
Making Research Count
Practice Development Seminar
Planning, and Supporting,
Permanence in Foster Care
Prof Gillian Schofield
Professor of Child and Family Social Work
Co-Director, Centre for Research on the Child and Family
University of East Anglia
Wednesday 29 June 2011
1.00 – 4.00pm
King’s College London, SE1
Prof Gillian Schofield is Professor of Child and Family Social Work, and
Co-Director of the Centre for Research on the Child and Family at the
University of East Anglia. Her research interests are in attachment
theory and family placement practice, the impact of maltreatment on
children’s development and the role of long-term foster care as a
positive permanence option. She has conducted a series of funded
research studies since 1997 on permanence in foster care, including a
longitudinal prospective study of planned long-term foster placements,
a retrospective study of adults who grew up in foster care, a study of
parents of children in long-term foster care and two studies of care
planning for permanence in foster care. These studies together focus
on both the psychology of foster family life and the professional
systems that are needed to make it successful.
In this seminar, Prof Schofield will talk about the messages from research with regard to:
Planning and supporting permanence in foster care;
Foster carers' and children's experiences.
Places are limited so you will need to book by 15th June 2011 – through your agency’s
Training Department, online at, or via the Administrator for Making
Research Count at University of Bedfordshire: Cara Senouni, Institute for Applied Social
3JU,, Tel: (01582) 743085, Fax: (01582) 743772.
Permanence in Foster Care
Wednesday 29 June 2011
1.00 – 4.00pm, King’s College London, SE1
A certain number of places for this seminar are free to staff in organisations that are members of
Making Research Count at the University of Bedfordshire or King’s College London. For those who are
not members, the cost is £80.00. Places are limited, so you will need to book through either your own
agency’s Training Department or by contacting the MRC Administrator at University of Bedfordshire,
Cara Senouni, Institute for Applied Social Research, Park Square, Luton LU1 3JU,, (01582) 743085.
Booking Form
Job Title
Tel no.
Specific requirements
(access, etc.)…………………………………………………………………………….......……...
Payment Details
Please tick one of the following:
Free place(s) as member of Making Research Count at University of
Free place(s) as member of Making Research Count at King’s College London
I enclose a cheque for £……… (£80 per person) made payable to University of
Please invoice me/my agency for the cost of my/our place(s), marked for the
attention of (please provide name and address if different from delegate(s)’
details above)
Confirmation of your booking will be sent by email. Joining instructions will also be sent by
email one week before the event.