Policy Response to Overcome Crisis: A Lesson from Indonesian Case Hendri Saparini Senior Economist - ECONIT Advisory Group saparini@econit.com hendrisaparini@indopolicy.com Presentation for IDEAS Conference on “Re-regulating Global Finance in the Light of the Global Crisis” Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, April 9-12, 2009 The 1997/98 Crisis: Pre-crisis Crucial Problems on Financial Sector: Cross-ownership & cross-management in financial sectors Over-valued rupiah Over-leveraged private foreign loan The 1997/98 Crisis: Policy Response Policy blunder under IMF receipt: Super tight money policy To liquidate of 16 banks Take over private sectors debt Budget dicipline, reduce subsidy, raise tax, privatization. Acceleration of liberalization in real sectors (agriculture, industry) ECONIT Economic Outlook 2008: A YEAR OF THE BUBBLES USA (2008/09) Thailand (1997/98) •Carry-over of Subprime lending •Fiscal Deficit (1,2%GDP) •Trade Deficit (US$ 850 bio) •Current Account Deficit (6%GDP) • Liquidity crises • Depreciation of Overvalued Bath Direct Linkages Linkages: •Capital outflow •Sharp Fall of Rupiah •Lags •% Coupling DOMESTIC FACTORS 1997/98: Political Instability • Violation of Legal Lending Limit •Overvaluation Rupiah •Private debt: Huge & no record • Government Lack of Credibility & Confidence • Ineffective Government 2007/08: 1997/98: Supply & Price Hike • Energy (Gasoline: 71% Kerosene: 25%) • Rice (>100%) 2008/09: Supply & Price Hike •Energy (Oil&Gas) •Rice, Wheat, Cereals •Sugar •Palm Oil •Soybean INTERNATIONAL FACTORS •Price driven export growth •Inflows of hot money •Artificial Growth of Banking sector •Stock prices >> fundamentals Social & Political Effects Indonesian Subprime Loans: •Motor Cycles Loans •Commercial Property •Electronic Loans •Credit Cards Structural Problem • High Poverty (40 mio) • Huge Inequality • Unemployment (12%) Social & Economic Effects © ECONIT Advisory Group The 2008 Crisis: Pre-Crisis Financial bubbles and deindustrialization Contradiction between improving financial indicators and slowing growth of real sector combining with accelerating deindustrialization The 2008 Crisis: The Financial Bubbles The main reason for the emerging contradiction between the performance of the financial and real sectors is the inflow of hot money into Indonesia. The total value of hot money that has entered Indonesia since 2006 up to December 2008 is thought to exceed Rp 140 trillion. The inflow of hot money has strengthened the rupiah against other currencies and bid up the prices of domestic assets. The Jakarta Stock Exchange Index (IHSG) increased by 57 % in 2007, closing at 2,830 (Jan 9, 2008). The rupiah strengthened to an average rate against the US dollar of Rp 9,142 (2007). The 2008 Crisis: Reasons For Susceptible to A Shock 1. Price driven export growth 2. Share price increase exceeded the fundamental 3. Artificial growth of banking sector 4. Indonesian subprime loan 1. Price Driven Export Growth Export and foreign exchange reserves have increased only because of rising international commodity prices and inflows of hot money. Throughout 2006 and 2007, Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves have increased sharply from US$ 35 billion at the end of 2005 to US$ 57 billion at the end of 2007. But, the rise in reserves was not supported by export competitiveness or an increase in foreign direct investment. Export: Dominating by Commodities (2007) Commodities Contribution Share to To growth Export of Non-OilGas Growth 1 Nickel 16.3% 3.8% 159.5% 2 Copper 14.4% 8.5% 31.5% 3 Machinery and equipment 14.0% 7.4% 36.6% 4 CPO 10.8% 6.7% 29.8% 5 Chemical Product 9.6% 7.0% 24.3% 6 Coal 6.7% 7.6% 14.5% 7 Textile 3.4% 11.1% 4.5% 8 Paper 2.6% 4.6% 8.6% 9 Rubber 2.3% 5.3% 6.6% 10 Metal goods 2.0% 1.1% 32.3% 82.1% 63.1% 22.6% 100.0% 100.0% 16.5% Total 10 commodites Total Non-Oil Gas ECONIT Advisory Group Sources: BI Mining Comodities: Price Index 700 600 Iron Ore 500 400 300 Copper 200 Nickel Alumunium 100 0 Dec-08 Jul-08 Feb-08 Sep-07 Apr-07 Nov-06 Jun-06 Jan-06 Aug-05 Mar-05 Oct-04 May-04 Dec-03 Jul-03 Feb-03 Sep-02 Apr-02 Nov-01 Jun-01 Jan-01 Aug-00 Mar-00 Sumber: IMF, diolah ECONIT Advisory Group The Sharp Declining of Mining Product -37.01% Zinc Uranium -18.34% Nickel -46.40% -55.64% Copper -39.46% ECONIT Advisory Group Alumunium Sorce: IMF Agriculture Commodities: Price Index 450 400 350 300 Rice Wheat 250 200 Soybeans Maize 150 Palm oil 100 50 0 Jan00 Jun00 Nov00 Apr01 Sep01 Feb02 ECONIT Advisory Group Jul02 Dec02 May03 Oct03 Mar04 Aug04 Jan05 Jun05 Nov05 Apr06 Sep06 Feb07 Jul07 Dec07 May08 Oct08 Sumber: IMF, diolah The Decline in International Price Didn’t Follow by Domestic Price: Oil & Gazoline 1.0 US$/liter Harga Minyak Dunia 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Harga BBM Premium 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Jan-05 Jul-05 ECONIT Advisory Group Jan-06 Jul-06 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Sumber: Berbagai Sumber The Decline in International Price Didn’t Follow by Domestic Price: Rice 1,200 US$/metric ton Rp/Kg 5,600 5,500 1,000 5,400 Harga Beras Nasional (Skala Kanan) 800 5,300 5,200 600 5,100 5,000 400 200 4,900 Harga Beras Internasional (Skala Kiri) 4,800 4,700 0 4,600 Jan-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 ECONIT Advisory Group Sumber: Depdag, Berbagai Sumber The Decline in International Price Didn’t Follow by Domestic Price: Cooking Oil 1,400 Rp/liter US$/ton 14,000 Harga Minyak Curah Nasional (Skala Kanan) 1,200 12,000 1,000 10,000 800 600 8,000 Palm Oil (Skala Kiri) 6,000 400 4,000 200 2,000 0 0 Sumber: Depdag, Berbagai Sumber ECONIT Advisory Group 2. Share Price Increase Exceed The Fundamental Early January 2008, fifty-one companies listed on the exchange recorded price-earnings ratios in excess of fifty, and 26 of these posted ratios greater than 100. Remarkably, the prices of eleven stocks on that day were more than 300 times of earnings. Soaring stock prices not supported by economic performance reflects the formation of a financial bubble. Hot Money Inflow Foreign Ownership (Rp trillion) Surat Berharga Dec-06 Dec-07 Share (%) Dec-08 Share (%) Stock 522.3 804.5 61.96% 452.2 59.7% Government Obligation 54.9 78.16 16.36% 87.6** 16.7% Bank of Indonesia Certificate 18.1 42.7* 15.80% 6.7 3.8% *) November ** end of Agust 08 =106.7 (19.8%) ECONIT Advisory Group Jakarta Stock Exchange IHSG Growth at Highest Pace 260 Indeks (Jan-2006 = 100) 240 IHSG Indonesia 220 HANGSENG 200 Hongkong 180 KLSE,Malaysia 160 STI, Singapore 140 KOSPI, Korea DJI, US 120 100 Nikkei Jepang 80 Jan-06 Jun-06 ECONIT Advisory Group Nov-06 Apr-07 Sep-07 Sumber: Yahoo Finance Jakarta Stock Exchange Fell the Lowest after 2008 Crisis 110 IHSG NIKKEI 100 KOSPI STI KLSE 90 DJI HIS 80 70 Index Jan 2008=100 60 50 40 ECONIT Advisory Group N ov -0 8 8 ct -0 O 08 Se p- 08 Au g- Ju n08 Ju l-0 8 08 ay M Ap r-0 8 8 ar -0 M Ja n08 Fe b08 30 3. Artificial Growth of Banking Growth of the banking sector was largely an illusion. On 2007 the banking industry recorded sharply higher profits. The Net Interest Margin (NIM) for 2007 was 5.7% The wide gap between interest rates on loans and savings generated profits, which attracted investors into the banking industry. The banks’ share prices skyrocketed as a result. Yet profitability in the banking sector was not supported by strong fundamentals, for example credit growth. In 2006, bank credit by only 14%, followed y 25% in 2007. But consumer credit was the fasting growing sector. We expect credit growth of about 20% in 2008. 4. Indonesia Subprime Loan Since 2007 the financial bubble has grown quickly and consistently, extending in early 2008 to the property, consumer credit such as motorbike loans and credit cards. The boom in commercial property investment has not been met by an accompanying increase in demand. Occupancy rates have fallen as result of the slow growth of investment. In 2007, gross investment increased by only 8 percent from the low levels of the year before. Another model of subprime loan is the huge of motor cycle loan. Poor public transportation has caused high cost transportation. As a result, motor cycle loan was booming. Until 2007 at least there were 5 millions motor cycles in Indonesia, of which three fourth were sold through leasing companies. Acceleration of Deindustrialization Real GDP vs. Manufacture Production Index Real GDP Index 155.0 151.8 150.0 143.0 145.0 140.0 132.9 135.0 130.0 126.0 125.0 120.0 113.5 115.0 108.3 110.0 105.0 127.0 119.2 123.4 121.9 118.9 116.9 Manufactur Production Index 114.6 103.6 108.8 100.0 100.0 103.3 2000 2001 ECONIT Advisory Group 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 QIII-2008 Growth of GDP and Manufacturing Sector The Gap Become Wider 30% PDB Growth 5.7% 29% 5.0% 29.1% 6.3% 7% 6.1% 6% 5.5% 4.9% 5% 28.7% 4.3% 28% 3.8% 28.3% 4% 28.1% 27.9% 27.4% 27% 27.5% 3% 27.0% Manufacture Share to GDP 2% 26% 1% 25% 0% 2001 2002 ECONIT Advisory Group 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Comparison of Crisis 1997/98 and 2008 Crisis 1997-1998 Origin Thailand Crisis 2008 US Foreign exchange reserves US$ 24 billion US$ 51 billion Import US$ 3.8 billion billion US$ 11 billion 4.6 X Ratio Forex Reserve/Import Resv/Impor Hot Money (5 5 year yearsbefore beforecrises crises) Ratio Debt/GDP Debt/GDP Ratio Foreign Debt debt Stock World demand Int'l trade Policy International Trade Policy 6.3 X billion US$ 14.8 billion US$ 24.5 billion 50.0% 37.3% US$ 129 billion Stable billion US$ 146 billion Decline Normal Protective Int’l Commodity Prices in Rp Increase Exchange rate of Rp Weaken ConsumptionLevel Level Consumption ECONIT Advisory Group Decline Weaken Rp 900 trillion Rp 5.100 trillion The 2008 Crisis: Policy Response Repeating the same blunder and disengaging real sectorSuper tight money policy: Increase the interest rate The buy back policy Fiscal stimulus Indonesia Policy Responses The Monetary Policy The decision of Bank Indonesia and the government to impose a tight money policy demonstrates that the government has learned nothing from the 1998 crisis. Since January 2009, Bank of Indonesia have been reducing interest rate. The effectivity of monetary policy alone will be a limition. Loose in liquidity and interest rate policy speculation and depreciation of exchange rate Indonesia Policy Responses The buy back policy The government has prepared Rp. 4 trillion in government funds and has encourages State Owned Enterprises (SOES) to buy back shares to lift stock prices. It was not an effective action to cure the economy turmoil, even for only in the capital market. To push SOEs to buy back stocks up to 50% without general share holder meeting shows imprudent action in decision making. Shown unsupportive policy to samall investor as 60 % of Indonesia money market was controlled by hedge fund and foreign investor. Indonesia Policy Responses The Fiscal Stimulus This counter-cyclical policy will not effective The effectiveness of fiscal stimulus will be very low; in the last 4 years the government performed weak fiscal management 80% of the fiscal policy was allocated as tax saving, not for direct spending. Increase budget deficit, from 1% (Rp 51 trillion) to 2,6% to the GDP (Rp 137 trillion) Financed by foreign loan and domestic loan (government obligation). Fiscal Stimulus 81% are Tax Saving, Tax Subsidy, Import Duty Tax Saving (PPh, PPN, BM) Rp 43 trillion Tax Subsidy borne by the government (Pajak DTP) and Import Duty by the government (BM DTP) Rp 17,3 trillion Subsidy to business sector (fuel subsidy and discount on peak hour tariff for industry) Rp 4,2 trillion State expenditure for job creation Rp 10,8 trillion ECONIT Advisory Group 81% 19% Indonesia Policy Responses Policy on Trade and Industry The government will to continue Washington Concensus (cut subsidy for food, education, oil, increase loan, etc.) Governemnt officially stated ‘IMF and World World Bank are the umbrella to overcome the crisis’ Officially stated to continue liberalization and against potection Continue create new FTA without industrial policy and stategy Indonesia Crisis: The Proposal for Policy Responses Re-orienting policy in the financial sector (strictly managing the hot money and capital control/capital regulation must be one of the priority to support the real sector) To change the hands-of policy to hand-on policy on real sector. o o To create value added (develop/restructure the manufacturing industry) and increase the productivity for better fundamental economy and stronger economic structure. To solve the high poverty rate and huge unemployment. The government should minimize the amount of debt, but reorienting and re-alocating budget to give fiscal stimulus World’s Tin Production (2007) Others, 5% Vietnam, 2% Congo, 4% Brazil, 4% Bolivia, 5% China, 45% Peru, 13% Indonesia, 22% ECONIT Advisory Group Source: World Mineral Production, 2003-2007, diolah World’s Tin Demand, Based on Use (2005) Other, 10.40% Glass, 1.80% Brass & Bronze, 5.60% Solders, 49.70% Chemicals, 14.10% Tinplate, 18.30% ECONIT Advisory Group Source: PT Timah Tbk, 2007 Indonesian Imports of Tin Based Products (US$ juta) Commodities 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Flat-rolled iron or nonalloy steel products, >600 mm , plated or coated with tin, > 0.5 mm thick 1.79 1.16 26.67 19.17 20.35 Flat-rolled iron or nonalloy steel products, > 600 mm wide, plated or coated with tin, < 0.5 mm thick 42.20 98.69 92.90 67.48 73.48 Flat-rolled iron or nonalloy steel products, <600 mm wide, plated or coated with tin 0.31 1.90 0.15 1.45 0.54 10.61 24.16 19.46 6.94 169.85 Radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, radiobroadcasting or television Source: Ministry of Trade Indonesian Public Debt Increase by 31% in Four Years 1800 Foreign Debt 1600 Triliun Rupiah 1400 1,263 1,249 Domestic Debt 1,240 1,275 Total 1,268 1,310 748 801 612 562 586 2005 2006 2007 661 655 649 662 656 602 594 591 613 2001 2002 2003 2004 1,666 906 920 717 746 2008 Jan-09 1,387 1200 1000 1,623 800 600 400 200 0 ECONIT Advisory Group Source: Ministry of Finance Indonesian Public Debt Decrease In Ratio Increase in Stock 90% 80% 77% Debt Stock 69% 70% 60% Nilai utang pemerintah (Rp triliun) 62% 1,263 1,249 1,240 50% 1,275 1,268 1,310 1,623 1,387 1,400 1,000 46% 40% 800 39% 30% Rasio utang terhadap PDB 35% 33% 600 400 Debt/GDP Ratio 10% 1,600 1,200 56% 20% 1,800 200 0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Sumber: Depkeu, BPS, diolah ECONIT Advisory Group