To be completed by Academic Senate President ACADEMIC SENATE COUNCIL REPORT Tenured Faculty Member: ________________________________________________________ Department: ___________________________________________________________________ Academic Senate Council Members: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Summary Comments: (Attach additional pages if necessary.) ASC Recommendation and AS President Signature: Accept IRC recommendation Do not accept IRC recommendation. The final recommendation is “Minimum standards not met – corrective action plan prescribed.” (Note: Before making this recommendation, the Academic Senate Council must send a written rationale to the IRC and then consider the IRC’s written response to that rationale. These documents must be attached to this report.) Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _________________ Tenured Faculty Member Signature: I have read this ASC Report. My signature does not necessarily indicate my agreement. I have chosen to attach a signed/dated statement by the appropriate deadline. Yes Signature: ___________________________________________ No Date: _________________