REGULAR EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING Friday, April 12, 2013 at 8:30 AM San Elijo Campus Student Center: Conference Room MINUTES 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by NAME & POSITION OF PERSON WHO CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER at TIME MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER at the CAMPUS AND ROOM WHERE THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER. 2. Flag Salute/Roll Call: LAST NAME OF THE PERSON WHO LED THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and LAST NAME OF THE PERSON WHO CALLED ROLL conducted roll call. a. Executive Council i. Name, President & Chair (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) ii. Name, Executive Vice President (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) iii. Name, Vice President of San Elijo (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) iv. Name, Vice President of the Community Learning Center (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) v. Name, Vice President of Finance (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) vi. Name, Vice President of Legislative Affairs (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) vii. Name, Vice President of Programming, San Elijo (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) viii. Name, Vice President of Programming, Oceanside (Attendance— P, E, A, or L and time arrived) ix. Name, Vice President of Public Relations (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) x. Name, Inter-Club Council Chair (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) xi. Name, Student Trustee (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) b. Advisors i. Jim Gonzales, Director of Student Activities, Oceanside (Attendance—P or N/P) ii. Dr. Nikki Schaper, Associate Dean of Student Services, San Elijo (Attendance—P or N/P) c. 3. ASG Staff i. Name, Recording Secretary (Attendance—P, E, A, or L and time arrived) Public Comment: List any comments made during this time. Ex: Joey Barnes announced the art gallery opening happening on July 25, 2013. Also list the names of those present as members of the public regardless of whether or not they made a comment during this segment. Ex: John Smith, Jane Johnson and Amanda Jones were present as members of the public. 4. Approval of the Minutes: The minutes from DATE OF THE MINUTES BEING REVIEWED were ACTION TAKEN ON MINUTES. If corrections were made to the minutes, list the corrections before listing the action taken. Ex: Changed the date in the heading from August 20, 2013 to August 25, 2013. Corrected the spelling of the presenter’s name on Item 6a. The minutes were approved with the changes by consensus. 5. Approval of the Agenda: The agenda was ACTION TAKEN ON AGENDA. (ex: “approved by consensus,” “approved with the changes by consensus” or “____ moved to approve the agenda. ___ seconded the motion. Vote Y:N:A/Outcome of the motion”) If changes were made to the agenda, list the changes made before listing the action taken. Ex: Struck Item 6a from the agenda. Changed the presenter on item 6b from “Doe” to “Smith.” The agenda was approved with the changes by consensus. 6. Discussion and Possible Action Items Note: The first item below is how each item should be formatted. The following items are examples. a. Agenda Item Title: Brief description of topic discussed, record of action taken as well as any work assigned. b. Discussion Item Example: Members discussed the plan for the ASG End of the Year Banquet. Senator Smith agreed to research places to have the banquet and will submit her results to Banquet Committee Chair Holt by next Thursday. c. Action Item Example: Senator Smith explained the request for funding for World Cultures Day. Members discussed the opportunities for ASG at the event. Holt moved to approve SB-FY 14-2. Smith seconded the motion. Vote 14:3:2/Passed 7. Communications from the Floor (List anything reported or discussed during the meeting as well as any reports submitted online, even if those items are not read aloud during the meeting) Last name Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form Last name Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form Last name Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form Item reported or submitted via the electronic report form 8. Announcements Executive Meeting (May 3—OC) ICC Leadership Council (May 1) Deadline to Drop a Class with a “W” (April 19) Faculty and Staff Award Applications Due (April 19) Last ICC Full Council Meeting/ICC Elections (April 24, 12:30 PM) World Cultures Day (April 25, OC Pavilion) No Executive or Senate Meeting (April 26) Last Executive & Senate Meeting (May 3, OC) Applications for appointed office due (May 3, 4:00 PM) ASG End of the Year Banquet (May 10, El Camino Country Club) Commencement (May 17) 9. The meeting was adjourned at TIME MEETING WAS ADJOURNED.