To be completed by TRC Observer OBSERVATION AND DISCUSSION REPORT Tenure Candidate Observed: Date(s) of Observation: Course(s) or Activity(ies) Observed: TRC Member/Title: SECTION A: Candidate Teaching or Activity Observation All information contained in this section should be first-hand information obtained by evaluating members of the TRC during observations, pre- or post-observation discussions, and/or when reviewing materials requested from the Candidate. 1. In what ways does the Candidate demonstrate skill in classroom teaching or the observed activity? Please list any significant concerns that you may have in relation to question 1. For each concern listed, reference specific evidence to support your concern. OR, check here if you have NO concerns. 2. In what ways does the Candidate demonstrate respect for students’ rights and needs? Please list any significant concerns that you may have in relation to question 2. For each concern listed, reference specific evidence to support your concern. OR, check here if you have NO concerns. Updated 04/2015 SECTION B: Department and/or College Roles and Responsibilities All information contained in this section should be first-hand information obtained by evaluating members of the TRC in appropriate venues. These venues are limited to the formal tenure evaluation process, formal D/WG meetings, D/WG duties, and activities in which D/WG members are expected to participate. 1. In what ways does the Candidate demonstrate fulfillment of non-instructional roles and other responsibilities specifically listed in the employment job announcement? Please list any significant concerns that you may have in relation to question 1. For each concern listed, reference specific evidence to support your concern. OR, check here if you have NO concerns. 2. In what ways does the Candidate demonstrate respect for colleagues and the educational professions? Please list any significant concerns that you may have in relation to question 2. For each concern listed, reference specific evidence to support your concern. OR, check here if you have NO concerns. Date of Pre-Observation Discussion(s): Date of Post-Observation Discussion(s): Observer’s Statement: By checking this box, I verify these observations are first-hand information obtained in appropriate venues and contexts as outlined in the Tenure Candidate Handbook. Date: Candidate’s Statement: By checking this box, I indicate I have read this report but do not necessarily agree with its content. I understand I have the right to submit a Response to Observation and Discussion Report. Date: Updated 04/2015 Notes: 1) Observer sends this form to the Tenure Coordinator for review by end of Week 9 in the fall semester or by end of Week 15 in the spring semester. 2) Tenure Coordinator retains a copy and sends the document as a PDF to Candidate by Week 11 in the fall semester or by Week 17 in the spring semester. 3) Candidate prints PDF, checks Candidate’s Statement box, and includes this form in the Evaluation Packet. 4) Candidate has a right to respond to this report by including a Response to Observation Report in the Evaluation Packet. Updated 04/2015