10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 An Exploratory Investigation of Business Education Critical Inquiry Programs and the Creation of a Related Faculty Development Agenda Stephanie M. Foote Director, Academic Success Center and First-Year Experience University of South Carolina Aiken 803-641-3321 ~ stephanief@usca.edu David S. Harrison School of Business Administration Dean and Chair in Global Business University of South Carolina Aiken 803-641-3376 ~ davidh@usca.edu Richard A. Heiens School of Business Administration Walter F. O’Connell Palmetto Professor of Marketing University of South Carolina Aiken 803-641-3238 ~ richardh@usca.edu Kathleen W. Wates School of Business Administration Senior Instructor University of South Carolina Aiken 803-641-3350 ~ kittyw@usca.edu October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 1 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 An Exploratory Investigation of Business Education Critical Inquiry Programs and the Creation of a Related Faculty Development Agenda ABSTRACT Critical inquiry (CI) programs can have a positive impact on both students and faculty alike. Nevertheless, many options exist for setting the direction, tone, and priorities for a CI program. The current study looks at the results of a survey on CI conducted among Business School Deans at primarily undergraduate teaching institutions. Based on these findings, we describe the development of a CI designated course, and the creation of a related faculty development program intended to maximize the enhancement of CI outcomes. INTRODUCTION Business faculty members are often aware of the importance of critical inquiry and critical thinking, however, these skills are seldom directly and specifically taught in most courses. Even in managerial and financial decision-making courses, often the decision process (critical inquiry) is secondary to presenting the “correct” decision outcomes. Students learn, all too often, what to do, rather than why they are doing it. This translates from the secondary school’s “teaching to the test” to Higher Ed’s “is that going to be on the test?” In essence, educators all too often emphasize the need for outcome rather than education. In addition, faculty members often complain that students are not adequately prepared for success in their courses. Regardless of whether this is true, faculty have a challenge with respect to teaching. Because they cannot readily change the preparedness of the students, the most logical approach should be to consider what it is about their curriculum that is not accessible, and consider modifying their pedagogical approach (Conley, 2007). Clabaugh, Forbes, and Clabaugh (1995) suggest that business students will demonstrate greater gains in critical thinking skills October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 2 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 when learning objectives for specific courses are specifically developed with consideration to the growth and expansion of these skills. The University of South Carolina Aiken (USCA), a small undergraduate institution in the Southeastern United States, has determined that the development of CI skills among their undergraduate population should be the cornerstone of their Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). A successful critical inquiry (CI) course will, ideally, enhance, at both the student and faculty level, the interest in process, inquiry, and learning. Therefore, creating a faculty development program to prepare faculty to teach CI courses may help faculty be better equipped to engage more directly the CI process in courses in their discipline, resulting in the cultivation of critical inquiry and thinking skills throughout the business curriculum. Nevertheless, many options exist for setting the direction, tone, and priorities for a CI program. This can range from dedicated CI courses to the incorporation of critical inquiry and thinking in various courses across business curricula (Smith, 2003). Therefore, it is important to ascertain what types of CI programs are currently in use, and which types of programs seem to offer the greatest likelihood of success. In connection with the planning, and ultimate implementation of the USCA QEP, the aim of the current study is to investigate CI practices at peer institutions, and the perceptions of Business School administrators regarding CI efforts. Specifically, our goal is to determine (1) what types of programs exist, and (2) the prevailing opinion on which types of programs are likely to have the greatest success. The current study includes a detailed summary of the CI practices of other institutions, and concludes with remarks addressing the creation of a critical inquiry faculty development program. BACKGROUND AND THE CURRENT STUDY October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 3 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 A number of studies have found that both formal and informal faculty-student interactions can positively affect retention and academic performance during the first college year (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1977 and 1978; Pascarella, 1980; Donahue, 2004; Braxton, Bray, and Berger, 2000; Terenzini, Springer, Pascarella, and Nora, 1995; Reason, Terenzini, and Domingo, 2006). Although many faculty teach the “gateway courses” (e.g., English, math, etc.) that students take during the first college year, getting faculty involved in the delivery of a CI oriented course should provide additional opportunities for these interactions to occur during the early college experience. As has been stated by Derek Bok, “Many investigators have found that critical thinking and learning in general can be enhanced by giving students problems and having them teach each other by working together in groups . . . Where these conditions exist, the great majority of studies show that participating students make much greater gains over those achieved by classmates studying individually or competing with one another” (Bok, 2006, p. 118). Additionally, student focus groups data, collected in spring 2010 by members of the USCA QEP committee, revealed that students found classes that involved discussion, hands on learning, or problem solving to be most memorable (Dyer et al., 2010). Several studies demonstrate the positive impact this type of course instruction can have, not only on first-year students, but on faculty efficacy as well. In fact, in some instances, faculty members have been able to transfer active and engaging teaching strategies from a first-year seminar, like a CI course, to other courses they teach (Fidler, Neururer-Rothilz, & Richardson, 1999; McClure, Atkinson, and Wills, 2008). This “spill over,” or being able to apply various teaching strategies to other courses in their own major, is one of the desired outcomes of the implementation of USCA’s QEP. Therefore, to reach the goals of engaging students, and October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 4 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 increasing student-faculty interactions, both in and out of the classroom, CI courses should be taught using strategies and techniques that center on and promote active learning. Although it is our expectation that active learning is an educational element strongly supported in business education, we conducted a survey of peer institutions to investigate whether this is actually true in similar institutions. Specifically, an online survey was distributed directly from the e-mail account of the USCA School of Business Dean to the Business School Deans of 80 institutions determined by the USCA Office of Institutional Effectiveness to constitute a representative comparison group. Comprised of 25 fixed alternative questions and one open-ended question, we received responses from 35 institutions, a 43.7 percent response rate. RESULTS When USCA first began to consider the incorporation of a CI component to the curriculum, part of the underlying impetus was widespread view among faculty that freshmen students are not always prepared for their transition to the academic challenges posed by collegelevel coursework. To test this assumption among our peer institutions, respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement with the statement, “freshmen are not adequately prepared for success in their courses.” The results are shown below in Figure 1. Figure 1: Freshmen Preparedness Often educators hear that "freshmen are not adequately prepared for success in their courses..." In your opinion, does this statement apply to your entering first-year students? Answer Options Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Response Percent Response Count 0.0% 31.4% 45.7% 22.9% 0 11 16 8 answered question skipped question October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 5 35 0 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 More than 68 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, lending support to the notion that freshmen students require additional training to enhance their preparedness for college level coursework. As such, beginning in fall 2011, all incoming freshmen at USCA will take a one-credit hour critical inquiry course, focused on themes and ideas presented in The Last Town on Earth, the selected first-year reading for the 2011-12 academic year. Further support for the USCA approach can be seen from the results shown in Figure 2. Fully 79 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that a one-credit hour critical thinking methods course would be useful in helping students achieve better curricular success. Figure 2: The Value of a One-Credit Hour CI Course Do you think a short, one-credit hour critical thinking methods course for first-year students would help them, prepared or not, achieve better curricular success? Answer Options Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Response Percent Response Count 5.9% 14.7% 58.8% 20.6% 2 5 20 7 answered question skipped question 34 1 Although the respondents indicated support for the inclusion of a one-credit hour freshman level CI course, this method alone was not viewed as the single best approach to help students effectively learn critical thinking skills. Instead, as shown in Figure 3, respondents indicated the greatest amount of support for a program that would incorporate critical thinking skills within the curriculum as a whole. For example, one respondent likened the approach of teaching critical thinking to that of teaching writing and speaking (across the curriculum), but acknowledged that this could make assessing student learning in this area more challenging. October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 6 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 Another respondent indicated that faculty on his/her campus wanted to embed critical thinking into existing courses, but he/she wondered how faculty could integrate these efforts in a way that would result in students developing these skills over time. Figure 3: How to Best Develop Critical Thinking Skills In an ideal situation, how would students best learn critical thinking skills? Rank the following response options (please include only one check mark per column). Answer Options A specifically designated critical thinking course Specific areas integrated within the curriculum, all four years Specific areas integrated within the major Specific areas integrated within general education Through extracurricular activities Best Better than Acceptable Acceptable Less than Acceptable Worst 8 3 11 10 2 15 12 4 2 0 3 14 14 2 0 4 8 10 9 2 1 0 6 6 19 Although respondents appeared to be supportive of a program designed to integrate critical thinking skills within the curriculum throughout all four years of a student’s undergraduate experience, in practice, this does not appear to be taking place. As shown in Figure 4, only 20 percent of respondents indicated that critical thinking skills are actually integrated within the curriculum for all four years in their respective institutions. Instead, over 42 percent of respondents indicated that although their institutions do not have any specific CI segments in their curricula, the development of critical thinking skills is inherently part of many courses. October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 7 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 Figure 4: The Incorporation of CI in the Curriculum Which of the following does your school and/or institution do to develop critical thinking skills in your students? If more than one of the following applies, choose the one that you think is most influential. Answer Options Through a specific critical thinking course Specific segments integrated within the curriculum, all four years Specific segments integrated within the major Specific segments integrated within the general education No specific program segments, but inherently part of many courses Through extra-curricular programs, projects, and other activities Other No specific critical thinking program Response Percent Response Count 8.6% 3 20.0% 7 5.7% 2 8.6% 3 42.9% 15 0.0% 0 2.9% 11.4% 1 4 answered question skipped question 35 0 Part of this reluctance to specifically designate any single course as a critical thinking course may be based on the perceived difficulty of actually measuring CI related outcomes and relying on these measures to evaluate student performance. As shown in Figure 5, over 45 percent of respondents do not fully believe that critical thinking can be objectively assessed, or indicate skepticism about the ability of institutions to assess critical thinking with traditional standardized multiple choice tests. Figure 5: The Objective Assessment of Critical Thinking Do you believe critical thinking can be objectively assessed? Answer Options No Unsure Yes, but not with standardized, multiple choice tests Yes, somewhat agree Yes, strongly agree Response Percent Response Count 8.6% 14.3% 22.9% 25.7% 28.6% 3 5 8 9 10 answered question skipped question October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 8 35 0 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 Nevertheless, an intrepid few have actually attempted to surmount the perceived hurdles and offer students at least one critical thinking course. As shown in Figure 6, nine respondents (just over 25%) indicate that their school or institution does in fact have a dedicated critical thinking course in their curriculum. Figure 6: The Presence of a CI Course My school or institution has a critical thinking course. Answer Options Yes No Unsure Response Percent Response Count 25.7% 65.7% 8.6% 9 23 3 answered question skipped question 35 0 While the focus of any CI course should be on developing critical inquiry skills in students, an important factor in the success of the USCA QEP overall is tied to the development of the faculty teaching the CI course. Consistent with the prevailing view on the most preferred method of CI instruction (see Figure 3), the goal at USCA is that critical inquiry skills will ultimately be integrated and assimilated throughout all four years of university study. This goal will be achieved in three ways: (1) as a natural outcome of the freshman CI course. If successful, CI skills will be carried through, by the students, into other classes (and, indeed, their lives); (2) specific other courses, across all majors and years, will be developed by interested faculty that specifically focus on furthering CI skills; and (3) it is planned that all faculty will teach the freshman CI course, on a rotating basis. A natural outcome of their training and development will result in furthering this process in courses they regularly teach. It is both interesting, and appealing, to note that two of these three results are achieved somewhat indirectly. That is to say October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 9 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 that as a result of implementation, campus-wide, of a successful first year CI course, both students and faculty will be trained in the process (items 1 & 3), with expected and desired extension, ideally, to all other classes. Optimistic, perhaps, but incredibly efficient and effective if successful. That success is largely dependent on effective faculty development programs. The importance of faculty development can be shown in Figure 7. Although sample size for this question is limited to only eight respondents, only one of those respondents strongly believed that faculty in their institution who teach the critical thinking course receive adequate training and support. For the other respondents, the subject of faculty development was noted as the “missing link.” One respondent discussed how the lack of faculty development on his/her campus has resulted in professors “conveying their thoughts not developing thoughtful students.” Further, he/she said, “Only a serious effort will change that model.” Figure 7: Training and Support for CI Faculty In your opinion, faculty in your school or institution who teach the critical thinking course receive adequate training and support. Answer Options Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree Response Percent Response Count 12.5% 25.0% 50.0% 12.5% 1 2 4 1 answered question skipped question 8 27 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AT USCA At USCA, current planning for Faculty Development to teach the freshman CI course includes an intensive Critical Inquiry Workshop, which will be part of a Faculty Learning Community. After the workshop experience, faculty will be more knowledgeable about the concepts and learning theory underlying critical inquiry instruction. Faculty will also have October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 10 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 familiarity and access to teaching materials and practical applications for developing critical thinking skills in students. Specific “Faculty Learning Outcomes (FLO),” at present, follow. Faculty Learning Outcomes: After the workshop, the instructor will be able to: 1. Define Critical Inquiry, 2. List the steps necessary for practicing critical inquiry, 3. Use a variety of activities for fostering critical thinking and collaborative learning in students (e.g., discipline-specific strategies, group activities, and active-learning techniques), 4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the activities for fostering critical inquiry, 5. Integrate the First Year Reading Experience (FYRE) into the course structure, 6. Integrate information literacy into the course structure, 7. Encourage students to appreciate multiple perspectives. During the workshop, the instructor will: 1. Create a sample course outline/timeline for leading the class, 2. Gain access to a variety of course materials (syllabi, assignments, grading rubrics, technology), 3. Develop strategies for including CI in other discipline-specific courses, 4. Create a plan for incorporating Peer Mentors as an integral part of the instructional strategy. A recognized and important element to induce faculty participation at USCA for teaching the Critical Inquiry course, and to undertaking the faculty development necessary to do so, is economic. Nevertheless, this is not a widespread approach. As shown in Figure 8, only one October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 11 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 institution in our sample provides additional compensation to instructors responsible for the CI course. Figure 8: Compensation for CI Faculty How are instructors compensated for this course (check all that apply)? Answer Options Considered part of the teaching load Overload Course relief Additional pay Not compensated Unsure Response Percent Response Count 87.5% 0.0% 0.0% 12.5% 0.0% 0.0% 7 0 0 1 0 0 answered question skipped question 8 27 Contrary to the prevailing approach, current plans at USCA include a $500 stipend for faculty to attend a summer development workshop for a one to two day session, or about 4% of salary for intensive week-long workshop courses in CI. Non-financial incentives are also key to faculty recruitment for the CI course. Our planned faculty load per semester for the CI course will only be two hours, yet each faculty member will receive compensation for three hours. Another incentive involves regular course scheduling. At USCA, CI faculty will be offered the option to teach the required two one-hour CI courses concurrently, either at the beginning of the term or at the end of the term, to give the teaching faculty member some time off before/after the CI courses. CI faculty will be given priority for course selection and scheduling by their respective unit heads for all non-CI courses during the CI semester. In addition to economic and scheduling incentives, teaching the CI course must be made as attractive a prospect as possible. To this end, catered retreats will be offered for the roundtable discussions required as a part of teaching the CI course. Teaching assistants who October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 12 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 serve as student peer mentors will be made available for CI courses. These TAs will be drawn from students involved in the student leadership initiative. Faculty development workshops will target the skills necessary to help participating faculty members compile and deliver course elements that promote the desired Student Learning Outcomes for the CI course. To this end, faculty development workshops will provide daily plan suggestions, and offer readymade resources that faculty members can deploy in their CI courses. Syllabus construction is another vital area that must be addressed, particularly with an emphasis on how to integrate rubric schema for CI courses that incorporate SLO’s. Additional topics include incorporating technology and social networking sites into the CI experience. Regardless of the narrow focus a workshop may address, a constant general emphasis should be placed on how to integrate critical inquiry into subsequent non-CI specific classes. One way to help promote the integration of critical inquiry in the classroom experience (post-CI course) is through faculty development workshops on working with student groups and designing group projects. This emphasis should be coordinated with the proposed group project competition whose winner(s) will be recognized/awarded during the Research Day festivities in the spring semester. The art of designing a workshop-based course should be a particular focus. Another important element in creating and implementing a successful CI initiative is broad faculty involvement. To that end, every effort should be made to involve the entire USCA faculty in the implementation of the CI courses. Ideally, all full-time faculty from all areas and schools should eventually teach a CI course. To encourage faculty participation, strong urging from the administration to the unit heads will be required. Unit heads should be encouraged to establish a regular rotation of faculty members to teach the CI course. In addition, repeated, clear emphasis that the administration will not be prescriptive in its suggestions for teaching the October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 13 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 CI course will be necessary. Faculty must have the freedom to approach the goals/objectives of the CI course using their own personal teaching philosophies and styles. CONCLUSION The results of the survey indicate that there is widespread concern about the level of preparation exhibited by incoming freshmen students. Although most Business School Deans surveyed believed that the integration of CI throughout all four years of a student’s undergraduate education was the best way for students to develop CI skills, there is also strong support for the incorporation of a dedicated CI course in the first year curriculum. However, such a course does not exist at the majority of institutions surveyed. Part of the reluctance to offer such a course may be related to the perceived difficulty in assessing critical thinking skills using traditional classroom methods. There also appears to be inadequate training and support for faculty assigned to the teaching of CI courses. The proposed CI faculty development program described for USCA appears to be capable of surmounting many of the obstacles to the enhancement of CI skills that were identified in the survey. However, it is only through implementation and ongoing assessment that we can judge the quality and effectiveness of the CI program described. October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 14 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 REFERENCES Bok, D. (2006). Our underachieving colleges: A candid look at how much students learn and why they should be learning more. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Braxton, J. M., Bray, N. J., Berger, J. B. (2000). Faculty teaching skills and their influence on the college student departure process. Journal of College Student Development, 41(2), 215-227. Claubaugh, M. G., Forbes, J. L., & Claubaugh, J. P. (1995). Bloom’s cognitive domains theory: A basis for developing higher levels of critical thinking in reconstructing a professional selling course. Journal of Marketing Education, 17(3), 25-34. Conley, D. T. (2007). Redefining college readiness. Eugene, OR: Educational Policy Improvement Center. Donahue, L. (2004). Connections and reflections: Creating a positive learning environment for first-year students. Journal of The First-Year Experience, 16(1), 77-100. Dyer, A. et al. (2010). Quality enhancement plan: Think DEEP! University of South Carolina Aiken. Fidler, P.P., Neururer-Rotholz, J., & Richardson, S. (1999). Teaching the freshman seminar: Its effectiveness in promoting faculty development. Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 11(2), 59-74. McClure, A. I., Atkinson, M. P., and Wills, J. B. (2008). Transferring teaching skills: Faculty development effects from a first-year inquiry program. Journal of The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 20(1), 31-52. Pascarella, E. T. (1980). Student-faculty contact and college outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 50(4), 545-595. October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 15 10th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9830452-1-2 Reason, R. D., Terenzini, P. T., & Domingo, R. J. (2006). First things first: Developing academic competence in the first year of college. Research in Higher Education, 47(2), 149-175. Smith, G. F. (2003). Beyond critical thinking and decision making: Teaching business students how to think. Journal of Management Education, 27(1), 24-51. Terenzini, P. T., Springer, L., Pascarella, E. T., and Nora, A. (1995). Academic and outof-class influences on students’ intellectual orientations. The Review of Higher Education, 19(1), 23-44. October 15-16, 2010 Rome, Italy 16