King’s College London UNIVERSITY OF LONDON This paper is part of an examination of the College counting towards the award of a degree. Examinations are governed by the College Regulations under the authority of the Academic Board. MA EXAMINATION 7AAN2081 Political Philosophy I SUMMER 2013 TIME ALLOWED: 2 HOURS Answer TWO questions Avoid overlap in your answers. DO NOT REMOVE THIS PAPER FROM THE EXAMINATION ROOM TURN OVER WHEN INSTRUCTED 2013 © King’s College London 1 7AAN2081 Answer TWO questions. 1 ‘The principle of average utility would never be chosen in the Original Position.’ Discuss. 2 Assess the plausibility of Nozick’s favoured principle of acquisition. 3 EITHER: Can the authority of the state ever be reconciled with individual autonomy? OR: Could citizens ever be under a moral duty to obey an unjust command of the state? If so, on what grounds? 4 Are purely instrumental justifications of democracy convincing? 5 In what sense, if any, do we harm the global poor? 6 EITHER: Can the idea that our country of birth is ‘arbitrary from a moral point of view’ be used to support global nonrelational egalitarianism? OR: Assess Nagel’s argument for restricting the scope of egalitarianism to citizens and residents of states. 7 Can the notion of ‘global governance’ be given a philosophical justification? FINAL PAGE 2