
Welcome to your name here’s home page
I am a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior at UNI this fall. I am majoring in
underH2OBasketweaving. My hometown is Boston, Massachusetts.
My favorite three colors or hobbies or things or sports teams or music groups are:
Here are some of my favorite web sites. Check them out!
University of South Dakota has a nice home page
Micron Computers
College of Natural Sciences at UNI
The Joffrey Ballet has done world premieres of Billboards (rock ballet to
Prince’s music) and a new version of the Nutcracker Ballet in Iowa.
5. Jewel
Delete this paragraph and all the paragraphs and graphics after it before you do the File
menu Save As HTML command and after you do steps 1 to 8 below.
1. File menu Save As HTML command should be done after you finish making changes to
this document. The changes that you need to make are:
2. Edit your name’s here out and replace it with your name.
3. Correct the 1st paragraph so it has your major, year in school at UNI, and your hometown.
4. Change the three favorites bulleted list so it reflects some of your favorite things.
5. Delete one of the two hyperlinks (Micron Computers or University of South Dakota) by
using the selection bar area to the left of the beginning of the text and a single click to
highlight the entire line. (The mouse pointer will be shaped like an arrow and will be
leaning in toward the document) Note how the numbered list is automatically renumbered.
6. Highlight College of Natural Sciences and click the Insert Hyperlink button on the Standard
toolbar. In the Link to File or URL: textbox, type the following: http://www.cns.uni.edu
7. Enter at least two of your own favorite links, replacing the Joffrey and Jewel items with
your own descriptions. Convert each one to its hyperlink using the Insert Hyperlink button.
If you can’t remember your favorite 3 URL’s or don’t have em handy, use University of
Southern California ( http://www.usc.edu ) and University of Iowa ( http://www.uiowa.edu ).
8. File menu Save As HTML… command. After you have saved the file with the name
homepage, it will have a suffix or extension of html. It will be saved in your H: drive
home directory and inside your web folder. It must be inside of your web folder.
9. Now the View menu will have changed since converting the document to an html web page
file. Do the View menu HTML Source command to see the html tags and code.