program questionnaire

2015 AIDE Program Questionnaire
1. Name of doctoral program: Click here to enter text.
2. How are students typically admitted to your doctoral program? (Put an X next to all that
☐With a bachelor’s degree
☐With a master’s degree
☐From your master’s program
☐From another UIUC master’s program
☐Other Click here to enter text.
3. What are the primary factors that affect the number of students you admit each year? (Put an
X next to all that apply.)
☐Faculty availability and desire to mentor doctoral students
☐Job placement prospects for new doctorates in your field
☐TA staffing needs for undergraduate courses
☐Faculty demand for research assistants
☐Availability of seats in graduate classes
☐Availability of assistantships or fellowship stipend support
☐Quality of applicant pool
☐Other (please explain)Click here to enter text.
4. Considering doctoral student/faculty ratio and post-graduation job openings, what is the ideal
size of your program? Please limit your response to approximately 25 words.
Click here to enter text.
5. What factors cause you to have enrollment under/over that number? Please limit your
response to approximately 50 words.
Click here to enter text.
6. What is the typical form (e.g. RA, TA, GA, PGA, fellowships, traineeships, hourly, etc.) and
percentage of funding for your students? Please limit your response to approximately 50 words.
Click here to enter text.
7. Does your program offer an orientation for new doctoral students?
☐Yes, and please briefly outline the content and structure. Please limit your response to
approximately 100 words. Click here to enter text.
8. What are the key milestones for students? (Put an X next to all that apply.)
☐Qualifying Exams
☐Preliminary Exams
☐Proposal Defense
☐Other, please specifyClick here to enter text.
9. Ideally, what is the expected time to doctoral degree in your program (do not include time to
earn the master's degree)?
Choose an item.
10. Please indicate how students are provided the following information. (Put an X next to all
that apply.)
a. Program Handbook:
☐Hard Copy
b. Orientation Information
☐Hard Copy
c. Annual Review Process
☐Hard Copy
d. TA Guidelines
☐Hard Copy
e. Qualifying Exam procedures
☐Hard Copy
f. Preliminary Exam procedures
☐Hard Copy
g. Proposal Defense procedures
☐Hard Copy
h. Final Exam/Final Defense procedures
☐Hard Copy
☐Not Available
☐Not Available
☐Not Available
☐Not Available
☐Not Available
☐Not Available
☐Not Available
☐Not Available
11. If additional documents containing program information are provided to students, please
indicate here. Please limit your response to approximately 50 words.
Click here to enter text.
12. Do your students receive training in research ethics?
☐Yes, and briefly describe the structure and content of the training. Please limit your response
to approximately 100 words. Click here to enter text.
13. Describe your doctoral program’s process for conducting annual reviews of students. Please
limit your response to approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
14. Does the program leadership and/or faculty regularly examine the structure, contents and/or
requirements of your program? And if so, how does that occur? Please limit your response to
approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
15. How do students become involved in the research culture in your program and the
disciplinary field more broadly (e.g., conducting research, writing grants, publishing, presenting
and field or lab work)? Please limit your response to approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
16. How do students gain information and experience in teaching and class preparation? Please
limit your response to approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
17. Are there other professional development opportunities provided to the students? For
example, what opportunities do they have for interactions with people in industry, governmental
policy and others relevant to your field? Provide examples. Please limit your response to
approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
18. Does your program offer doctoral students support for presenting papers or posters at
☐Yes, and include roughly how many students, the percent of applicants funded, and the
average dollar amount awarded per funded student, per year.Click here to enter text.
19. If your students have received any prestigious campus or national fellowships within the last
three years that you would like to highlight, please list the names of the fellowships here. Please
limit your response to approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
20. The AIDE Committee will use the information your program submitted via the Doctoral
Recipient Placement Database. How do you obtain this placement data for your students (e.g.,
does the department collect placement data from faculty? Does your Graduate Contact obtain
information from students directly)? Please limit your response to approximately 50 words.
Click here to enter text.
21. In addition to campus-wide resources, what types of job placement assistance/resources do
you provide for your students (e.g., placement officer, job board, listserve, etc.)? Please limit
your response to approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
22. Please examine the DMI data and contact DMI about any discrepancies or questions you
have. If there are lingering issues we should know about please describe them here. Please limit
your response to approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
23. Are there any other important or unusual program characteristics/issues that you would like
the AIDE Committee to know about? Please limit your response to approximately 100 words.
Click here to enter text.
24. Questions in this section are unique to each program. The items below were listed as your
program’s “Areas in Need of Attention” by the 2011 Doctoral Program Assessment
Committee. For each item, please indicate whether you have addressed the issue, and if so,
please briefly describe how. Please limit your response to each item to approximately 100
If new efforts to improve your program have been implemented since the 2011 Doctoral Program
Assessment that are NOT related to the Areas in Need of Attention listed above, please
summarize briefly here. Please limit your response to approximately 150 words.
Click here to enter text.