View the Chariot Policies and Procedures

Chariot Policies and Procedures
In any organization, it is necessary to create a written contract to document the agreement of its members. The
following Chariot Policies and Procedures were approved by the current Editorial Board and serve to make clear
expectations of the staff members:
1. All applicants for the Chariot staff must complete an application packet, including a writing sample or portfolio,
for review by the Editorial Board. Additionally, applicants must provide a copy of their class schedule and an
Education Plan obtained from the Counseling Center. Guidelines for Chariot staff eligibility:
 Applicants must be currently enrolled in at least five (5) college credit units at MiraCosta College.
 All staff members much maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average at MiraCosta College.
 Applicants must be free of official college disciplinary actions.
 Applicants cannot be members of MiraCosta College’s Associated Student Government, Student at
Large, or ASG committee member or Student Ambassador.
 Applicants found to be ineligible based on the above guidelines will be confidentially informed and
application withheld. Ineligible applicants may confer with the Chariot Adviser regarding their status.
 Applicants must, with the help of the college’s counselors, complete an Education Plan and provide a
copy to the Adviser.
 Applicants will be interviewed on Friday after 2 p.m.
2. All staff members must be able to attend staff meetings and training sessions on Fridays from 12-2 p.m. If a staff
member is unable to attend a meeting, he or she must notify the Editorial Board via email before the session
begins ( Failure to do so may result in suspension from the staff. Additionally, if a
staff member consistently misses staff meetings, he or she may face dismissal from the staff at the discretion of
the Editorial Board. If a staff member does not attend a meeting he or she will not receive an assignment.
3. Staff members are required to schedule a minimum of two hours a week for office hours, during which they
contribute to the general Chariot office business. Office Hours are not the time to schedule interviews, write
stories or take assigned photos unless directed to do so by an editor. Each staff member will be given a specific
assignment for the semester. Staff members must sign-in in the Office Hour Log notebook. If a staff member is
unable to fulfill his or her office hour, he or she must notify the Editorial Board e-mail beforehand and
reschedule the office hour. Continuous absences from office hours may result in staff dismissal.
4. Deadlines are critical to the publication of a newspaper. Due dates will be assigned during the assignment
meeting. Late submissions will not run. If any staff member repeatedly fails to meet his or her deadline
obligation by the deadline date and time without prior notice to the Editorial Board, he or she will be suspended
from the staff for the remainder of the semester. If a writer is not able to meet the deadline, he or she must
send that information in writing to the Chariot e-mail before the deadline.
5. Continuous poor performance by any staff member, specifically failing to improve in areas in which the staff
member has had training, may be cause for dismissal from staff. An official written warning will follow a verbal
reprimand before the staff member is dismissed.
6. The editors shall have the final review and approval of galleys and blue line copies. No changes may be made
without Editorial Board approval.
7. The Editorial Board reserves the right to cut or edit articles. All submissions to the Chariot become property of
the Chariot with printing at the discretion of the Editorial Board. The release of photos to a person or agency is
generally not permitted; however, the Editorial Board may make the final decision on doing so.
8. All new staff members are required to attend a mandatory orientation and diversity trainings.
9. Chariot staff members may occupy the Chariot offices between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through
Thursday, unless given express permission by the Adviser. If staff members remain in the office after hours, a
verbal reprimand will be given. After the verbal reprimand, if a second violation occurs, the Adviser will dismiss
staff member from the Chariot staff.
10. Should a dispute arise among staff members, the procedure for resolution is as follows:
 The staff member or members involved should endeavor to seek resolution among themselves. If conflict
arises between staff members, they must address the issue between themselves before reporting or
mentioning the conflict to any other staff member or the Adviser. Talk to each other first.
 If resolution between the staff members cannot be reached, then the Editorial Board will arbitrate the
matter in a meeting where all parties will be present.
 If no resolution is found in the above meeting, then the Chariot Adviser will meet with all parties in an effort
to mediate resolution.
 Finally, if no resolution is reached after taking the above steps, the Adviser will contact the Director of
Student Activities to meet with all parties to discuss a resolution.
11. Staff members will not participate in arguments in which one member disparages, mocks, bullies or demeans
another. All staff members agree to receive criticism on their submissions or their behavior by one of the
Editorial Board members as criticism is necessary for improvement. All staff members must respect each other
and behave in a professional manner. If a staff member continuously repeats unprofessional behavior, he or she
may be dismissed from staff.