Griffin Smith Assignment 5 3/14/14

Griffin Smith
Assignment 5
The Java piece is a couple of ghosts that float around, following the mouse around the
screen. The figures are white on a black screen. The ghost on the right moves slightly faster than
the one on the left and her mouth closes when you click the mouse then opens up again once you
click the mouse again. The ghost on the left blinks as the mouse is held down.
The piece is composed of several ellipses that form the bodies, arms, eyes, and mouths of
the ghosts and rectangles form the teeth and the right ghost’s open mouth. The “float” phrase
establishes that the position of the mouse will affect the position of object with “x” and “y” in
their coordinates. The “mousePressed” phrase allows the left ghost’s eyes to stay closed as the
mouse is held down. The “int” phrase which creates the variable titled “variable” allows for the
part of the right ghost’s mouth to stay closed and open, alternating with every mouse click. For
both of these, the features are given the appearance of being closed by switching color from
black to white.
float x;
// object follows mouse lateral direction
float y;
// object follows mouse longitudinal direction
float easing = 0.005;
// speed at which object follows mouse
int variable = color(0);
// the fill color "variable" will use this relationship
int a = color(255);
// the color will be white when the value is b
int b = color(0);
// the color will be black when the value is a
void setup() {
// establishes qualities of the applet
size(900, 500);
// establishes 900px by 500px window
void draw() {
// begins the contents of the applet
// background color is black
float targetX = mouseX;
// establishes that the object will follow the mouse x coordinate
float dx = targetX - x;
if(abs(dx) > 1) {
x += dx * .05 * easing;
float targetY = mouseY;
// establishes that the object will follow the mouse y coordinate
float dy = targetY - y;
if(abs(dy) > 1) {
y += dy * .05 * easing;
ellipse(x-30, y-30, 66, 66); // the body of the left ghost
if (mousePressed) {
// establishes that the next objects will be white but turn black when the mouse is pressed
} else {
ellipse(x-20, y-30, 5, 5);
// the left eye
ellipse(x-40, y-30, 5, 5);
// the right eye
ellipse(x-30, y-20, 10, 5);
// the mouth
ellipse(x-2, y-10, 10, 10);
// the right arm
ellipse(x-58, y-10, 10, 10); // the left arm
rect(x-32, y-22, 4, 2);
// the tooth
float targetA = mouseX;
// establishes that the next objects will follow the mouse x coordinate at a different speed
float A = targetA - x;
if(abs(A) > 1) {
x += A * 11 * easing;
float targetB = mouseY;
// establishes that the next objects will follow the mouse y coordinate at a different speed
float B = targetB - y;
if(abs(B) > 1) {
y += B * 11 * easing;
ellipse(x+45, y-30, 66, 66); // the body of the right ghost
ellipse(x+55, y-30, 5, 5);
// the left eye
ellipse(x+35, y-30, 5, 5);
// the right eye
// the object will use the relationship of "variable" for color
rect(x+40, y-20, 10, 3);
// the long part of the mouth
ellipse(x+45, y-16, 10, 5);
// the round botton of the mouth
rect(x+40, y-21, 10, 1);
// the top line of the mouth
ellipse(x+73, y-10, 10, 10); // the right arm
ellipse(x+17, y-10, 10, 10); // the left arm
rect(x+43, y-20, 4, 2);
// the tooth
void mouseClicked() {
if(variable==a) {
} else {
// the value starts at "a," but once the mouse is clicked the value changes to "b," then "a" once the mouse is clicked again