I. 8:30/17.30 - Symposium Begins: Welcome from Project PIs and CCR Team. Introductions by Participants. Connect to Virtual Auditorium through: Marratech Room T217, linked through http://emeeting.tech.oru.se:8000/ II. 9:00/18.00 CCR Overview of New Questions for Group Discussions III. 9:15/18.15 Globally-Distributed Team discussion: Join with colleagues across the world to discuss what interests you most: pedagogy, technology, rhetoric, or communication. Active Learning & Pedagogy for Global Learning. How do you need to prepare students to work effectively as globally-distributed teams? How do you develop effective lesson plans and class activities to engage students in cross-cultural dialogues? How to accommodate the language barriers between members of globally-distributed teams? How do we create bonding between members of globally-distributed teams? Connect by going to http://switchboard.stanford.edu and selecting the link for “Pedagogy” Technology and Intercultural Exchanges. How can we use different ICTs (such as blogging, videoconferencing, wikis, etc.) for cross-cultural exchanges? How do we balance synchronous (real time - video conferencing) and asynchronous (time lag - blogging, e-mail) communications? How does physical room design and furniture/technology configurations affect the cross-cultural encounter? How do questions of access and infrastructure impact the possibilities for intercultural exchanges between academic institutions? Connect by going to http://switchboard.stanford.edu and selecting the link for “Technology” Rhetoric. How do we teach rhetoric in a cross-cultural context? What forms of cultural rhetoric do we know? How do we encounter different traditions of rhetoric in the classroom? Looking to the future, how would we like to develop the theme of cross-cultural rhetoric in our own individual institutional contexts? Connect by going to http://switchboard.stanford.edu and selecting the link for “Rhetoric” Intercultural Communication. How might we foster intercultural competencies in students and teachers? What theories of intercultural communication inform our research and our pedagogy? How can we facilitate the development of global citizens and effective collaboration in the ever-changing site of intercultural exchange? Looking forward, what solutions might we offer to the hegemony of English and the dominance of western world views? Connect by going to http://switchboard.stanford.edu and selecting the link for “Interculture” IV. 10:15/19.15 Small Group Presentations & Reflections Connect to Virtual Auditorium through: Marratech Room T217, linked through http://emeeting.tech.oru.se:8000/ V. 10:45/ 19:45 Closing Remarks and Connections: PIs (Symposium chair) lead closing remarks and invite participants to continue the collaboration in the future. Partnerships for the future? Scholarly collaboration project? Additional upcoming events? VI. 11:00/20.00 Symposium Ends.