........................................................................................................ 2
Respondent Proposal Certification ..............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
MCCD RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
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Calendar of Events
RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
Proposed Schedule: Subject to change and Subject to the page of Proposition EE on November 6th
Pre-Proposal Meeting ................................................................................................................................... October 19, 2012
Last Day to Submit for Clarifications .............................................................................................................. October 25,2012
Proposals Due ............................................................................................................................................. November 1, 2012
Review of Proposals/Short List ..................................................................................................... Week of November 5, 2012
Site Visits ..................................................................................................................................... Week of November 19, 2012
Oral Interviews ............................................................................................................................ Week of November 26, 2012
Selection of Firm ........................................................................................................................... Week of December 3, 2012
Board Approval of Contract ....................................................................................................................... December 11, 2012
Negotiation of Final Terms & Conditions .......................................................................................... December 12 – 14, 2012
Notice to Proceed (contract commencement date 1/2/2013) ................................................................... December 17, 2012
Pre-Proposal Meeting
A meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on October 19, 2012 in the MiraCosta College Board Room in the Administration
Building (Building 1000). This meeting will be held to introduce the program and provide a forum for answering questions
concerning this solicitation. It is highly recommended that interested firms attend this meeting. An addendum summarizing
the questions and answers will be distributed following the meeting.
Requests by a Proposer for clarification must be received by the District by the deadline set forth in the RFP Schedule for
submission of RFQ/RFP Proposals. Without limitation to the District's right to conduct Pre-Scoring Discussions,
Negotiations or Post-Scoring Discussions, requests for clarification received after that time will not be responded to. All
requests for clarification must be in writing and shall be delivered, by hand delivery, mail, fax or e-mail between the hours
of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and prior to the applicable deadline in the RFP Schedule to the following:
Kim Simonds, Buyer
MiraCosta Community College District
1 Barnard Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056
Phone: 760-795-6755
Email: ksimonds@miracosta.edu
Proposal Submission
Interested firms must submit seven (7) copies of their written statement of qualifications in binder or securely bound and in
electronic format on a CD ROM, DVD ROM or USB Thumb Drive to:
MiraCosta Community College District
1 Barnard Drive, Building T600
Oceanside, CA 92056
ATTN: Susan Asato, Director of Purchasing and Material Management
MCCD RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
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RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
On August 7, 2012, the Mira Costa Board of Trustees adopted a resolution to place a general obligation bond (Proposition
‘EE’) on the November 6, 2012 ballot for approval by the voters of San Diego County in the amount of $497 million. The
purpose of Proposition EE is to fund the Comprehensive Master Plan projects. The full Comprehensive Master Plan and
an Executive Summary can be found at www.miracosta.edu/ourplan. Additional information about Proposition EE can be
found at www.yesonEE.com. The program schedule is over a 10 year period.
A. Purpose of Solicitation
MiraCosta College is soliciting statements of qualifications and proposals (RFQ/RFP) from qualified firms and
persons to provide Proposition EE Program Management in connection with projects identified by the District for
this bond. The District is planning to award one contract covering a period of up to three years with an option to
extend these contracts for two additional years. The one contract will be for both program and project
management level services, but those two functions may be performed by different entities within the one
contract. Management of the bond projects requires extensive experience in public works and school facilities
capital improvement projects. Personnel from selected firms will work side by side with District staff to supplement
its own forces.
The District seeks to promote employment and business opportunities for local residents and firms on all
contracts as such opportunities may occur and to the extent legally possible. Interested proposers are
encouraged to solicit applications for sub consultants for work associated with this RFP from qualified residents
and firms located within a 30 mile radius of the District boundaries.
Although the actual consummation of a Program Management agreement is contingent on the success of
Proposition EE on November 6, 2012, the District is proceeding with the program management selection process
because of its desire to successfully, efficiently and effectively activate a successful construction program as soon
after a successful election as possible. All responders to this RFQ/RFP are to be aware that there is no
guarantee that a contract for program management services will be awarded as a result of this RFQ/RFP
process; rather, that the award will be dependent upon both the quality of the proposals and the outcome of the
November 6, 2012 election.
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Scope of Work
RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
Pursuant with California Government Code 4525, et seq. and 53600, the District desires to engage a highly qualified and
experienced program management firm to provide a complete range of professional services as an extension of District
staff. It is anticipated that the selected firm will provide assistance in the following areas: Program Management, Project
Management, Project Scheduling, Project Budgeting and Cost Estimating, Information Management Systems,
Procurement, care and support of the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee, and Financial Management Support
Services. Services will include development of design and construction standards, program processes and procedures,
program analysis, fiscal management, environmental planning and management coordination and oversight, project and
design coordination, labor compliance support and other related services for the bond program. The selected firm(s) will
not perform any professional design services for the District or construction services as a general contractor or
subcontractor and shall not be allowed to self perform any trade work nor contract with affiliates to perform such work.
The contracted scope of work shall be negotiated with the selected firm based on the services proposed by the firm and/or
required by the District. Firms can provide the service in-house, or by joint venturing or by assembling a team of subconsultants. Statements of Qualifications from proposers that provide a single service, such as cost estimating, will not be
A. Directions to Proposers
Interested firms are requested to submit written statements of qualifications, and their pricing structure to the
District in response to this request. Indications of interest received by the District prior to the issuance of this
request are not sufficient for a firm to be included in the selection process.
B. Proposed Approach
Interested firms shall describe their proposed approach to providing consulting services for the District’s bond
program including level of proposed staffing and services to be provided. Firms that demonstrate a clear
understanding of the purpose, scope and objectives of the program and have proposed an approach and work
plan that achieves them will be given preference in the evaluation process.
C. Program Management Responsibilities
1. Planning
a. Review bond projects for each building on each campus and define project scope with District staff and
design consultants.
b. Sequence and schedule design and construction projects for each building on each campus with District
staff and design consultants.
c. Prepare and present status reports to the District, the Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee (ICOC)
and Board of Trustees, as requested.
2. Budget & Schedule
a. Maintain and update District’s cost and schedule control and reporting system.
b. Assist District staff to maintain its cost control process to provide timely and accurate measures of
expenditures, obligations, commitments and expenses against the Proposition ‘EE’ program and facilities.
Maintain status of revenue available for the program.
c. Utilizing standard accounting methods, tabulate, compile and verify correctness of expenditures
associated with the program.
d. Utilizing Primavera Contract Manager (CM13) or other software acceptable to the District, and Scheduling
Software, coordinate and maintain a schedule that documents the sequence and time frame for each
project and/or bid package in the Proposition ‘EE’ program.
e. Review current budget information and assist the District to update its overall program budget, including
fees, permits, etc… Assist the District to revise budgets to reflect actual expenditures and reallocate
available funds as necessary.
f. Prepare periodic summaries of program expenditures for District review.
g. Report quarterly on the bid climate and recommend bidding and acquisition strategies to maximize
efficient use of the bond funds.
h. Assist the District in obtaining grant and other funding for school projects from local, state and federal
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3. Training and Standards
a. Develop and provide training to District staff or other contractors/consultants on program related functions
and procedures, as requested.
b. Assist the District in evaluating and revising current procedures and to develop new procedures as
c. Assist the District with overall coordination and administration of the program, including labor compliance,
interfacing with internal staff of various departments and representatives of outside organizations.
D. Project Management Responsibilities
1. Environmental Review
a. Provide support services in the procurement and management oversight of environmental specialists, as
required by District including, but not limited to:
i. Environmental site assessments
ii. Lead paint and asbestos surveys
iii. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements
iv. Geotechnical reports;
v. California Department of Education (CDE) compliance with environmental regulations;
2. Design Phase
a. Facilitate the development of District Design Standards for the Program and for individual projects
b. Become knowledgeable of District standards and educational facility specifications and apply these
standards to project scoping.
c. Develop and verify project scope and cost estimates.
d. Assist the District in developing new educational facility specifications and design standards.
e. Assist the District in developing RFP and RFQ solicitations for the selection of design and/or design build
firms for Proposition work.
f. Review design to recommend alternative solutions whenever design details affect construction feasibility
or schedules.
g. Provide periodic reports that summarize design progress, schedule and cost status, changes and other
significant project information.
h. As project manager,
i. Review and monitor the architects’ design schedule;
ii. Coordinate with Division of State Architect (DSA) for reviews and approval of project designs as
i. As project manager or related project role, participate in design task force.
j. Attend and/or conduct meetings necessary for coordination with all interested stakeholders and parties.
k. Conduct formal design review and value engineering sessions. Evaluate types of building components
and systems as requested by the District.
l. Develop a construction delivery strategy that meets the District’s objectives for the Program and
minimizes disruptions to the educational program.
m. Develop project phasing and interim housing plans as required.
n. Assist the District in the implementation of its Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) processes.
o. Assist the District in researching products and developing District standard specifications.
p. Review construction design and specifications for accuracy and constructability.
q. Assist project architect to identify and obtain all necessary regulatory agency approvals.
E. Construction Management Responsibilities
1. Bid & Award Phase
a. Assist the District in developing RFP/RFQ solicitations and/or bid documents for the selection of
construction firms for various delivery methods.
b. Conduct pre-bid conference and site visits.
c. Assist the District in technical aspects of evaluating bids and in processing the contract with the
responsive and responsible bidder(s), if requested.
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2. Construction Phase
a. Coordinate schedule of work with appropriate campus representatives.
b. As project manager,
i. Assist the District with management and administration of construction contracts, including work
changes, payments, submittals, monitoring of construction, document interpretations, and other
procedural aspects.
ii. Assist with evaluation of and/or recommend Change Orders. Advise the District on the Change Order
process insuring best price, procedural completion and work accomplishment.
iii. Assist the District with processing of construction payment requests for approval, if appropriate.
iv. Review and monitor the contractor’s construction schedule and advise the District regarding the best
sequencing to facilitate productivity and occupancy objectives.
v. Report potential budget and schedule variances and prepare recovery plans.
vi. Assist the District in maintaining communication and cooperation with various local, state and federal
agencies, as requested.
c. As project manager, attend job site meetings with the contractor to assist the project architect to discuss
and resolve field and administrative issues. Review planned construction for coordination with ongoing
educational programs and school activities. Identify and determine the cause of delays and initiate action
to correct.
3. Project Commissioning
a. Coordinate the commissioning of each project and verify that the building’s energy related systems are
installed, calibrated, and perform according to the owner’s project requirements, basis of design and
construction documents utilizing the following process commissioning protocol:
i. Fundamental Commissioning:
a. Review the Owners Project Requirements or Basis of Design Document for Clarity and
b. Develop and Implement a Commissioning Plan
c. Incorporate a Commissioning Specification in the Construction Documents
d. Provide Installation Verification
e. Provide Functional Testing
f. Provide a Final Commissioning Report
ii. Enhanced Commissioning:
a. Design Review
b. Focused Submittals Review
c. Focused Training Verification
d. O&M Review
e. Systems Manual
f. Post Occupancy 10th Month Re-commissioning
iii. Systems to Be Commissioned:
At a minimum, the following systems, including all components and controls, will be commissioned:
a. Central building automation systems, including linkages to remote monitoring and control sites
(this excludes any security-related control systems or interlocks).
b. All HVAC systems including steam and heating water systems
c. Refrigeration systems for HVAC, food service, labs, etc.
d. Domestic water pumping systems
e. Day lighting and Occupancy Lighting control systems
f. Renewable energy systems
g. Fire sprinkler systems
b. Verify that the facility staff has adequate system documentation and training.
4. Post Construction Phase
a. Coordinate the completion of construction and the occupancy schedule to minimize disruption to the
educational activities.
b. Assist the District to schedule instruction sessions by major material and equipment suppliers to orient
and train the District’s staff for operation. Ensure all operations manuals and warranties are delivered to
the District in a timely manner.
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F. District Outreach Program
Selected firm(s) may be required to provide Community Outreach services for the purpose of creating
opportunities for the hiring of local residents, local community consultants, and emerging business enterprises for
subcontracting participation in construction work, professional services and clerical business support. Firm(s)
shall provide evidence of past experience in the community that demonstrates the firm’s ability to be successful to
render such services.
G. Labor Compliance Responsibilities
1. Labor compliance responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
a. Prepare complex administrative or technical reports, analyses, and summaries including the Labor
Compliance Annual Report and Requests for Withhold to the Department of Industrial Relations.
b. Monitor, investigate, and report on the labor practices of contractors and subcontractors engaged in
construction work for District to determine compliance with state and federal labor laws and regulations.
c. Coordinate and perform audits of contractors and subcontractors to ensure compliance with state and
federal labor laws and regulations utilizing available District staff and resources; review certified payroll
reports, other construction records, logs, observations and interviews conducted by designated District
d. Receive complaints of noncompliance made by construction employees and work preservation and
community group; conduct initial meetings with complainants to obtain information and documents to
determine the validity of the complaint.
e. Communicate with noncompliant contractors and subcontractors to advise of labor laws and regulations,
inform them of actual or potential noncompliance issues, and clarify and assist with resolutions of
potential noncompliance issues.
f. Document all contacts with contractors and subcontractors regarding potential noncompliance for review
by the Labor Compliance Supervisor and the Contract Compliance Manager.
g. Prepare periodic written report to District staff summarizing contractor audits and the progress of
outstanding projects.
h. Explain the District’s Labor Compliance Program to contractors at pre-bid job walkthrough meetings, signup meetings, and pre-construction meetings.
i. Conduct briefings and workshops with contractors and subcontractors to ensure their awareness of
applicable law and their responsibilities under the law.
j. Conduct investigations of contractor/subcontractor noncompliance with state and federal labor laws and
regulations according to departmental policies and practice.
k. Prepare legal documents in anticipation of formal actions under the labor code against contractors and
l. Train and direct the work of District staff in the practice of Labor Compliance Program operations.
m. Perform related duties as assigned that are reasonably related to the conduct of a robust Labor
Compliance Program.
n. Review bid plans and specifications to determine scope of work.
o. Perform onsite monitoring of labor compliance in support of construction programs and projects.
p. Interview construction workers in the field; observe work performed.
q. Review certified payroll reports and other construction records, logs, and reports for indications of
noncompliance; ensure appropriate wage determination(s).
r. Receive and investigate complaints of noncompliance made by employees and the public.
s. Prepare detailed reports; compile and maintain documentation.
t. Assist in gathering evidence for use in supporting contractor penalty assessments in administrative
u. Explain policies and procedures to District staff, construction employees and employers, and the public.
H. Information Management System Responsibilities
1. Information Management System responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
a. Set-up, coordination and integration of overall systems to provide the structure and procedures to control
operations and improve performance objectives as necessary;
b. Verification, validation and reporting of commitments, expenditures, and forecasting to budget;
c. Status of milestone activities to support the Program’s goals and objectives;
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d. Integration of internal District systems with capital program activities to optimize performance across the
e. Accountability and effective controls of Program budget and schedule reporting
f. Implementation of an organizational structure to manage effective communications and reporting.
FF&E Responsibilities:
As related to Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (“FF&E”):
a. Provide FF&E planning, specifications and implementation (including process recommendations) for all
furniture, fixtures and equipment related to the bond program.
b. Coordinate and plan the development of furniture layouts, infrastructure requirements, budget and
procurement strategies, specifications, competitive bids and contracts, order and delivery schedules,
project submittal review, installation, coordination, inspection, and project start up. Maintain program and
project-related information over the duration of the contract.
c. Consult with Program Management Teams, Project Design Teams, District leadership, building user
groups, and other mission critical entities within the District, including Information/Technology/Media
Services, Maintenance and Operations, Purchasing and Contracting, Architects and other Districtappointed consultants and staff.
The selected firm shall meet with District representatives as necessary. All meetings described under this Scope of Work
shall be at the District’s offices unless otherwise agreed upon by the Program Manager and the District representatives.
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Submission Format
RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
A. General Instructions
It is important that your submission exactly follows the format below and that the sections are numbered to
correspond to requirements below. The format should be in the following format:
1. Introduction and a brief summary of why your firm would be the best fit with MiraCosta; you can assume
that there will be multiple highly qualified firms that are technically capable of providing program
management services to the District, so what make your firm the one that should get the contract? How
would your team contribute to making Proposition EE be recognized as the most efficiently managed
community college bond program in California? (2 page maximum)
2. Firm Information (see below)
3. Technical Capabilities (see below)
4. Working together (see below, one page response per question)
5. Cost and Price Summary
B. Firm Information:
1. Provide a brief history of your firm and respond to the following:
Name of Firm
Contact information, including primary contact individual(s)
Location of corporate headquarters and local offices
Number of years the firm has been in business
Names of senior members and length of time in firm
List of services provided by firm (and team partner and/or subcontract firms).
Legal form of company (partnership, corporation, joint venture, etc…)
List any instances where your firm has partnered or joint ventured with another firm, and the
partnership and/or joint venture was absolved or not carried out.
List all claims, lawsuits or arbitrations filed by the following:
i. On behalf of your firm or against your firm in the last five (5) years relating to consulting services,
including but not limited to, a client for whom you performed professional services. A claim is
defined as a demand for payment that is disputed. A lawsuit is an actual complaint filed in court.
Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution in which a neutral third party renders a decision
after a hearing in which both parties have an opportunity to be heard.
i. Provide references for services performed for California state and local public agencies and dates
of performance. Include names of agencies, specific services rendered and names and contact
information of persons who can be contacted regarding these services.
ii. Provide references for similar services performed for at least five (5) additional organizations and
dates of performance. Include names of organizations, specific services rendered and contact
information of persons who can be contacted regarding these references. Of the five references
listed, at least two (2) should include California public school experience.
Include the following information for each of your team sub-consultant firms: Firm name, business
address, contact information and principal-in-charge. Provide an organizational chart showing the
relationship of your firm and sub-consultants.
Provide information on the personnel that you would recommend for assignment to design and
construction projects.
Provide a list of project management personnel that you would recommend for assignment.
Include resumes for each of the Project Manager proposed personnel.
Include at least one resume for each of the other positions listed in Exhibit “A” schedule of hourly
billing rates. Experience in education planning, design and construction should be clearly identified in
the resumes. Project name, type, location, completion date and cost should be included.
Provide a one page statement of your staff augmentation philosophy and how you would ensure the
seamless blending of your staff into the fabric of the District.
In order for you to work with the District to develop a scope of work, what additional information would
you need from the District?
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C. Technical Capabilities (one page maximum per question)
1. Describe your firm’s controls to insure adequate time dedicated to our projects in conjunction with your
office workload.
2. Identify the methods the firm will use to insure that each project’s scope will be defined and represented
in the plans and specifications.
3. Identify the methods the firm will use to insure cost/budget controls during preparation of the plans and
4. Describe your firm’s knowledge and experience with State funding for school construction programs.
5. Describe your firm’s knowledge and experience with State Regulatory Agencies impacting Community
6. Describe your firm’s experience with project and program controls using computerized reporting systems.
7. Provide a brief description of all California education projects managed by your firm within the last five
years. Your descriptions should include
a. Project name & location
b. The total project cost
c. Your firm or team members’ role(s) on the project; i.e. project manager, construction manager,
estimating, scheduling, accounting, etc...
d. The current project status; i.e. design, DSA approved, 50% construction complete, beneficial
occupancy, DSA closeout pending certification letter, etc…
8. Describe the firm’s cost estimating approach and methodology from planning and design through
9. Describe the firm’s cost estimate history: review the firm’s cost estimates versus actual bid amounts on
three or more California education projects. Include examples and written explanations.
10. Describe the firm’s change order management approach and methodology. Discuss the firm’s track
record showing the total dollar amount of change orders compared to the original contract dollar amount.
Indicate by percentage the dollar amount of change orders caused by the client, design firm and
contractor respectively. Provide examples of three or more projects.
11. Describe your firm’s quality control assurance procedures, including coordination of consultants, from
planning and design through construction.
D. Working Together (one page per question maximum)
1. What techniques have you previously used to learn and understand the culture and sole of a complex
community such as a community college?
2. What techniques have you previously used to collegially coordinate among design teams comprised of
highly talented professional, most of who probably have strong egos and who feel passionate ownership
of their designs?
3. How have you effectively aided a district in establishing it Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight
4. How will you ensure that the Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee has the appropriate
information it needs to be confident they are adequately exercising their appropriate oversight over the
5. How you will ensure that the District’s top executive team and board have the appropriate information
they need to be confident they are adequately exercising their appropriate oversight over the program?
6. What are the keys to an effective relationship between the project’s senior program manager and the
District’s top administrator responsible for the program?
E. Cost and Price Summary
Proposer shall provide a Schedule of Rates (SOR) for the principal firm (or firms if there is a joint venture or
partnership) as reflected in the table attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by this reference.
Proposers hourly rates should be identified for each of the three years indicated in the Exhibit. Column 1 provides
the position description. Proposer should list a fully burdened hourly rate in column 2. All direct costs, profit and
overhead, as well as applied overhead and profit should be included in the burdened hourly billing rates. Any
proposed reimbursable expenses should also be listed. Travel and related expenses shall be compensated in
accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations published by the U.S. Department of Defense, if approved by the
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Submittal Information & Evaluation Process
RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
A. Submittal Information
Written responses shall be submitted on 8½ x 11 paper, single sided with font no less than 10 point. Double-space is
preferred; however, single-space is acceptable. Submitting firm may use a smaller or larger font for text in the
header/footer and/or subheadings, as applicable. The double-space requirement does not apply to figures, charts,
tables and other graphics. Pre-printed exhibits are exempt from the font type/size requirement and line-space
requirements providing documents are readable.
Each RFQ/RFP must be presented to the District in a bound fashion. No pages of the response shall be loose or
inserted in binder pockets as a substitute for being included within the bound portion of the response. Please provide
the District with seven (7) copies which are in binders or securely bound and in electronic format on a CD-ROM, DVDROM or USB Thumb Drive.
The RFQ/RFP shall consist of two distinct sections (1) one consisting of the firm information and technical proposal;
and (2) the other containing the firm’s pricing structure presentation.
Proposer’s first section (Firm Information and Technical Proposal) should be subdivided into two separate sections,
i.e., one section shall include the Firm Information, and a second section shall include the Technical proposal. The
complete technical proposal shall not exceed 50, double-spaced, 11 point, Arial font, pages in length.
The 50-page limit excludes (1) cover letter; (2) Table of Contents; (3) tabs; and (4) resumes. Charts may be fold-outs
but are part of the 50-page total count.
The second section shall contain the firm’s pricing structure presentation and consist of no more than ten (10) pages
in length. The section should include the information requested on Exhibit “A” (Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates); The
information can be summarized, and extensive detail is not required or preferred.
Failure to follow these instructions may render a proposal non-responsive and will not be considered. Each response
will be evaluated based upon the factors listed in section VII, “Evaluation Process” below.
An individual or individuals authorized to execute legal documents on behalf of the Proposer shall sign the Proposal
on the last page of the document. Failure to provide the information requested in this RFQ/RFP, or the inclusion of
any conditional limitations, or misrepresentations, may adversely affect the evaluation of your submittal, or be cause
for consideration as non-responsive to the RFQ/RFP.
Proposals are to be submitted in sealed packages with the following information clearly marked on the outside of each
package: (1) name of Proposer responding, (2) Title: “2012 PROPOSITION ‘EE’ PROGRAM MANAGEMENT,” and
(3) package number (e.g., 1 of __, 2 of __, etc.) Once the District receives the response(s) to the RFQ/RFP, it will
remain valid and may not be withdrawn for a period of six (6) months.
B. Evaluation Process
The District will screen all proposals for compliance with this RFQ/RFP, and will select a group of finalists from among
the proposals submitted based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria. Proposals will be evaluated to assess
the degree to which the proposed price accurately reflects proposed performance.
1. Overall responsiveness of the proposal, clearly stating the understanding of the purpose, scope and
objectives of the Program, and demonstrating a good practical approach to achieve these objectives.
2. Demonstration of a philosophy and corporate culture that has the best probability of melding with the District’s
culture while at the same time contributing to a construction program that would be recognized as the most
efficiently and effectively managed in the California community college system.
3. Technical expertise and viability of the firm, including experience of principals and staff, and availability of
resources to meet anticipated schedule and Program requirements.
4. Technical Proposal - Comprehensiveness of the methodology proposed for supporting the Program.
5. Management plan including how the firm will manage team partners and/or subcontractors.
6. Past performance of the Proposer on relevant similar work previously accomplished for California public
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7. Client references and their satisfaction regarding prior projects.
8. Business Proposal - Proposer's compensation requirements and alternatives.
The finalists will be required to attend an interview at which time the firm will have an opportunity to present their
proposal and qualifications and answer questions pertaining to the Program. Firm personnel invited to participate in
oral interviews should be limited to FIVE (5) individuals who will be involved in the project work. Following the
interview, District staff may choose to negotiate a contract with one or more selected firms.
The District reserves the right during the selection process to inspect the Proposer's activities and statements with
respect to this RFQ/RFP to ensure the Proposer's competence and ability to perform the specified services. The
Proposer's proposal may be rejected if the above inspection discloses information demonstrating that the Proposer is
not qualified or able to perform the specified services.
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RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
A. Indemnification
To the fullest extent permitted by law, and as a material part of this Agreement, the Respondent shall indemnify, hold
harmless and defend, the District, its Board of Trustees, officers, agents, employees and volunteers against any and
all liability, claims, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from, pertaining to, or
resulting from all acts or omissions to act and performance of the Services of the Respondent or its officers, agents,
employees, volunteers, and subcontractor, excluding, however, such liability, claims, losses, damages, or expenses
arising from the District’s sole negligence, active negligence or willful acts.
In claims against any person or entity indemnified under this Section by an employee of the Respondent, a
Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the
indemnification obligation shall not be limited by a limitation on amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits
payable by or for the Respondent or a Subcontractor under Workers’ Compensation acts, disability benefits acts or
other employee benefit acts.
B. Insurance
Interested firms shall maintain limits no less than:
1. Commercial General Liability: Coverage for personal injury, including death, property damage, contractual,
products and completed operations, if applicable, with minimum liability limits of $2,000,000 per occurrence
and an annual aggregate of $4,000,000.
2. Automobile Liability: Includes owned (if any), hired, and non-owned automobiles, with minimum liability limits
of $2,000,000 combined single limits per accident.
3. Workers Compensation: Statutory.
a. Employer’s Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. Consultant’s subconsultants are
required to provide similar coverage for their employees.
4. Professional Liability: $2,000,000 per claim and aggregate of $4,000,000.
5. Technology Errors & Omissions Insurance: $2,000,000 per occurrence or claim; $2,000,000 aggregate.
The selected firm(s) shall furnish the College with original certificates and separate endorsements effecting coverage
required by this clause. The separate endorsements should be on forms provided by the College or on other than the
College’s forms provided those endorsements conform to College’s requirements. All certificates and separate
endorsements are to be received and approved by the College before work commences. True, correct copies of
insurance policies must also be provided to the College prior to commencement of any work.
The College, trustees for the Board of Trustees, agents, representatives, officers, consultants, and employees must
be listed as additional insureds for the General Liability and Automobile Liability policies, and the endorsement must
be furnished along with the certificate to the College prior to commencement of any work. Selected firm(s) must
provide proof of payment of all required insurance policies for one calendar year, as well as a true, correct copy of its
current professional liability policy upon receipt of an executed Agreement from the College prior to commencement of
any work under this Agreement.
The Certificates of Insurance and the insurance policies required by this Agreement shall contain a provision that
should any of the above-described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, notice will be delivered in
accordance with the policy provisions. If, for any reason Proposer changes, or is compelled to change insurance
companies before the expiration date during the term of this Agreement, Proposer shall give the College thirty (30)
days written notice of the proposed change (ten [10] days notice if cancellation is due to nonpayment of premium) and
shall thereafter, but prior to the expiration of the policy, obtain full coverage from another such company and provide
the College with a certificate evidencing said new coverage prior to the effective date thereof. In the event of lapse of
coverage, the College reserves the right to withhold any and all further payments due Proposer from date of lapse.
The insurance shall be considered primary coverage and any other insurance shall be excess coverage thereof. Such
insurance shall be provided by an admitted California insurance company with a current Best’s Key Rating of “A-VII”
or better. The selected firm shall be responsible for any and all losses, but shall not be limited to, those tendered to
the insurance company. Exception may be made for the California State Compensation Insurance Fund when not
specifically rated. In the event coverage is provided by non-admitted surplus lines carriers, the insurer(s) must be
MCCD RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
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included in the California List of Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers (LESI list) and otherwise meet all rating requirements
subject to the approval of the College’s Risk Manager. All insurance shall be provided at the sole cost and expense of
the firm. The selected firm(s) shall be responsible for any and all losses, but shall not be limited to, those tendered to
the insurance company.
Any deductibles and/or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the College. The Worker’s
Compensation policy shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the College for all work performed by
the firm(s), its employees, agents, subcontractors and subconsultants. This endorsement shall be provided along with
the Certificate of Insurance prior to the commencement of work under this Agreement. The selected firm(s) agrees to
waive subrogation which any insurer of the firm may acquire from the selected firm(s) by virtue of the payment of any
loss. The selected firm(s) agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to effect this waiver of
In the event that the professional liability insurance required by the Agreement is written on a claims made basis, any
retroactive date under the policy shall precede the effective date of the Agreement and that either continuous
coverage will be maintained or an extended discovery period will be exercised for a period of three (3) years
beginning at the time work under the Agreement is completed. Additionally, if the technology errors and omissions
coverage is written on a separate claims-made policy, rather than as a supplement to either Commercial General
Liability or errors and omissions coverage, the selected firm(s) must comply with the same requirements as those
pertaining to the professional insurance coverage herein.
C. Software
Currently the District is not using program, project or scheduling software. It is expected that the awarded firm(s) will
provide these tools to enable the coordination of projects and tracking of information/ costs. If the District or any of its
faculty, staff, consultants or agents requires training on these systems, such training shall be arranged and paid for by
the selected firm(s). The firm(s) will be required to purchase appropriate seat licenses for software, as needed, to
support this effort.
D. Office Space & Support
The selected firm is expected to provide its own office space. However, if appropriate and at the District’s election, the
District may house firm personnel with District staff for project efficiency or in one of the construction trailers at each
site when construction commences. A desk, chair, filing cabinet, and appropriate office supplies/copier use and fax
machine use may be provided. The District will provide computers, as appropriate, with inclusion of necessary
software. Any other reimbursable costs shall be incorporated into the hourly rate of each employee.
E. District Rights
The District reserves the right to accept or reject any and all submissions, or any portion or combination thereof, to
contract services with whomever and in whatever manner the District decides, to abandon the services entirely, to
award on the basis of the total submission, and to waive any informality or nonsubstantive irregularity, as the interests
of the District may require.
The District is not responsible for late delivery. It is the responsibility of the responding firm to ensure that the
responses are submitted on time to the proper location.
All responses sent to the District prior to recommendation for Board award or actual award of contract under certain
circumstances are sent as confidential documents. No part of the responses will be made public or shown to any
persons outside of the District and its screening and selection panels until after a recommendation for award has been
made to the District’s Board of Trustees, or until after actual award of contract under certain circumstances, at which
time all documents will be public record.
Respondent’s submission and any other supporting materials submitted to the District in response to this RFQ / RFP
will not be returned and will become the property of the District unless portions of the materials are designated as
proprietary at the time of submission, and are specifically requested to be returned. By submitting a response with
portions marked proprietary, the Respondent represents that it has a reasonable and good faith belief that such
material is exempt from the California Public Records Act and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the
District, its board of trustees, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, losses, damages,
liabilities, lawsuits, judgments, fines, penalties, attorney’s fees, costs, and expenses of any nature whatsoever arising
from or relating to the District’s non-disclosure of such designated portions of an RFQ / RFP response if disclosure is
deemed required by law in the opinion of District legal counsel or is required by a court order. Neither this document,
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nor any submissions provided in response to the RFQ / RFP requires the District to negotiate or award an agreement
with any responding firm or individual.
The District reserves the right to award a contract any time up to six months from the date of opening the
submissions. The award of a contract is at the sole discretion of the District acting through the Board of Trustees. The
District also reserves the right to contract independently with other entities/firms for any of the services listed herein,
as the need arises.
The District shall not be liable for any costs incurred in preparing and submitting responses to this RFQ / RFP and
makes no representation that a contract will be awarded. Furthermore, the District reserves the right to add additional
firms for consideration of receipt of this RFQ / RFP if it is found to be in the best interest of the District. All
Respondents should note that the execution of any contract pursuant to this RFQ / RFP is dependent upon successful
negotiation of terms and fees and approval by the District’s Board of Trustees.
Prior to contract execution, proof of all insurances at the levels specified in the specific contract will be required.
The District reserves the right to amend this RFQ / RFP by means of addenda.
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Exhibit ‘A’ Schedule of Hourly Billing Rates
RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
Position Description
Hourly Rate Fully
Number of
Extended Rate
Program Manager
Project Controls Supervisor
Community Outreach Specialist
Contract Administrator
Computer Systems Administrator
Labor Compliance Coordinator?
Labor Compliance Field Technician?
Labor Compliance Auditor?
Program Accounting Specialist
Purchasing Manager
Document Control Specialist
Senior Project Manager
Project/Construction Manager
Assistant Project Manager
Project Engineer
Document Control Specialist
MCCD RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
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Qualification & Proposal Certification
RFQ / RFP #03-13 Proposition EE Program Management
, the
of the respondent, hereby certify under
penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that all of the information submitted by the respondent in
connection with this submittal and all of the representations made herein are true and correct.
Executed on this
day of
, 2011 at
County, California.
Proper Name of Respondent
Authorized Agent Name and Title
City, State, Zip
Authorized Agent Signature
E-mail address
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