Michigan State University College of Human Medicine 2010 CHM Student Scholarship List Application Deadline: Friday, January 29, 2010 This document provides a list of the scholarships that are available for 2010. The expected amount of the award, eligibility, selection criteria, and required additional documentation are noted for each individual scholarship. Eligibility refers to students as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students. This is based upon the specific request of the private donors. The Student Scholarship Rating Committee defines these categories as follows: 1st year = Block I; 2nd year = Block II or enrolled in PBL curriculum; 3rd year = enrolled in Block III; and 4th year = enrolled in Block III with a Year 2010 anticipated graduation date. Please submit the 2010 CHM Student Scholarship Application and required additional documentation to apply for the listed scholarships. Only Students in good academic standing are eligible to apply! REQUIRED ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SCHOLARSHIP & AMOUNT A. GORDON ADAMS, JR. SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Current 2nd & 3rd year students with documented financial need 2 Awards $6,000 each SELECTION CRITERIA AMIR ALBORZYKHAGHANY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 2 Awards 5,500 each CHM SURGICAL ALUMNI ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Current 2nd & 3rd year students with assignment to the Kalamazoo Community Campus for 3rd and 4th years Current students with interest in surgery $2,300 This documentation must be submitted with the CHM 2010 Student Scholarship Application to complete the application for the specific scholarship as noted below. Interest in pursuing Primary Care or Family Practice as a specialty following graduation as a residency. Documented involvement and leadership in civic, community, and medical organization activities. Past athletic involvement at the intramural or collegiate level. Documented financial need. Explanation of extreme financial need. Assigned to Kalamazoo Community to complete clinical training. Demonstration of qualities of concern and compassion for others. Statement explaining the importance of a career in medicine to the student. Student statement that addresses the current view of the importance of a medical career to the student as it relates to the student’s interests and values. Involvement in community service activities. Documented leadership positions in service activities. Appreciation for and interest in athletic competition. Social conscience concerning roles & responsibilities of a physician. Documented financial need. Student statement of interest in surgery and delineation of how interest has been explored and interest and participation in athletics. D:\612937969.doc 1 Documentation of past athletic involvement at the collegiate or intramural level, i.e. sport roster, letter from coach, news article, or pictures. Student statement that addresses applicant’s career plans. REQUIRED ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SCHOLARSHIP & AMOUNT BRAZEE SCHOLARSHIP FUND ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Current 2nd & 3rd year students $ 1,500 $2,600 FLINT AREA MEDICAL EDUCATION STAFF SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION CRITERIA Current 2nd & 3rd year students assigned to Flint Community or resident of Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee Counties JOSEPH FOLDING COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Current 2nd year students $2,000 ARTHUR L. FOLEY, II, MD, Ph.D. ENDOWED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Current 3rd and 4th year students Students with limited resources who have demonstrated the capacity and motivation to achieve educational & professional goals. Michigan resident. Documented financial need. Student to provide statement of intention to enter and practice primary care in the State of Michigan for at least one year after completion of residency. Students assigned to Flint Community Campus Resident of Genesee, Lapeer, or Shiawassee Counties Former or current participant in MSU/CHM Flint Campus Partners in Education Program Documented financial need Student to provide a brief statement that describes involvement in the MSU/CHM Flint Partners in Education Program. Students in good academic standing. Achieved above average academic record prior to admission into CHM. Demonstrated evidence of an ability to achieve educational and professional goals. Demonstrated motivation and initiative to achieve goals and seek opportunities to advance a career in medicine. Demonstrated financial need. Provide documentation of academic record prior to medical school. Student to provide a brief statement outlining specific professional goals, preparation to reach those goals, and evidence of motivation to achieve the goals. Demonstrated a commitment to academic and/or preventive medicine. Intention to pursue a career in academic medicine. Currently serves as a mentor or has benefited from a mentor relationship as he/she pursues medical studies. 2 Awards $12,500 each $6,700 JOSEPH J. AND BETTY J. GADALETO ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP This documentation must be submitted with the CHM 2010 Student Scholarship Application to complete the application for the specific scholarship as noted below. Current 2nd and 3rd year students assigned to the Lansing Community. Demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and moral character. Demonstrated leadership skills. Demonstrated commitment to community service and a strong work ethic. Documented financial need. D:\612937969.doc 2 Student to provide a 1-2 page essay that articulates how the student’s mentoring relationship, either as mentor or mentee, has benefited the student and how the student plans to incorporate preventive medicine and academic medicine into their professional future. A statement of support from student’s mentor to further support the application. Student essay (2 page maximum) that addresses leadership experiences and community service experience. REQUIRED ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SCHOLARSHIP & AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA DAVID, SIGMAN & GERTRUDE GENDEIN MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Current 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students from Oakland County, Michigan or other Michigan residents. SELECTION CRITERIA This documentation must be submitted with the CHM 2010 Student Scholarship Application to complete the application for the specific scholarship as noted below. Particularly supportive to graduates of high school or college in Oakland County, Michigan (should this requirement be impossible to meet, a graduate of any Michigan high school or college may be eligible). Demonstrated academic excellence. Student to provide a maximum of 250 word essay explaining the reasons for the student’s decision to pursue a degree from CHM and outlining their medical career goals. Emphasis on students who are committed to pursuing a career in obstetrics, pediatrics, or family practice. Provide evidence of a sustained track record of volunteer service, particularly as it relates to children. Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designation and level of academic performance. Have overcome economically disadvantaged circumstances to attend medical school. Student statement that describes/ discusses the impact of volunteer service activities on underprivileged children and addresses how the student overcame disadvantages to attend medical school. Particularly supportive to students from Lapeer, Tuscola, or Huron counties. Past involvement in rural communities. Plans to enter general or orthopedic surgery. Documented financial need. One page student essay that addresses the student’s past involvement- volunteer, civic, and other- in rural communities and discussion of surgery career goals. Student statement that discusses interest in surgery and ways student is pursuing this interest. $1,200 RITA L. HOPKINSON ENDOWED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Current 3rd & 4th year students $1,600 CLIFFORD L. HOUSE, MD ENDOWED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Students who are Michigan residents and originate from a rural community $1,700 INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ALLIANCE SCHOLARSHIP Students who graduated from high school in Ingham, Eaton, or Clinton County $2,500 KOTAIAH AND RUCKMINAMMA KARETI ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Current 3rd and 4th year students with an interest in surgery Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by letters of commendation, honors designations, and level of academic performance Documentation of graduation from high school in Ingham, Eaton, or Clinton County Documented financial need Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designation and level of academic performance. Documented financial need. $10,000 D:\612937969.doc 3 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SCHOLARSHIP & AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA PAUL C. LINNELL, MD SCHOLARSHIP Current 2nd & 3rd year students assigned to Lansing Community SELECTION CRITERIA $1,600 PROFESSOR LEONARD J. LUKER SCHOLARSHIP Current 1st, 2nd, & 3rd year students 2 Awards $6,500 each MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS FROM INDIA SCHOLARSHIP FOR STUDENTS OF ASIAN INDIAN HERITAGE Current 1st, 2nd, & 3rd year students $11,000 2 Awards $750 each FLORENCE GRAVELLE OBERG ENDOWED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Current 3rd or 4th year students who are residents of Oakland or Genesee County or assigned to Flint Community This documentation must be submitted with the CHM 2010 Student Scholarship Application to complete the application for the specific scholarship as noted below. Students assigned to the Lansing campus for clinical training. Michigan residents (special consideration to those from midMichigan). Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designations and level of academic performance. Students who are well-rounded, demonstrating strength in academics, leadership skills, and community service. Emphasis on students involved in research related to diseases of aging and geriatrics. Demonstrated good academic standing. Must be a US citizen. Michigan resident. Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designations and level of academic performance. Demonstrated leadership and responsibility to medicine and community. Documented financial need. Resident of Oakland or Genesee County, or assigned to Flint campus for clinical training. Undergraduate or graduate degree from Michigan State University. Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designations and level of academic performance. D:\612937969.doc 4 Student to submit brief (1-2 pages) description of proposed research project for academic year 7/1/2010-6/30/2011 or description of current research project in this area. Statement of support from faculty member stating willingness to supervise the proposed research project. Student statement that discusses how student has served as a positive role model for others and student’s activities and involvement in the community. REQUIRED ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SCHOLARSHIP & AMOUNT MICHAEL J. PTASNIK, MD AND FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Current 1st, 2nd, & 3rd year students SELECTION CRITERIA Students who have demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designations and level of academic performance. Provide evidence of sustained leadership experiences. Documented financial need. Documentation of disadvantaged background whose families are unable to provide significant financial help. Student statement that explains disadvantaged background from student perspective. Preference shall be given to Michigan resident (out-of-state students may be considered if no suitable candidates are available) African-American heritage Demonstration of excellence, leadership and responsibility to medicine and the African-American community Service as role model for other students Documented Financial Need Demonstrated academic excellence Student statement that discusses student’s involvement in the African American community. PLEASE NOTE: Previous recipients of this scholarship are not eligible for renewed support Good academic standing. Demonstrated commitment to volunteer and/or community service. Documented financial need. Student statement that articulates student’s view of volunteerism highlighting community service involvement and volunteering during medical school and plans for future involvement. Student statement that discusses the impact of community service activities on urban populations. 2 awards $2,500 each MID-MICHIGAN MEDICAL SOCIETY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR AFRICANAMERICAN STUDENTS Current 2nd, 3rd or 4th year students (preference given in that order) $2,000 REITMEYER FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Current 2nd & 3rd year students This documentation must be submitted with the CHM 2010 Student Scholarship Application to complete the application for the specific scholarship as noted below. $2,500 CARLOS R. SLEDGE, MD, Ph.D. CLASS OF 1977 ENDOWED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Current 1st, 2nd, & 3rd year students Students who represent and promote diversity. Demonstrated commitment to community service, particularly to programs which serve disadvantaged and urban populations. Documented financial need. $2,500 D:\612937969.doc 5 REQUIRED ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SCHOLARSHIP & AMOUNT BERNARD H. SMOOKLER, MD ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Current 2nd & 3rd year students SELECTION CRITERIA 3 Awards $8,300 each SORKIN FAMILY EXPENDABLE SCHOLARSHIP Current 3rd & 4th year students Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designations and level of academic performance. Documented financial need. Demonstrated commitment to a career in family medicine. Documented financial need. Student must be in good academic standing. Students who are interested in psychiatry as their chosen medical specialty or who have previously worked in a mental health setting. Personal origin from an underrepresented segment of the overall MSU/CHM student population (might include rural, inner city, and/or disadvantaged background). Intend to practice in an inner-city or rural area. Statement of support that addresses demonstrated interest in psychiatry and/or experience and activities in mental health field. Students who have an expressed interest in becoming a primary care physician. Have made a significant contribution to infant/child care or child development as evidenced through volunteerism or professional experiences. Documented financial need. Student statement that discusses involvement in child development activities. Two statements of support that address the selection criteria. $1,700 WILLIAM B. WEIL, JR, MD ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Current 3rd & 4th year students Student to provide two page typed personal statement addressing: Reason for selection of medicine as a career. Current personal goals as they relate to medicine. Academic honors, distinctions, scholarships or awards received during medical school. Other evidence of academic excellence. Explanation & documentation of extreme financial need. Current 2nd & 3rd year students Finalists may also be required to interview to complete the selection process. Selection Committee will carefully consider all aspects of the applicant’s qualifications but will clearly emphasize student’s high standards of academic excellence and level of financial need. 4 Awards $5,000 each WALTER TURKE, MD SCHOLARSHIP This documentation must be submitted with the CHM 2010 Student Scholarship Application to complete the application for the specific scholarship as noted below. $1,900 D:\612937969.doc 6 Student statement addressing student’s commitment to becoming a family physician. A letter of support from a family physician. Fourth-year students need to provide a copy of their personal statement used in residency applications. REQUIRED ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SCHOLARSHIP & AMOUNT ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA PAUL T. WERNER, MD FAMILY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Current 2nd, 3rd, & 4th year students with intent to enter Family Practice SELECTION CRITERIA $3,700 W. DONALD WESTON AWARD FOR YEAR II Current 2nd year students $2,350 WRIGHT FAMILY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Current students with an interest in psychiatry, aging, and/or basic neurosciences $3,800 WILBUR C. WRIGHT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Current students with an interest in cancer research This documentation must be submitted with the CHM 2010 Student Scholarship Application to complete the application for the specific scholarship as noted below. Students who intend, in good faith, to elect Family Practice as his/her specialty. Whose personal origins are from an under represented segment of overall MSU/CHM student population (might include rural, inner city, and/or disadvantaged background). Who intend to practice in a rural or inner city underserved area. Student statement of intent to enter Family Practice in a rural or underserved area. Students who are from an underrepresented or disadvantaged background. Demonstrated exemplary academic performance despite obstacles. Demonstrated leadership skills. Seen as an effective role model for other students. Commitment to diversity. Student statement that addresses commitment to diversity, life obstacles, and hardship. Proven interest in psychiatry, aging, and/or basic neurosciences. May be demonstrated through related personal, professional, volunteer, or medical clinical and/or research experience. Documentation of financial need. Student to provide one-two page personal statement that highlights past experiences and future expectations for pursuing a career in psychiatry, aging and/or basic neurosciences. Demonstrated career or academic interest in cancer research. Current involvement in cancer research. Statement of support from CHM faculty member or researcher with whom student is/has worked in area of cancer research. Student to provide one page statement of goals and intent to continue cancer research. $11,000 WOMEN IN MEDICINE SCHOLARSHIP Current 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students 4 Awards $1,750 each Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designations and level of academic performance. Students who provide exemplary leadership qualities that have provided a role model for other women to emulate. Demonstrated excellent professional behavior. Demonstrated academic excellence and vigorous pursuit of the challenges presented by a medical education. Documented financial need. D:\612937969.doc 7 Student statement that specifically addresses service and activities related to women in medicine including organizations, leadership positions held, work experiences, and volunteer experiences. REQUIRED ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SCHOLARSHIP & AMOUNT ROBERT l. YOUNG STUDENT LOAN ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Current 2nd & 3rd year students SELECTION CRITERIA Demonstrated evidence of academic excellence as reflected by honors designations and level of academic performance. Documented extreme financial need. Demonstrate qualities that suggest a well-rounded background. D:\612937969.doc 8 This documentation must be submitted with the CHM 2010 Student Scholarship Application to complete the application for the specific scholarship as noted below. Student essay that describes qualities/activities that make them well-rounded individuals. A well-rounded background might be evident through strength in academics, leadership skills, community service, sports or other hobbies.