Create a Journal in the RIAS Application

User Guide
Creating an Online Journal
in the RIAS Application
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct 15, 2009
Online Journal ................................................................................................................................................1
Window Navigation on the Journal Screen .................................................................................................2
Toolbar Icons .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Journal Header Information .........................................................................................................................4
Journal Entry Lines .......................................................................................................................................6
Non - Enterable Journal Header Fields .....................................................................................................12
Adding an Attachment .................................................................................................................................13
File Attachment........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Short and Long Text Attachment ................................................................................................................................ 16
Finding/Modifying/Deleting Journal Entries ............................................................................................18
Find/View a Journal Entry .......................................................................................................................................... 18
RUGL Journal Inquiry ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Journal Details ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Modifying a Journal Entry .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Open Fiscal Period .......................................................................................................................................27
Change Fiscal Period .................................................................................................................................................. 27
Reversing a Journal .....................................................................................................................................29
Reasons for Reversing a Journal ................................................................................................................................. 29
Reversing a Journal Manually..................................................................................................................................... 29
Deleting a Journal ........................................................................................................................................33
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Online Journal
To enter an online journal, you must sign into the RIAS application. From the Portal
Page, select the RIAS Home Page link. On the Home Page select RU GL Journal.
RU GL Journal – A person assigned to this role is either a Preparer or an
Approver who can create actuals, manual encumbrances or non salary
budget adjustments. The access that has been assigned to you
determines whether you can only prepare or approve/prepare journal
Under the Journals section, select Enter to create an Actuals journal. If you were
creating a Manual Encumbrance journal, you would select Encumbrance.
The Find Journals screen appears. The Find Journals screen allows a user to find an
existing journal entry or enter a new journal entry.
To create a new journal entry,
Click on New Batch.
Then Select Journals. If a period is not showing in the period field, select the
open period using the period drop down box. This will bring up a journal
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct.15, 2009
Window Navigation on the Journal Screen
A Menu Bar is used to edit, save, and view data as well as to perform other
A Toolbar is a collection of icons for commonly used functions.
Minimum/Maximum/Close button minimizes, maximizes and closes a current
Message Line displays information, warnings or errors.
Toolbar Icons
New Record
Opens a new record in an active form or adds
another line in a journal or for an attachment in the
attachment screen.
Used to do a search.
Show Navigator
Returns to the Navigator window
Saves changes to a journal.
Next Step
Updates the Process workflow in the Navigator by
advancing to the next step in the process. (Not used
for Journals)
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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Switch Responsibility
Allows a user to switch to another responsibility if
the user has more than one responsibility.
Prints a copy of the active window.
Close Form
Closes all windows in the active screen.
Removes the current selection and places it in a
clipboard. (Not for use with Journals)
Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
Pastes from the clipboard into a specified field.
Clear Record
Erases the current record from the active window.
Deletes the current record from the database.
Edit Field
Allows user to edit current field.
Invokes customer–defined Zoom (drill–down
behavior). (Not for use with Journals)
Invokes the Translation window. (Not for use with
Allows user to add attachments to a journal.
Folder Tools
Enables tools for folder adjustments. (Not for use
with Journals)
Window Help
Displays the help window.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct.15, 2009
Journal Header Information
The Journal Header has different colored fields.
All boxes highlighted in yellow are required fields.
White fields are optional with the exception of Description.
At Rutgers University, the Description field must be filled in.
Beige fields provided information and are not enterable.
When you enter a journal in the base application, you must start with
Category. The categories to choose from are:
RU Actuals Journal
RU Encumbrance
Depending on the type of journal you are creating will determine which
category you select from the drop down box. The Category type can also be
typed in directly. RU Actuals Journal will be used for demonstration
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct.15, 2009
The Journal Name defaults with system generated numbers.
The Period defaults to the current period.
The Effective Date defaults to the current date.
Source defaults to Manual. The Source indicates how the journal was
created or the type of journal.
Journal was created using Web ADI – the Source = Spreadsheet
Journal was a Budget Journal - the Source = Budget
Journal was an Encumbrance Journal – the Source =Encumbrance
Balance Type defaults to Actual.
Enter Description. This field is required. The description field is 240
This description should describe the purpose of the Journal.
10. Reference – the system will generate a number and populate this field after
the journal has been created and sent for approval. This number will appear
in your notifications and can be used to search for the journal in the
11. Clearing Company is used for inter fund journals/accounting. This field
will not be used at Rutgers University.
12. Control Total - The application verifies that the Control Total equals the
journal total and ensures that the debits and credits on the journal equal the
Control Total.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Journal Entry Lines
13. Enter a Line number, best to use increments of 5, so that if you add
additional lines between existing lines, the application will renumber the
lines for you. Notice the Line and Account fields are now yellow (indicates
Required fields) and the Description from the Journal Header Information
populates to the Line Description.
14. Enter a Fund Source (Account) number. The account number consists of the
Chart of Accounts six segment structure: Fund Group, Fund Source,
Organization, Natural Account, Project and Future Use. A Preparer can
type the number in directly, including the dashes, or select the account by
clicking in the Account field to get the drop down box, select the account
needed and click OK.
15. The Preparer is responsible for entering information in Fund Source,
Organization, and Natural Account. Fund Group, Project and Future Use
default to zero. If a Preparer is entering a journal for Plant/Construction
accounts, then the Fund Group must be changed to 07 (Construction
Funds) when working with accounts 778XXX and 779XXX or 17 (BOG
Construction and R&R Funds) when working with accounts 771XXX and
773XXX by the Preparer. In addition, a Preparer can type in information in
one of the fields and use the Combinations button to bring up a list of valid
account combinations and select the account needed. Notice the Account
description defaults to the account that you selected. See slide with step 14.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
16. Enter Debit amount – 1000.
17. Click in the small field
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Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
after the description.
18. The Enter Journal Lines screen appears.
All the fields are optional on this screen. Any information can be entered in:
Dept Activity 1 – 30 characters
Dept Activity 2 – 30 characters
Cross Reference - 15 characters
Some examples are Projects, PO or Invoice information.
Alternate Approver – If Preparer wishes to select a different
Approver other than the Approver assigned in the Preparer’s
requisition hierarchy, a name can be selected from the drop down
list. An Alternate Approver only has to be selected once and it
must be selected on the first line entry; it is not needed on every line
19. Move to the next row and enter the Credit amount in the same as Steps 13-18.
20. Click the Save icon
21. A decision box will appear if the debits and credits do not equal on the
journal. Select No and fix the error in the journal.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
22. When ready to submit the journal for approval, select the Reserve Funds
button at the bottom of the journal to activate the Approve button.
23. A note appears advising you your transaction(s) passed funds reservations.
Select OK.
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Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
24. Then you select the Approve button. This will submit the journal to the
Approver. The Approve button can be selected either on the journal screen
or the batch screen.
25. After select Approve a note will appear advising you that the journal was
sent to your Approver.
26. After you submit your journal for approval, the system assigns a document
number in the journal header section which you can use as search criteria to
find your journal in the application at a later date.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Non - Enterable Journal Header Fields
Conversion Section is used to convert foreign currency transactions to your
functional currency. This section is non applicable to Rutgers University as the
currency will default to US dollars.
Currency defaults to US dollars.
Date defaults to current date.
Type defaults to user.
Rate defaults to 1.
Status Section gives status about the journal.
Posting indicates if a journal has been posted or not. The system
automatically generates the status. If this field displays an error message
refer to the Error User Guide for details.
Funds is non applicable. The University is not using funds checking.
Approval indicates whether a journal has been approved or not. System
generated status.
Reverse Section is a future functionality and should only be used during Trial
Balance time. This future functionality allows you to create a journal and set it
for reversal in the next month.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Adding an Attachment
An attachment can be added to any unposted or unapproved journal. Anyone can
view an attachment. More than one attachment can be added to a journal.
Adding an attachment is optional. Once a journal has been submitted to an
Approver there is a 30 minute window given to add an attachment. If the journal
was created directly in the RIAS application, a Preparer can add an attachment
before or after submitting the journal to the Approver. If the journal was created
using the Web ADI (Excel) template, the Preparer has to login to the RIAS
application, search for the journal and then add the attachment.
The attachment icon (the paperclip)
up the Attachment Screen.
on the toolbar is used to bring
If the Preparer is adding an attachment after the journal lines are
created, the journal must be saved first, before the attachment icon
can be used. To activate the attachment icon, the Preparer can click
on any field in the header section of the journal. Then the Preparer
can click on the attachment icon to add an attachment.
In the RIAS application, if the Preparer wants to add an
attachment after submitting the journal to the Approver, the
Preparer can click on the attachment icon directly as the
attachment icon will automatically be activated.
If the Preparer created the journal using the Web ADI (Excel)
template, the Preparer has to login to the RIAS application, and
search for the journal. The Preparer can click on the attachment
icon directly as the attachment icon will automatically be
On the Attachment screen, all fields in yellow are required fields. The
system automatically generates a sequence number. The attachment
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
screen defaults to 4 lines for attachments but you could add more by
selecting the new record icon
first icon on the tool bar. You can
select the category type from a drop down box or type it in directly. The
Category type for an attachment is Journal.
Enter a Description of your attachment. The description field is
240 characters.
Select a Data Type. There are four types of attachments that can
be added to a journal:
Long Text
Short Text
Web Page – Is Not recommended
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
File Attachment
Selecting File allows a file from your desktop to be uploaded
Browse your documents to find the file that needs to be attached and
Select OK.
A File upload completed successfully message will appear. Close this screen.
A Decision box appears. Select Yes.
Save your Journal by clicking on the Save icon
on the toolbar. The
Preparer does not have the option of removing the check in the May Be
Changed box. This option allows the Approver an opportunity to make
changes to the attachment.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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If you search for this journal again (See steps under Find/View Journal)
the Data Type would indicate File and the Attachment Icon
would indicate an attachment.
The Document Catalog and Publish to Catalog are not used by Rutgers
To view an attachment, highlight the line of the attachment you want to
view and select Open Document.
Short and Long Text Attachment
When you select Long Text or Short Text as a Data Type, the text field
turns yellow.
You can begin typing in the yellow box to add text as your attachment.
Short Text is 80 characters
Long Text is 240 characters
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
When you are finished entering your text, select the Save icon
the toolbar to complete the attachment.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Finding/Modifying/Deleting Journal Entries
Any journal can be viewed in the RIAS application. Only Unposted and journals
not submitted for approval can be modified or deleted. Posted and approved
journals can not be modified or deleted. Correcting a journal entry that has been
posted or approved, requires the creation of another journal entry.
Find/View a Journal Entry
To modify a journal you need to locate it in the RIAS application.
To find a particular Journal, select More from the Find Journals screen.
On the Find Journals screen, enter selection criteria to narrow down
your search results. Some fields you can use are:
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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Batch Field - After creating a journal using WEB ADI, (the Excel
template) a System Generated Value or Journal Import Request ID
is generated. This information can be placed in the Batch field.
General Ledger Period
d. *Reference – Using the Reference Number is the recommended
method to use to find a journal. After you create a journal, it is
assigned a Journal ID#. This number will be in your
notifications on the RIAS Gateway. This number can be used to
locate your journal in the application when you enter it in the
Reference field.
Dates Created
Click Find.
A list of journals on the RU Journal Page that matched the search criteria
you used is returned.
Highlight the journal on the RU Journal Page to view and select Review
Journal. You are able to view the header and line information of the
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
If you click the small field
to the left of the Batch Status field,
the system will go directly to the Journal.
RUGL Journal Inquiry
The RUGL Journal Inquiry is a search feature in the General Ledger. The RUGL
Journal Inquiry searches for journals that have been created and saved, approved,
rejected, or in process, and posted or un-posted.
Select the RUGL Journal Inquiry link, located under the RU GL Journal section
on the RIAS home page, to display the Advanced Search screen.
The defaulted parameters are shown below.
Ref# -- the number assigned to the journal in your notification
Date Created – the date the journal was created
Journal Type – Actual, Budget or Encumbrance
Batch control DR $ -- the debit amount of the journal
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Use one or more of the default parameters or add additional parameters to
create a search. For example, add another date created parameter by selecting
the Add button to create a date range. Also add the Preparer NetID parameter,
and enter your NetID. This will identify journals prepared by you for a specific
time period. Review the results to see if your journals have been approved and
posted to the General Ledger or if some action still needs to be taken.
In addition, a search can be narrowed down further by using the drop down boxes
next to any parameter.
After parameters have been selected, click on Go to start the search. The search
results are listed at the bottom of the screen.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Below is a list of the other parameters which can be used in a search.
Alt Approver – the Alternate Approver’s name
Alt Approver NetID – the Alternate Approver’s NetID
Approval Status – Approved, Rejected, In Process or Rejected
Batch Control CR $ -- the credit amount of the journal
Batch Name – used by Central Accounting
Category – RU Actuals, RU Budget Permanent or Temporary Adjustment or
RU Manual Encumbrance
Date Posted – the date the journal was posted to the General Ledger
Journal Name – used by Central Accounting
Journal Source –Manual for a journal created directly in the application,
Spreadsheet for a journal created using Web ADI, Budget for a Budget journal
or Encumbrance for an Encumbrance journal
Parent Ref# -- used by Central Accounting
Period – the fiscal period the journal was created in
Posting Status – Posted or Un-posted
Preparer – the Preparer’s last name
Preparer NetID – the Preparer’s NetID
Another way to search is to use the Simple Search button
. This
will display all available parameters at once. After information has been entered
in one or more parameters, select Go to start the search. The search results are
listed at the bottom of the screen.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Note: Additional parameters cannot be added to a Simple Search or the ability to
create a date range for a journal (s).
Journal Details
Once you have selected your journal to review, you will be able to see the journal
details. You can view:
Attachments, if the attachment icon looks like this
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Purpose of the Journal
Account Numbers and Amounts
Dept. Activity One, Dept. Activity Two and Cross Reference information
if you click on the small field after the line description
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Modifying a Journal Entry
You can change information on an Unposted journal or a journal not
submitted for approval. Some information that can be changed is
amount, account, approver or description. Navigate to the Find Screen,
enter selected criteria and click Find. Locate the journal that needs to be
Select the Unreserve Funds button either on the Journal or Batch screen.
Now the journal can be modified and resubmitted to the Approver. If
you are an Approver, you first select the Unapprove button, then
Unreserve Funds. Then modify the journal. As an Approver, if you are
at the top of the Approver hierarchy for your department, you will need
to select an Alternate Approver; otherwise the journal will go to the
“Catcher’s Mitt”. The journal will be rejected and sent back to you to
select the Alternate Approver.
If you modify the line description in the header and you want the same
information to be reflected in the line description, you will have to
modify each line description as well.
To insert a new record in between existing lines, position your cursor on
the line in which you want to insert a record. Select the new entry icon
from the toolbar. You can also select the line underneath the last
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Enter new data in the appropriate fields of line 2.
Account Number
Credit Amount
Change line three credit amounts to 500, so credits equal debits.
Save your work.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Open Fiscal Period
When you create a journal with Web ADI, the Preparer must select an open period.
Generally there is only one open period to choose from with the exception of Trial Balance
time, where you will see June Adjusted and July. If you create a journal directly in the RIAS
application, the open period is automatically populated. An Approver can not approve a
journal after an open period that the Preparer selected is closed. A journal can not post to a
closed period.
The Approver has two options, either change the period to the current open period and
submit the journal to their Approver or reject the journal and have the Preparer change the
period when the reject notification appears in their FYI notifications.
Change Fiscal Period
To change a fiscal period, select Unreserve Funds from either the Journals screen or the
Batch screen.
A note screen appears advising you that your transaction(s) passed unreservation.
Select OK.
Select Change Period from either the Journals screen or the Batch screen.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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Enter in the new fiscal period.
The new fiscal period selected will appear in the period field on the journal.
Resubmit your journal for approval.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
Reversing a Journal
A journal can be reversed manually through the RIAS application.
You cannot select specific lines on a journal for reversal. All lines on a
journal will be reversed.
You can reverse a journal to an open period.
You can reverse a reversing journal.
Reversing journals go through the approval hierarchy or you can change the
Approver by following step 15 under the Journal Lines section of this
The Reverse button has been removed from the system. The Approve button
has been relocated to its place.
To reverse a journal that has already been approved and posted to the
General Ledger, a new journal must be created.
Reasons for Reversing a Journal
You decide a particular journal in its entirety should not have been entered
or has been entered incorrectly.
A particular journal has been duplicated (submitted twice) and both the
original and the duplicate have been posted.
It is year end, during the adjusting period and you are working on your
account balances.
Reversing a Journal Manually
Navigate to the Find Screen. Select New Batch.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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Then Select Journals. If a period is not showing in the period field,
select the open period using the period drop down box. This will bring
up a journal screen.
Switch the debits and credits from the journal that needs to be reversed
on the journal lines.
Please note: The Reversal area in the upper-right hand corner of a journal is a future
functionality and should only be used during Trial Balance time. This future
functionality allows you to create a journal and set it for reversal in the next month.
Next select the Reserve Funds button.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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A note appears advising you your transaction(s) passed funds
reservations. Select OK.
Then you select the Approve button. This will submit the reversal
journal to the Approver. The Approve button can be selected either on
the journal screen or batch screen.
After selecting Approve, a note will appear advising you that the
journal was sent to your Approver.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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Deleting a Journal
Navigate to the Find Screen, enter the selection criteria and click Find.
(Steps one to five in the Find/View a Journal Entry section).
Locate the journal to be deleted on the RU Journal Page. Select Review
Journal. Remember that only a journal not submitted for approval can
be deleted or if a journal has been rejected.
Select the Unreserve Funds button either on the Journal or Batch screen.
The journal can now be deleted using the delete icon
A decision box will appear. Select Yes.
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
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on the
Creating an Online Journal version 13 – Oct. 15, 2009
Posted on Site – Oct. 15, 2009
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