OUOCMC AGM informal 2007-11-06.doc

Open University Orchestra and Chamber Music Club
Informal discussion post AGM 6th November 2007
Trying out and choosing Music
Steve said the orchestra must be careful not to overstretch itself (Prokofiev and Alice Mary Smith a
challenge) but should aim to develop at a sensible pace, so that it is enjoyable, not just hard work.
Leaders of sections should have more input into choosing music. Julie said that it was good to
have some challenge in the music. It was noted that some members had really enjoyed the
challenges of Prokofiev and AMS.
Bill would try to build into rehearsals a time to road test some pieces. At present this included
Brahms 2 and Brahms 3, Eric Coates - London and some movements from Tchaikovsky - Swan
Lake. The Brahms was presenting a different challenge in that it is rhythmically difficult.
Tim pointed out that choosing music for lunchtime concerts was difficult – it had to be nice and at
the right level for the orchestra, it had to fit the size and type of the orchestra and use all the
players, it had to be no longer than 40 to 50 minutes, it had to have audience appeal, form a
musically coherent programme and have a contra bassoon part.
It was suggested that a piece of paper for ongoing suggestions should be put next to the folder
signing out list, so that people could suggest anonymously should they wish. June will organise
Bill pointed out that a time for trialling was good, but, with only an hour’s rehearsal each week,
there was quite limited time to prepare for concerts
There could be some targetted help where necessary, and a schedule of rehearsals according to
difficulty. The sectionals were useful. They need to be fully planned into the schedule. Bill was
starting to persevere with targeting passages of music (and individual players) until it was right.
Nobody felt that this seemed unduly pressurised, but the opposite – it was really helpful to do this
at rehearsals.
Splitting wind and strings
Mike would really like to play music for string orchestra. Tessa said that there was very little music
that would involve all the orchestral wind, so, with limited Friday rehearsal time, this might not be
possible although it could maybe be considered as a development of Summer Strings. Bill said
what was needed now was 12 months of consolidation with the full orchestra.
Chamber Music
The list of chamber music was not entirely accurate, and some of it appeared to have made its way
to the OU library. A new clarinettist was making a more accurate inventory. It may be better to ask
the library to keep the full collection as it made it more accessible.
Joint orchestra and choir concert
Dave raised again the idea of a joint orchestra and choir concert once a year. Bill said that although
the thought of a full romantic orchestra raised far more possibilities as to what the choir could do in
future, 10 people both sang in the choir and played in the orchestra, so although it worked for the
lighter Christmas programme, it wasn’t possible to do this regularly at present even if the will was
there to do it. Incidentally, for the current choir concert, Steve and Bill had found it difficult to get
internal people to play in the orchestra.
Rehearsal venues
Another difficulty was that, because of its increased size, the orchestra struggled to fit into the
Church for rehearsals, meaning that the only really practical place for joint rehearsals was the Old
Lecture Theatre.
Two concerts a year (May and October) and contribution to Carol Concert seemed to be a
reasonable pattern. David was glad to have a more relaxed time before Carol Concert this year.
OU Fortieth Celebrations
Open Day was moved to 27th June 2008. It would be good to have orchestra perform at this. One
thought was to ask Evelyn Glennie to perform with the orchestra.