Recent Advances in Multi-color Flow Cytometry Applications John Daley Director of Flow Cytometry Hematalogic Neoplasia Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Harvard Medical School Recent Advances and Applications at HemNeo Flow Addition of FACSAria Special Order Research Platform (SORP) Cytometer July 2006 Ultraviolet Laser upgrade January 2007: New Options Calcium Flux on T cell subpopulations: Tips and Tricks Assay integration – Stem cells : Cell Cycle/ ROS/ Apoptosis – GFP+DsRed Co-expression with viable cell cycle: HO33342 Side Population analysis and sorting: Worth a second look Multicolor Treg analysis and Sorting : A new way to gate Multicolor Stem Murine stem cell sorting: Checking compensation Rare event Sorting: Instrument considerations , Haploid sperm cells, Human Tetramer Sorting, Single cell PCR cloning Addition of FACSCanto II : switching to plates and analyzing by batch FACSAria Special Order Research Platform (SORP) UV Laser: 20mW 355nm UV PMT TRIGON SORP OPEN OPTICAL BENCH UV Applications Viable Cell Cycle sorting using Hoechst 33342 Calcium Flux using INDO-1 AM Side Population Analysis (SP): HO33342 Live/Dead exclusion using DAPI Apoptosis using Hoechst 33342 and PI (future) Quantum Dot Excitation (future) FACSAria SORP UV Laser Upgrade January 2007 GFP+DsRed/Hoechst 33342 Viable Cell Cycle Assay Integration Hoechst Blue=450BP filter GFP=FITC 530 filter DsRed=PE 575 filter Ca+ flux with Indo 1-AM Useful to study heterogeneity within Defined subpopulations -Ratio metric Dye: Normalizes for cell size variability As well as laser power fluctuations over time -Very sensitive to slight shifts within populations -Ultraviolet excited can be used with many visibly excited -fluorochromes FACSAria: UV Applications Calcium Flux Kinetic Assays Ionomycin Calcium Flux Method to get Gap in Time vs. ratio Histogram ( Lift Cover/reset time stop/append file/close cover after 5 seconds) Indo-Violet=405nm BP Filter Indo-Blue=530nm BP Filter Dichroic=505nm LP FACSAria “SORP” 20Mw 355nm UV Laser 10ug GAM IgG1 0 minutes 5 Ionomycin Calcium Flux on T cell subpopulations Side Population (SP) Analysis and Sorting Background History Described by Margaret (Peggy) Goodell while in Richard Mulligan's Lab at MIT in Boston Most of flow cytometry work done by Glenn Paradis: currently Director of Flow at M.I.T. Looking for quiescent cells in Bone Marrow Instrument Limitations 3 colors used in blue UV used for Hoechst cell cycle Analysis and PI viability exclusion ( PMT constraints) Done on BD FACSVantage Run at low pressure, Cell cycle resolution of lymphoid subpopulations possible Observed distinct side hook population profile Phenotype determination and sorting followed by repopulation experiments established SP identity Howard Shapiro Surprise 65th Birthday party Glenn Paradis (did flow at MIT on original SP paper) There is life other than flow! Empire Garden Chinatown Boston Nov 2006 Photos by Akos Silivasi Side Populations (SP) by Flow Stringent Protocol Adherence Instrument Parameters Critical Tight C.V.’s (co-efficient of Variation) Optimize Optical Filter selection Instrument Alignment Conditions UV Bead Standard Fluoresbrite® BB Carboxylate Microspheres 4.5µm Polysciences LOG LINEAR Hoechst Blue PMT= 225 Volts Stem cell Phenotype Integration with Multiple Assays FoxOs Are Critical Mediators of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Resistance to Physiologic Oxidative Stress Cell, Vol 128, 325-339, 26 January 2007 Side Populations Instrument Parameters Hoechst 33342(HO) excited by Ultraviolet (U.V.) or Violet lasers DyeCycletm Probes excited with violet, blue or red lasers Optical filters 450nm for Blue H0em 670 LP for Red HOem (PI for viability ex with uv or blue Laser) (Optional cell surface markers for phenotypic analysis) SP Labeling procedures • Verify technique by using same strain and EXACT rigorous conditions Found in above mentioned protocol • Maintain incubation precisely at 37 centigrade • Use C57BL/6 mice bone marrow 5-8 weeks of age for initial analysis • Count cells accurately and resuspend at 106/ml in pre-warmed DMEM • Add Hoechst at a final conc. of 5ug/ml (200x dilution of stock) • Mix cells place in water bath exactly for 90 min. mix tube during incubation SP Labeling procedures • • • • • • After 90 minutes incubation spin cells down in the COLD and resuspend in Cold HBSS+ Run on Cytometer or stain with antibodies or magnetic bead depletion procedures . All steps MUST be performed at 40C Use C57BL/6 mice bone marrow 5-8 weeks of age for initial analysis Count cells accurately and resuspend at 106/ml in pre-warmed DMEM Add Hoechst at a final conc. of 5ug/ml (200x dilution of stock) Mix cells place in water bath exactly for 90 min. mix tube during incubation Side Population enumeration using Hoechst 33342 SP Phenotype Murine Bone Marrow Ho33342 dye uptake kinetics - incubation time and concentration titration important Violet Excitation SP HO33342 BM + Verapamil 0.4% 0.3% PMT blue= 550 PMT Red= 944 William Telford N.I.H. Spectral Viewer Ultraviolet 20mW 355nm SP HO33342 BM HO BLUE (450) + Verapamil 4.5% 0.2% HO RED (670) PMT blue= 316 PMT Red= 584 Other Interesting Developments Multiple Gating strategies help identify low frequency functional subpopulations Multicolor(5) Minor populations : Four way sorting: Treg Story CD45ra FITC CD127 PE CD25 PE-CY5 CD4 PE-CY7 CD3 PAC BLUE Four way reg sort Treg Post Sort Reanalysis POST SORT REANALYSIS: HUMAN PBL CD3+CD4+ CD45RA+ &CD45RATreg+/Teffector+/ -- 99.4 98.4 97.1 99.9 FoxP3 Expression in CD4+ Treg CD45RA+ Fluorescence minus 1 Rare Events The Needle in the Haystack Story There are many ways to approach the needle in the haystack problem: •A known needle in a known haystack •A known needle in an unknown haystack •An unknown needle in an unknown haystack •Any needle in a haystack •The sharpest needle in a haystack •Most of the sharpest needles in a haystack •All the needles in a haystack •Affirmation of no needles in a haystack •Things like needles in any haystack •Let me know whenever a new needle shows up •Where are the haystacks? Burn the Haystack Rare Events and Flow Cytometry Minimal residual disease (MRD) GFP top 0.1% Outliers PBL stem cells Bone marrow stem cells Polychromatic subpopulations Tetramers: Ag Specific T cells 1N pre Sperm cells : G. Daley GFP 0.7%- 99% 20,000 sec PRESORT POST SORT Rare Event Tetramer Sorting 0.007% bead auto compensation Title: Sorting Tetramer positive T cells on FACS Aria Staining: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Obtain 42 mL of whole blood from donor 430-TW56-5643 Ficoll PB, wash, and count 35.0 Million PBMC. Resuspend in 200uL PBS/FBS Add Tetramers as shown below: Incubate for 30min at RT. 6. Add Abs as follows: Tube No. FITC uL PE u L ECD u L PC5 u L PC7 u L APC u L PacBlu u L Sort CD4/14/ 19/56 8/16/ 4/8 EBV Tet 5 CD45RA 8 CD62L 8 CD8 8 Flu Tet 5 AnnV 5 7. Incubate at RT for 30min. 8. Wash, resuspend in 500uL of AnnexinV binding buffer and place on ice. 9. Make sure to let cells sit on ice at least 1 hour prior to sorting for proper tetramer binding. 10. 15 minutes prior to sorting (or during setting of compensation) add 5uL of AnnexinV to cells sitting on ice. 11. After incubation add 1.5 mL of AnnexinV buffer. 12. Store cells on ice until ready to sort. Sorting 13. Add ~500uLof RNase-free PBS to each siliconized-eppendorf collection tube. 14. Strain cells twice and sort cells. Tetramers: Ag Specific T cells Small events : bright label heavy gating Rare Events and Flow Cytometry Practical Considerations Number of events acquired increase for statistical accuracy Controls reduce number of cells available for analysis/sorting Reanalysis of sorted populations conundrum Proper Controls Is it real or an artifact? Rare Events and Flow Cytometry Instrument considerations Optimal alignment Tight side streams Deflection channel choice Take some neg to get stream Add carrier bead 2x sort for enrichment /purity Collection vessel options Gating strategy Rare Events and Flow Cytometry Experimental Design Strategy Create artificial sample that mimics real life scenario (Spike , beads and Cells) MRD, Stemtrol, Employ Image to visualize desired subpopulations post sort Recertify artificial situation post sort Judiciously clean instrument and measure background particle value 4 way Bead sort to check Instrument Accuracy Protocol Beads needed 1: Accudrop: cat#345249 2: Calbrite APC: cat #340487 3: Sphero Rainbow Fluorescent particles 3.0-3.4um(mid range FL1) cat# 556298 4: " " " " " ( brighter?) cat# 556291 First : click on new experiment icon and used default pmt setting 250, 300, 500,etc..... and made single graphs of all pmts log except FALS and two parameter of Hoechst blue vs. APC Cy7 Second: Add a few drops of each bead to separate tube add 1xpbs(200ul) 10,000events and run/ record 5,000- Third: Adjust APC Cy7 down to 385 volts when run Accudrop to get beads on scale. Use Biexponential display option Four: mix beads together one at a time and run and gate on where peak showed up on apccy7 vs. hoechst blue histogram (that way can see where each bead size scattered based on color gating) Fifth :mixed all beads together and create four distinct sort regions on APC-CY7 vs. Hoechst Blue graph and did a four way sort for about 4 minutes sorted about 1.2 million. Use custom sort precision settings which is : 0 32 0 (VERY VERY IMPORTANT!) I did not have them very concentrated and sorted at 11 flow rate (bad for core stream) reanalyze each fraction with a pbs wash between each tube. Simple Four Way bead Sort 4 way bead sort Spiked with Fixed Murine Spleen cells Presort Frequency Isolation of minor subpopulations G. Daley Lab (Melissa H) Mouse embryonic stem cells/ Sperm cell Precursors Nature: December 10, 2003 Picture credit: Niels Geijsen Rare Event Gating Strategy : Pre Sperm RT-PCR Single Cell Cloning One is one The ultimate rare event Thermocycler Plate Bottom cut off to fit in ACDU unit Sophia Adamia Ken Anderson Lab DFCI Adjust stream not plate Flash drive cover Used as wedge Check to see if Green beads on bottom Of vial not sidewall 10uL lysis Buffer RT-PCR by Flow Cytometry Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia CD19+ (B cells ) from patient bone marrow aspirate 1. PCR Reaction: Thermocycler 2. Capillary electrophoresis on ABI DNA Genetic Analyzer DNA Fragment Analysis Capillary electrophoresis ds DNA 3’ 5’ 5’ 3’ Fragment flow through capillary DENATURE ss DNA 3’ 3’ 5’ 5’ 5’-primer DETECTION WINDOW 3’-primer 5’ 3’ 5’ 3’ 5’ ELECTROKINETIC INJECTION 3’ SAMPLE DENATURE Expression of SIVA splice variants in healthy donor BM CD19+B cells Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell/Progenitor Sort Koichi Akashi Lab DFCI Sort purpose : Gene Analysis for PCR amplification Method: 1.Extract cells from Bone marrow (5 mice) 2.Enrich target cells by depleting Lineage Positive cells using rat antibodies specific for lineage markers such as T-cell, B-cell, granulocyte/macrophage and erythrocyte. For sorting HSCs & CLP, Lin markers include CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, B220, Gr-1, Ter119. 3.Magnetic bead deplete Lin+ cells using sheep anti-rat coated magnetic beads and collect negative fraction 4.Label with appropriate antibodies for HSC, CLP, or Myeloid progenitors Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell/Progenitor Sort Staining strategy HSCs and CLPs: FITC-Sca-1 bioinylated IL-7R+PE SAV APC-c-Kit Myeloid progenitors: FITC CD34 PE-Fcg RII/III APC-c-Kit PE-Cy7-Sca-1 Add Propidium Iodide (PI) 1ug/ml final concentration to exclude dead cells Keep sample on ice until and during analysis and sorting. Lin+ cells are stained to be Pe-CY5+ Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell/Progenitor Sort Gating Strategy Doublet Discrimination PI Neg Lin Neg Myeloid progenitors are sorted as Lin-Sca-1-c-kit+CD34+FcgRlo (CMP), Lin-Sca-1-c-kit+CD34+FcgRhi (GMP) and as Lin-Sca-1-ckit+CD34-FcgRlo (MEP). HSC and CLP are isolatable as Lin-/loSca-1hic-kithiIL-7R- and Lin-Sca1loc-kitloIL-7R+ populations, respectively Murine Bone Marrow Staining Strategy Koichi Akashi Lab Murine Bone Marrow Staining Strategy Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell/Progenitor Sort Pre sort Instrument Set-UP Procedure Verify stable sort streams : 4 Way spread out wide Select Parameters necessary Run Auto Compensation program - unstained control for PMT balance and adjust scatter gate to include dead and live cells - scan each stained B220 spleen sample for intensity of stain and uncomped overlap adjust if necessary Then run Auto Comp : Run PI last Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell/Progenitor Sort Pre sort Instrument Set-UP Procedure II Rerun single color controls through all 2 parameter combo matrix Display using normal and then Biexponential Display to check for under or over compensation Adjust compensation if required and apply to global instrument settings Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell/Progenitor Sort Pre sort Instrument Set-UP Procedure III Compensation Verification 0% Comp 3% Comp Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell/Progenitor Sort Pre sort Instrument Set-UP Procedure III Final Pre-check Place tubes in sort holders Turn on test stream Open Deflection Plate Door Turn on test streams : check for Arcing Open waste drawer: Center sort streams in each tube Close drawer/door and test streams Place siliconized eppendorf tubes in sample collection holder Run sample set up sort gates Sort one or two rounds of additional sorting of same gates to eliminate contaminating cells and doublets Wash with 75% ethanol and saline between each round to eliminate residual cells Gating sequence Murine Bone Marrow Myeloid Progenitor Sorting on FACSAria Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell/Progenitor Sort References 1. Kondo M, Weissman IL, Akashi K. Identification of clonogenic common lymphoid progenitors in mouse bone marrow. Cell. 1997;91:661-672. 2. Akashi K, Traver D, Miyamoto T, Weissman IL. A clonogenic common myeloid progenitor that gives rise to all myeloid lineages. Nature. 2000;404:193-197. 3. Miyamoto T, Weissman IL, Akashi K. AML1/ETOexpressing nonleukemic stem cells in acute myelogenous leukemia with 8;21 chromosomal translocation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000;97:7521-7526. Sorting is believing Sorting of rare event populations allow further determination of functional activity Validation of Sort via model rare event sorting is essential Experiment feed back aids in future experiment design strategy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SINGAPORE BOSTON Jay Dong Melinda Leong Gerard Chew All of you (Course Organizers, Attendees and Participants) for your interest in flow cytometry! Suzan Lazo-Kallanian Jerome Ritz Ken Anderson Jim Griffin Lee Nadler All HemNeo Flow P.I’s and Users All Boston BD Staff – Paul Melanson, Michelle LeQue – Randy Offord, Stephanie Ventullo GERARD TEOH (for being a good guy)